World Domination System

Chapter 946 Impasse

Daneel’s words were followed by a bout of silence during which the two major social and economic classes of the continent of Angaria stared at each other, aghast, as the differences between them were brought forth in the clearest way yet.

On one side were the people, who were, at first, extremely shocked, as they could never have expected that it would be the continent’s Big Four who they would go up against.

Perhaps, it could be said that the Big Four, as opponents, elicited more fear and uncertainty than anything that the Church could have, especially as they were now- unknown.

Just as it could be said that one always feared the unknown, it could also be said that a known demon who had a past of indiscriminately killing scores of them would strike more fear than an unknown one whom they had yet to see and understand.

In the latter case, they could at least gloss over the details and blindly trust in the King to make a difference, even at the cost of their lives, but in the case of the was different.

Daneel watched as the expressions changed on the millions who were standing below him.

There were two kinds of change: one was the sort where the halo that had always existed around the entity known as the Big Four was recalled, causing panic and fear to kick in the hearts of those who had already been afraid, and the other was the sort where the people seemed excited, and even thankful, as something that they had never thought would happen was coming to life right in front of them.

The second sort were in the minority, and of course, both of these changes were preceded by expressions of shock, which needed quite some time to get over.

While this was the case among the common people, over on the Big Four’s side, two kinds of changes in expressions could also be seen.

One was the expected sort: the fury that had been caused by Daneel’s actions rose to a new level, as now, their very identity was being threatened.

This was the first thing that became clear to all, and ordinarily, it would have resulted in this kind of change in the majority.

What Daneel was proposing was a complete overhaul of the system that had stood for eons in Angaria, and clearly, that would break apart the pedestal that the Big Four were on.

No longer would they have the right to look down on everyone else.

No longer would they have unlimited resources waiting to be obtained.

And no longer would they be able to wake up and feel fortunate to be a part of the upper class of Angaria, where their long and happy life was pretty much guaranteed.

All of these thoughts had definitely appeared in the minds of most from the Big Four, and this could be seen in the way their eyes flashed to show fear, and the unwillingness to let go of something they had taken for granted. was easy for one to forget that quite a considerable portion of the members of the Big Four were from the central continent.

Right after the realization of his proposal became clear to them, the memories of how much they had been looked down upon came to light, and hence, conflicted expressions could be seen on those who had still not forgotten where they came from.

The pain of being in a place where one was never welcomed, and always disdained, as if they were but a stain on the earth where they stood, was something that could cut deep into one’s soul.

Seeing this pain in the members of the Big Four, Daneel was reminded of the system on Earth where many had to emigrate to foreign places with the dream of obtaining a better life.

True, they would find what they wished for, and true, in many cases, there wasn’t the disdain that was present here.

But where it did rear its could be said that the people would feel as if they were living in a burning forest which hurt, but which was the only place they could be, as the alternative was the sea, in which they would drown.

In this sea was also the home they had left, but going back was not an option for many for many reasons, and hence, they could only shelve their emotions and look forward to the day when they could return to a place they could say they truly belonged to.

It was different for those who had gone to a place where they were welcomed which they truly made their own, but at least in Angaria, that was definitely not the case.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, here!"

Daneel snapped out of the reverie he had gone into when a voice sounded over the battlefield, followed by the appearance of the Head, who had an alarmed expression on his face.

As all thoughts of Earth left his mind, Daneel raised an eyebrow, and waited for the man to speak.

Before he could, though, over a hundred individuals appeared all around him, and a bevy of angry shouts were thrown in Daneel’s direction.

"You can’t be serious! What kind of a stunt is this? Everyone should disperse, right now!"

Among them all, this one was the loudest, and unsurprisingly, it was from someone he had met only a few days back- the sitting leader of the Sect of Hedon.

The rest of the statements were also similar- they demanded an explanation, and also said that if this was a joke, then it was one in poor taste. Some also said that he was crazy, but these individuals were in the minority, and they were mostly Fighters who had completely lost their temper and had swelled up so much with anger that it looked like they would burst like a ripe tomato at any second.

Daneel waited for the shouts to subside patiently, and it was as if his silence was more effective than anything he could have said. Every second the Heroes looked into his eyes, it was as if they were being scorched by an unknown force, and finally, silence once again tightened its hold over the vast area.

And in this silence, Daneel spoke.

"I was going to go into this later. But since we are at an impasse, let me give a short version, before the battle commences. First, let me bring up some very interesting data..."

That last line almost felt like one Daneel would have said if his life had gone its natural course, leading him to some cushy corporate job, but the moment the data popped up in the air in large letters, gasps could be heard from those standing on the ground.

"Average Lifespan of Residents of the Central Continent: 85 years.

Average Lifespan of Residents of the Big Four: 287 years."

A difference of three times.

It was something that everyone had always known, but with it being shown in this way...the divide that it represented seemed as if it had been dragged beneath the sun from the dark.

"If it’s just this, it could be said that it is because of talent. But, let me introduce you to a few people..."

With a flick of his finger, over 30,000 people appeared in the air below Daneel.

Almost all of these people had white hair and looked as if they approaching the evening of their lives, and for some reason, their faces were filled with regret.

Waving his hand in their direction, he said, "These people are a small fraction of those who represent the biggest problem in Angaria. And do you know what it is? I’ll let them tell you..."

As soon as he said this, all thirty thousand took a deep breath before shouting at the same time, and their words thundered over the battlefield.


It was powerful. 30,000 wizened man, who could have been in the prime of their lives, right now, if they had broken through, as only a third of their lives would have elapsed by now.

Alas, instead, they were bent over, bald, and approaching the end.

"These, and many more, all had inferior talent, but if given the opportunity, they would have been able to more than make up for it with hard work. Instead, it was decided that it was useless, and that it was better to utilize those resources on someone with better talent who might or might not become a Champion. Tell me...who do you think you are to decide this? Who do you think you are to take away hundreds of years from all these people, who were born to the same Mother, and who have an equal right to all that she has given? Answer me!"

Daneel’s words were spoken in a tone filled with rage that was being concealed.

He...was genuinely pissed off.

In an instant, he flew down into the force he had gathered.

"This is Jake. He is a hard worker, but also has inferior talent. He’s only a potter, but if given the means, he can become a Warrior. But instead...he will die at the age of 90."

"This is Jessica. She is just one grade away from the cut off which accepts people into sects. She can struggle for Energy resources, and if she is lucky, she might obtain some. Even then, it will be very, very difficult for her to become a Warrior. She will die at the age of 93, wishing she had had help when she was young, so that she could have broken through."

"This is Roger..."

"This is Hannibal..."

"This is Lizzie..."

Person after person. Story after story. Each one made blood begin to pump in the bodies of the common people, as their fate, which they had accepted, was shown to them.

After many, many people, Daneel finally stopped at the back of the force, from where he picked up someone who startled all those who were watching.

It was a little girl who probably wasn’t even 12 years old, and as she was flown into the air, panic appeared on her face.

However, Daneel reassuringly caught her hand to give her courage, and asked, "Little Freia. Tell me...why are you here?"

She was afraid, at first, but it was as if Daneel’s eyes had some sort of power which made her put aside that fear, and speak.

"I...I want to fight. My mom and dad are fighting, and I want to fight too. I want to fight...because they said that this is for our future. I...want my little brother to have a happy life. So, I want to fight. Please...can I? I even sneaked into training, so I know what to do!"

Her voice was slightly high-pitched, but her courage could be heard by all.

However, Daneel surprised everyone by asking, "I know there’s a different reason, little one. Tell me what it is."

This made the little girl blush and almost want to hide, but again, the King’s eyes worked their magic.

It took her a few moments, but after that, she said, "Th-they tested me when I was 10, and said that I can never be a good Mage, or Fighter. I said I want to become a warrior. They said it will never happen, and that I would never be able to get Energy. Even if I worked hard, they said that I would, at most, become an Eminent Human. I-I begged that it would be enough. B-but they laughed at me and threw me out, saying that...I’m a worthless insect who would only waste the resources. I felt that this might be the only chance for me to fight, so, I snuck in..."

Freia’s words...made millions of tears appear, at once, among all the people who had gathered.

It was her words that finally seemed to strike home.

She was a child whose fate had been decided, and whose dreams had been crushed...all due to a decision that was out of their hands.

"Now, if you’re fine with living in such a world, then you can all go back. But if you wish for change...then your opponent is in front of you. Little Freia...what do you want to do?"

With bated breath, it was as if the entire army was waiting for the decision of the little girl.

She felt crushing pressure on her shoulders, but all of it disappeared as she looked into the King’s reassuring eyes.

From a concealed place, she took out a bent sword that didn’t even have an edge.

Holding it aloft, she shouted, "CHARGE!"

For a moment, there was silence, and then...all hell broke loose.

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