World Domination System

Chapter 908 Revelation

Daneel’s and Xuan’s lips parted after what felt like a long, long time.

In reality, though, it had only been a minute, and for that entire minute, the two hugged each other so tightly that it looked as if they had become one.

It was obvious that both were moving on pure instinct: their lips continued to hungrily devour the others’, and the titillations that came from exploring something so incredible for the first time made it so that their minds continued to remain blank.

Even after the minute, they only parted because Xuan ran out of breath.

As Daneel was an apparition, he didn’t need to breathe, but Xuan was in an extremely weakened state.

Even then, a Peak Warrior was supposed to be able to hold their breath for quite a long time, and that was why the two had managed to forget everything and have this precious experience.

Daneel was the one who moved back after detecting that she was about to collapse, but they still stuck to each other, inseparably, while the King looked into the Goddess’s eyes with worry.

In her fragile state, would she feel rejected, even though he had done it for her good?

Thankfully, this didn’t happen, but Xuan did react.

Slowly...a small, pure smile spread across her face, and finally, Daneel was once again able to see the Xuan of old who he had thought had died.

He had already begun to smile in response, but this turned into a broad, cheek-to-cheek grin as he was sent a message by the system.

[Major improvement detected in target’s state of mind. Previously unknown method which was not considered for healing target found to be successful. Looking for references. Entry found.

’A Kiss to Bring you Back From The Dead’: A treatise written by an experienced researcher who stated that genuine feelings of affection can affect the World to heal an individual if used properly. Testing was done in order to prove the hypothesis. Results were inconclusive. Hence, even though the method held promise, it was not deemed important enough to be communicated to host.

Looking for further related items of interest. 2 items found.

1. Such a kind of healing is a one-time thing. In all entries, even if it was possible, it was clearly stated that such a thing can only happen once, when the World is moved without those involved even intending for it to do so.

2. It is recommended for host to stay close to target, as moving away can result in the healing being reversed.]

Who would have thought that a kiss would help Xuan, and make her better?

Daneel was back in control of his mind and body, and oddly, he did not feel shy, or any of the feelings he had expected would come after finally kissing someone for the first time, voluntarily.

Introspecting, he realized that it was because it was a decision he had taken consciously, when he had still been in control of all his faculties.

It wasn’t out of pity, or remorse, or the urge to give back, as she had suffered so much because of him. was just the simple, yet intrinsically beautiful evolution of the feelings that had always been present, hidden, which might have remained so if he hadn’t been exposed to who Xuan really was.

It was the unique emotion that was born out of the realization that he truly, deeply admired the person in front of him, and wanted to show what he felt in the way that had come to him naturally.

At that moment, everything else hadn’t mattered, and Daneel had made that decision knowing that he would never regret it, and that it was what he wanted.

Daneel was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts at this point as he felt Xuan go limp in his hands.

At first, he panicked slightly, but then, he realized that it was just because she was exhausted.

Conjuring a bed, he laid her down on it gently.

However, when he was just about to stand, he saw her face fill with the same fear he had seen before, and knowing why it was happening, he hastily gave her his hand, which she clutched at and hugged before falling into a deep sleep.

Of course, this put Daneel in an awkward position, but he didn’t mind. He just looked at her and smiled, and a minute later, her body relaxed, allowing him to take a step back.

First, getting an idea, he told the system. "Create a second apparition here that will stay by her side. Transfer me to this one if she wakes up, or if any disturbance is seen."

[Affirmative. Waiting on requisite formation to be set up.]

Daneel could only control things which were already set up, as he was still too weak. So, he asked the Head to come over, as he had to set up the formation which the system would use to do his bidding.

As soon as the man arrived, he looked at Xuan with shock.

"She-she looks so calm! The healers told me that she hadn’t been able to sleep, at all, since being discovered tied up in a secret room in the Order. What did you do?"

A slight blush came in Daneel’s cheeks, now, as he remembered their fiery act of passion, but he was able to make it disappear in a moment before saying, "I healed her, but obviously, it wasn’t enough. First, create another apparition formation here for me. And then, I need to know why you didn’t tell me that she was in such a serious state."

The coldness in the latter part of Daneel’s statement made the Head look at him oddly, but first, the man did what had been asked of him.

After that, he replied, saying, "Because I did not know, myself. I only found someone seriously injured, and after putting the best healers I could find on her case after finding out that she was someone close to you, I told you what I knew about the situation. Even the healers only told me that she had sustained severe damage. They seemed hesitant to say more, and now I understand why. I looked for records, but there was nothing- the only thing found was that she was ordered to be placed on lockdown by the Overseer as she ’needed protection from a fugitive’."

Of course, that was him.

Letting out a breath that he didn’t know he had been holding, Daneel realized that he was targeting the anger which he had apparently unsuccessfully shoved aside which had born after seeing what Xuan had gone through onto the Head, who was clearly not to be blamed.

Never one to hide behind his mistakes, he frankly said, "I apologize. I just found out that she was tortured by someone for three months to speak against me. I can say with certainty that she didn’t give in. But the facts say otherwise- her testimony was taken, somehow."

Extreme surprise had appeared on the Head’s face as he heard the King, and he replied while sputtering.

"Thr-three months?! But that doesn’t make sense! That was before you even ticked off that thing by going into the Library!"

Daneel had already told the Head the story of how it had all come to be, so the most glaring question in his mind came to him, too.

Nodding, he said, "That is exactly what I also want to find out. I am confident I will succeed, so we will have our answers with time. But first- have you done what I asked of you?"

Before Daneel had even had Xuan sent over, he had analyzed the situation and found out that there was one person who needed to be interrogated if they wanted to get started on the path of finding answers- Molan.

The two had always been inseparable, so it was possible that she might know something.

Hence, he had asked the Head to locate her. He had thought that she might just be found among the Warriors who had also marched out and fainted due to the entity’s actions, but the Head’s response as he asked this now made him frown.

"I found her, but she was not where you expected her to be. Weirdly enough...she was on the run. I just succeeded a minute or so ago using the help of the formations of the Order, and a couple of Heroes. She hasn’t been approached, yet, though- she still thinks she has safely changed her identity into a random housewife in a village. The Heroes are on standby- do you want me to command them to move in, and detain her?"

Daneel thought for a bit and then shook his head.

"Everything about this Like there’s something bigger we’re not seeing. Like there’s something...I missed. Tell them to teleport her here suddenly, without any warning."

He had just gotten this sudden idea, and knowing why the King wanted this to happen, the Head nodded with a small smile and sent the command.

A second later, a woman wearing drab clothes who was in the process of cracking an egg to make breakfast appeared in the room.

She froze before looking around, her features filling with shock, but that emotion instantly changed into fright as she focused on the three people who were present in the room.


With a loud scream, she got up and hysterically ran towards the door.

Of course, it was shut, so she could only bang her fists on it and continue to scream, having obviously lost her mind momentarily due to the sudden way in which it had happened.


"But I haven’t even asked whether you did anything."

Daneel’s calm, yet cold voice made her snap out of it, and clamping a hand on her mouth, she turned around and looked at him with fear.

Then, her eyes turned to Xuan, whose gouged out eye was visible due to the angle in which she was sleeping.

Her face completely went blank, and in a movement that surprised both the King and the Head, she ran forward again with tears streaming down from her eyes.

Daneel told the Head to only move if she looked like she was going to do harm, and so, they both watched on as she collapsed at the edge of Xuan’s bed and wiped her tears in order to see more clearly before speaking in an extremely distressed tone.

"Xuan, oh, Xuan! Heavens above, what did they do to you?! THEY ONLY TOLD ME THAT THEY’LL MAKE YOU HATE HIM! Oh, I was so naive! Oh, Xuan..."

She broke down into tears, and watching her wail, Daneel was sickened, even though he saw the genuine care and regret that were shining her eyes.

He was about to ask the Head to draw her up in the air so that they could interrogate her, but suddenly, the system spoke in his mind.

And hearing what it said...all other thoughts flew away, leading the King to stare into the void.

[Host’s act of healing has managed to uncover a memory that was hidden in target’s consciousness. Target is unconsciously trying to push it forward in order for it to be visible. Due to target’s bond with host, system has been able to find hints of what this memory is. It is that of a vision that was induced due to target’s special status as a ’Seer’, and it shows the arrival of the force that is known as the Church of St. Rectitude using the Blood Sacrifice Formation set in place by the target known as ’Arnold’.]

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