World Domination System

Chapter 920 The Beggar

Sitting in front of his sovereigns, Daneel was staring into the air with vacant eyes, with his brow furrowed and his fingers tapping the armrest of his throne, while everyone waited for him to give the final go-ahead.

A day had passed since Dalia’s visit to Eastcliff village, and Eloise had had to spend some time calming down the little girl, as she had been disturbed by what she had experienced.

Daneel had also apologized, even though both Helena and Dalia had both said that it wasn’t needed, as he hadn’t thought that this kind of animosity would show itself.

A King’s apology was always a precious thing, and it was what made Dalia recover completely. It was obvious that this was also because of the profound respect she had always felt for him, and spotting this, Eloise had smiled, as she remembered when she had felt the same, back when the man had shown his golden heart by actually caring for the people instead of using the power he had obtained for his own selfish needs.

After recovering, Dalia had asked how the people could continue to think in that way, when it was a fact that they would be wiped out if they did nothing.

Hearing this, Daneel had given the answer.

"The issue is not that they do not understand what is at stake. These people...are sick of being scapegoats. During the regular battles that occurred between kingdoms, they would often be given very little training and placed on the front lines to pad out the numbers, and distract the enemies while the real soldiers did the killing. Even a goat would rather risk death at the hands of a hunter after living a short life rather than go out and act as bait to catch a lion. They have learned that they will only be used in that manner, so they made that choice. Go home, Dalia. I have high hopes for your future, and that is why I sent you on this small task- I’ve seen that you have a natural inclination towards leadership, so it is good if you are exposed to as many different kinds of people as possible in the course of you growing up."

After puffing up her chest with pride on hearing the King’s words, Dalia had nodded before bowing and departing with her mother, who had also seemed extremely happy on hearing the high praise bestowed by him on her daughter.

After this, Daneel had had the sovereigns carry out a few tasks so that they would be ready to proceed with whatever plan they chose, and now, everyone was waiting to hear his decision regarding just what that would be.

They had already extensively discussed all of the possible ways in which they could do it, but there had been no conclusion, as different sovereigns advocated for different things.

The elders, namely, Kellor, Luther, and Robert were of the opinion that it should be done in a patient manner, with support slowly building up, first, that would transform into worship when everyone realized that the King only had their wellbeing in his heart. According to them, if something had to last, then it had to be given time to take root, so the three of them had formed this group.

The more fiery ones, namely, Aran, Cassandra, and Elanev insisted that just like Daneel had been doing for all these years, shock and awe should be used to full effect, as that would also create a long-lasting impression that would not fade even if doubts appeared in one’s mind. According to them, he should perform some sort of godly miracle like smiting down evildoers, thereby instilling himself in everyone’s mind as a deity.

Finally, Eloise and Faxul were both as indecisive as Daneel, as they saw positives and negatives in both of these approaches. They were the ones who actually had the most experience in taking decisions like these, and all three of them had agreed on the fact that neither of these ways felt...right.

They had also come up with some unique ideas, with Eloise mentioning about how they could bring out a few tricks they had used before, such as the one where they acted as both the enemy and the savior, and Faxul talking about implementing a form of what was already present in the Black Raven Kingdom(i.e worship of the Black Raven) in this village, by adding memories discreetly, if possible, and then showing Daneel obtaining the acceptance of the entity they used in the place of the Black Raven.

At the end of the discussion, Daneel had gotten the thought that he had really not chosen wrongly when it came to his sovereigns, as here was a group who could break down a problem perfectly and look at it from all sides to get to the best solution.

Now, it was his job to take everything he had heard and use it to properly, so he was taking his time.

He wanted to do it right. He knew that what he chose here would become history, and also pave the way for his future endeavors.

True, Daneel could treat it as a test and half-ass it, but he knew that time was also of the essence- the Church wouldn’t be foolish to sit around and let him do as he wished, so it would be best if he could get it right the first time.

What did it mean to be a god?

This was the question he kept thinking of, while recalling all of his memories from Earth, and the thoughts he had had regarding this controversial topic when he had been on his home planet.

The choice he made would also represent himself, as it would be the personification of his heart and mind.

Looking within, Daneel continued to explore his thoughts which flowed in many directions, allowing them the freedom to go where they wished, so that he could discover what he wanted to do.

He considered the suggestions he had been given, one by one, picking out what he liked from them, but also identifying what he disliked.

As he was using the Basilisk’s Breath, he was able to take as long as he wished without making his sovereigns wait too much, and finally, after feeling as if he was hunting in vain for the answer that was so elusive that he might not find it, light suddenly shone through the darkness, as his mind cleared, showing him clearly what he wanted to do.

With a glimmering twinkle in his eyes, he grinned and said, "Listen up. This is what we are going to do..."


In the village of Eastcliff, Oliva was causing a ruckus in her house.

Her dress...was gone.

She ran all around, searching everywhere, not even leaving the tree in the center onto whose branches she climbed before looking around carefully from up above to see if she had missed anything.

It had only been a day, and she had worn it only inside her home, not wanting to make the others feel sad or jealous. That was not why she had felt so happy on receiving it- no, she did not obtain happiness from being smug and mocking others, but rather from the very act of seeing herself dressed in such a beautiful color, which was something she had done extensively before going to sleep the night before after carefully folding it and putting it in her cupboard.

Now, though, it was nowhere to be found, and with tears swimming her eyes, she prepared to set out her mother and father, both of whom had gone out to take care of some work.

As soon as she walked out of the door, though, she paused as she saw someone unfamiliar standing at the edge of the cliff, looking out over the lush plains that dominated the landscape.

The man was in an extremely derelict state, wearing clothes filled with holes and looking so thin that it seemed as if he would be swept away by the wind if it picked up strength.

As if feeling her gaze, he looked around, giving her a full view of the face with sunken eyes, the long beard and the tufts of white hair on his balding head which had quite a few shining patches.

He grinned, exposing the multiple holes between his teeth, before saying, "Little girl, have you any food for a beggar like me?"

A beggar?

There were no beggars in her village, but seeing how his clothes hung from his body, she felt pity.

Nodding and running aside, she got the food that was leftover from last night and walked hesitantly to the man who continued to grin as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

When she reached him and held out the food, he grabbed it in a quick motion which startled her before devouring the three loaves of bread in a flash.

Smacking his lips, he sat down and said, "Yum! Thank you! You’ve helped me, so now, I have to help you. Let’s see...what if I tell you a story?"

Oliva had always loved stories. However, the dress was still weighing on her mind, but when the beggar spoke again, she made her decision.

"My stories are valuable, little girl, for I have traveled the entire continent. From the glimmering shores of the east to the broken cliff of the west where the vile Church was driven back, I have seen it all. Sit down, and I’ll tell you the story of a little girl just like you- a real story, mind you, because, in this wonderful land, we have no need for fiction when reality, itself, is so exquisite."

The way he spoke captivated her, and as someone who had grown up while being told almost nothing about the outside world, she had a very strong curiosity that was shared with most in the village.

Deciding that her dress could wait, she nodded and sat.

With a hearty laugh, the beggar spoke with a sonorous tone.

"Good! Her name was is not important, but she lived in a village just like yours. Each day, she would sigh, seeing the poverty of her parents, the sad state of her village, and the narrow-mindedness of her fellow villagers, who had no desire to make their lives. She...wanted more for them. So, so much more, for she loved them all deeply, even though they shunned her as she was different. Each day, she would pray to the Heavens, saying that she was willing to be hated or even have her life taken away if it meant that the rest could live well. Each day, it got worse, with no end in sight. She was an obstinate girl, though, so she continued. But even stones can be ground down to nothingness if they go against the tide of the river for too long, so she lost hope, and stopped. One day, a great tragedy befell her village, in the form of bandits who plundered everything they could find. When she was about to fall to their blade, she made one, final prayer, but this time, she did not look to the Heavens. Instead, she looked to the earth, to Mother Angaria, beseeching the land which had given them everything they needed to live, for she realized that she had been directing her prayers in the wrong direction for all her life. You are born to this Mother, and you return to this Mother when you die, so what can the Heavens do, except stare down from their lofty heights? She cursed her folly, seeing the blade about to enter her body, believing that she was too late, but a Mother...never ignores the plea of her children. Instead of coming to her aid herself, though, she sent one of her sons, and he was called...the Godking."

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