World Domination System

Chapter 926 The Legacy Disciple has Arrived 1

As Daneel’s words started to echo throughout all of the halls of the Fortress of Solitude, a voice spoke up in his head.

"Was that really necessary, Young king?"

Happily laughing to himself, Daneel said, "Yes! That felt so damn good! And what’s going to follow should be equally fun..."

He still remembered, to this day, how almost everyone had protested when the voice of the ancestor had spoken out to deem him as the legacy disciple to whom everyone should kneel to as he had won the legacy battle, which had not seen a victor in a very long time. Apparently, the reason that everyone had forgotten that this was the main objective behind even holding it, so being shocked into finding out that they should follow the commands of a mere Warrior, no one had been able to sit still.

Now, though... They would kneel, or be made to kneel.

Hearing him, Drakos replied, "Then I’m excited too, Young king. I still remember going out on conquests with my father - one of the things that he liked most was to free a place that was under the clutches of a despot, by flattening them in front of the people who were being oppressed for so long, thereby giving them the strength to lead a new life. He mostly only obtained enjoyment from the latter, but it was obvious that the former was also quite fun to do - maybe that was why he never let us interfere. In fact, even if the power level difference was high, he would give the other person a fair chance by saying that he would level it out so that the fight would only be on terms of skill, which would give them confidence that would be crushed to great effect."

Hearing this, a thoughtful look came a Daneel’s face, while he also felt happy that he had decided to bring the Ancient Dragon out.

He had really missed having this wise voice in his head, and hence, he had made a short trip to the place where he had left him - it was with his lover, who had complained that he was taking him away just at the moment when things were going to get spicy.

It had been a jest, and if Daneel had still been the same person as before, he might have been quite embarrassed.

Now, though, he simply gave the retort that he was sorry as it must be hard for someone so old to get it on, which had led to quite a funny reaction, as the Empire Spirit had gone numb.

Loving the look on her face as she was surprised about how such a large change could have come over anyone in such short time, he had chuckled and then left to arrive here, and bellowed the statement which he had also made sure would reverberate as much as possible so that it would be heard by all of the residents of the Fortress.

Before he could give his response to the Dragon, though, the tranquillity of the Fortress which had returned after his declaration was broken once again as droves after droves of people started to fly out to look for whoever had had the gall to say something so demeaning to a place so prestigious.

"Who is it? Who has come asking to be crushed so early in the morning?"

"I just ate my breakfast, so I’m itching to give a morning beatdown! Who dares to look down on the Fortress?"

"Whoever you are, this is the last day that you will walk on two legs for a long, long time! And that’s IF there’s even a body left atop those legs after I’m done with you!"

Shouts like these could be heard from the group who had just come out, and Daneel looked on with an amused expression as each of them laid their eyes on him, remembered who he was and what he represented, and became quiet.

These people had also been present during the war, and even if a few had somehow not participated in that event, they had definitely been told about what had happened. True, they still did not know the identity of the organization that had come out from the darkness to help and guide Angaria in its time of need, but they did know that Daneel was the one who had stolen the show with his actions.

From his investigations, he knew that the consensus regarding him in the Big Four was a bit different from what it was in the Order: in the Order, because of the kind of organization it was, there were mostly only people who based their decisions on skills and worth, instead of useless things like place of origin. It was nothing surprising to see someone from the Central Continent achieving great things by entering the Order, and so, he had never been looked down upon due to that reason- besides, with hidden identities, there was no question of it happening, anyway, but even if he had ascended to the higher levels where this was not the case, it would not have happened.

In the Big Four, though, the very notion to do so had been imprinted into most people ever since their birth, both because of their upbringing, and the general environment which dictated that they were superior in all ways to anyone who came from such a destitute place(in terms of power).

Hence, he had found out that even though a lot of people had grudgingly agreed that his selfless actions had to be commended, there was little direct support like what he had seen in the Order.

It had actually made him value what he had found in the Order more, and rethink his views on all of the people like the old healer who had gone out on a limb to show their gratitude.

While his thoughts flowed in this fashion, more and more people kept coming out of the Fortress, and soon, it looked as if the entire place must be empty. The pride of being a part of the Big Four was so strong that even those of the Human level appeared to defend it, and although it was commendable, today... They would all be having their attitudes adjusted.

Daneel didn’t really blame them for not remembering right away about what had happened during the Legacy Battle based on his words, but he would definitely have conjured a few hammers if people still didn’t remember after seeing his face. Luckily for them, there was no one who acted as if they didn’t recall, as everyone fell silent but still continued to glare at him, as if waiting for someone to step out and not care about what he had done, and what the ancestor had said.

Daneel actually wished that there was someone like that, as he could use that person as an example. Sadly, though, before it could happen, the Chief appeared.

The old man was in his shrivelled up state, and at first, it looked as if even he had been quite livid due to the fact that someone had spoken in that manner to his home.

However, the moment he saw Daneel, all of the anger left his face, and it even brightened up like a Christmas tree.

Daneel had considered whether to tell this man beforehand, but he had decided that he would see what the reaction would be, even though he had already displayed his intentions quite clearly before.

Thankfully, it looked like he hadn’t judged the old man wrong, because he, in turn, came to Daneel’s side and turned around to shout, "You heard him! The legacy disciple is here! He outranks each and every one of you lot, so you better listen to him! Kneel!"

Saying so, he did something which made many, many jaws drop in the group which had numerous faces filled with unwillingness and indecisiveness.

The old man turned a bit...and knelt, making sure that he was half facing Daneel while still being visible completely to those of the Fortress who had followed him until now.

Daneel could have let this go on, but he didn’t. He knew when to prolong a moment like this, and when that wasn’t the right thing to do, so not even a second after the Chief’s actions, he stepped forward and raised him by the shoulders before saying, "I knew I would have your support. But... It appears that we do not have a consensus about what the rest of the Fortress should be doing..."

As his words trailed off, one of those in the group finally built up enough courage to speak.

"And why should we kneel? Yes, you won the Legacy battle, and yes, we heard the ancestor. We also know about what you did to save the continent, but at the end of the day, you’re still only a Peak Champion! And you’re not even a fourth of the age of most of us! What makes you think that you can walk all over us? The Fortress has always represented pride, and this pride says that I would sooner die! I will never kneel to someone I do not respect! And I think I speak for everyone when I say this!"

Many nods could be seen in the group, and although the sentiment did not seem to be universal, it appeared that his words even began to sway a few who had been on the fence. Of course, there were some who did not look like they shared this sentiment at all, but it was clear that they would not be speaking out, lest they be mobbed by the others, who were higher in number.

Daneel stepped forward in the air at this juncture, and with the Chief behind him, he spoke.

"Arrogance is a disease that has held sway over the Big Four for far too long. Right now, I have taken it upon myself to cure all of you of it - and I decided that I would start with the Fortress, where I have a legitimate claim which was not honored all those years ago. I’ve come back to collect that debt, and whether it be in peace or by war, I will do so. Now then... Yes, I’m only a Peak Champion, but when all of you were unconscious, I was the Peak Champion who went up against an Eminent Hero and held my ground. As for age- I agree that those who have lived for longer might have more wisdom than me, and I would be the first to give them the respect they deserve, but right now, all I see are those who are stuck in ways which no longer need to exist, and in egos which need to be crushed, if this continent that the Fortress has sworn to protect is to be saved. I don’t speak about everyone... But it appears that many of you have many different reasons not to kneel. Well, today, I offer you the chance of your life: let us fight. Just like before, here is my challenge: All of you... against little old me. Now, we have two options here: I can either use what I have..."

With a pause, Daneel flicked his fingers, and as a 100 individuals appeared in the air, a pressure that was heavier than anything that most in the group below had felt appeared in the atmosphere.

It was so strong that the Humans and the Warriors in the group even started to fly to the ground as if they had been flies that had been swatted. They only managed to right themselves when they were just a few feet above the ground, and even the Champions had to work very, very had to stand in place.

Dread appeared in their eyes, and there was even fear in many, which they tried to hide, but were unsuccessful in doing so.

With another flick of his finger, though, they were gone, and Daneel continued.

"...or we can have a different kind of fight where we only fight with techniques and skill, and not power. Just like in the Legacy Battle, I have a way in which each and every one of us can only put forth the power of a Human, so we can fight in that manner. I think this should is the best, as even the Warriors and Humans can easily join in, and we can all have a merry time. Choose."

"The second one!"

"Of course the second one, I don’t wanna die!"

"The second one!"

The Chief spoke from behind Daneel to say, "I guess the choice has been made," and in response, Daneel flicked his fingers again, as if he had been prepared.

At first, a few flinched, frightened that the Heroes might return to stomp them to the ground, but it was the Head who came.

Greeting the Chief, he raised his hand, and on the open land beside the Fortress, a large arena was laid out.

"Enter, and your power will be restricted. Accept the restriction voluntarily, or you will be disqualified. Break the restriction, and you will be teleported out."

Daneel simply flew to the center of the Arena and beckoned at the large group, and as if settling in for a good show, the Chief and the Head created chairs in the air on which they sat.

However, 10 minutes later, what they saw in front of them was so over-the-top that they were both standing and staring, with their jaws hanging loose.

The King...sat on a throne made of a thousand bodies.

Broken and battered, the mound atop which he sat lay unmoving, and repeatedly, he bellowed the same thing.


His words once again rang in all of the halls of the Fortress, but this time...there was no one who gave an answer.

Instead, those who were watching started to bend and kneel.

Seeing them do so with the utmost of reverence and respect, with tears in his eyes, the Chief spoke to himself.

"He has come. The Legacy finally here. Forefathers, I have fulfilled my duty! Finally, I can rest..."

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