World Domination System

Chapter 889 Facing Off 2

Note: If you do not like cliffs(especially steep ones), do not read this chapter unless you see the next one also present to read. If it isn’t, it should be visible in a little bit(atmost an hour, because I was told all my pending would definitely be visible by around then), so please do wait, and have a cliff-free experience!(pls still dump some stones, though, cos we’re back in 8th! Thank you!)


A soft wind started to blow across the field, where the tension was so palpable that it felt as if it could be cut with a knife.

The King was still on his knees, waiting for the answer to his extraordinary request, and although the backup force that was formed from the individuals of the Big Four were puzzled regarding what he was referring to, it was obvious that it must be something related to those in front of them who seemed to belong to some force that had somehow existed beneath their noses for all this time without exposing itself even once.

If the situation weren’t so unique, they might have started asking questions, but all of them were well-versed in the rules of war. They would stay in their formations and not speak or move unless it was absolutely necessary, and at the moment, because no one was dumb enough to directly believe someone who had miraculously ’obtained a couple of hundred Heroes’ on face value, they were all waiting for orders while holding their weapons and shields at the ready.

As for the group from the Order, doubts were springing up in the Heroes who were waiting for an answer.

No matter how much they thought about it, they saw no reason to not try to resolve this entire thing in this way. Some had already begun to make up explanations- perhaps the kid had somehow gotten incredibly lucky in the Endless Sea which they knew to contain amazing things just waiting for someone to find them, and wanted to use the opportunity to buy a chance to get his charges off of him. He was known to love his people, and perhaps he had been prosecuted for a different reason- which he wanted to make right.

Or maybe he was just crazy, and was paranoid about the Overseer.

Either way, it was true that they did not need to worry about the truth until after they took him in, so many were just waiting to pounce if a chance really appeared.

But why was the Overseer taking so long? What problem could he have? Could those who had always advocated that the Overseer should not be trusted were true? Could it be that he did not want to give up the chance to do as he wished, without being too constrained?

These doubts were already starting to turn into confirmations in those who had always been certain of this, and after 10 seconds of silence, even those who had been the staunchest opponents of this idea began to be swayed.

Even the grizzled man who had spoken before in the War Room and was known as the right hand of the Overseer was puzzled.

"Cain, what could be the problem?"

"Quickly, Cain, convince the Overseer to do it, before he changes his mind! If it’s madness, we need to move before a moment of clarity arrives!"

"Cain, why-"

As all the Heroes who usually used him as a liaison with the Overseer, as he always seemed to understand it the best, started to send him messages, he understood that he could stay silent no longer.

Unknown to him, even the King of Lanthanor was looking closely at his actions, waiting to see how the man who had introduced him to the Order, and who had given him a very good impression as someone who would adhere to duty no matter what, would act.


Opening his mouth, he began to speak, but suddenly, his vocal cords automatically choked up when a command echoed out from the hooded figure.


It was an order, and he, like many others, had sworn that they would follow all the orders of the Overseer.

This included those who had been given Favors, and as one, all of these people found that they couldn’t speak even if they wished.

Horror flashed across all of their faces, as they had never really realized that this was what it meant. Each of them had chosen it for different reasons, but at the moment, almost all of them regretted it. They were Heroes, but right now...they felt like dogs who were being commanded, and the feeling just did not feel right.

But its all for the good of the continent, right?

This thought came right after, but suddenly...the figure in the middle threw its hood back.

That elongated skull, those lips that covered the entire face, that nose which was like that of a snake’s, and finally...that haunting eyeball with two pupils.




"What the-"

All kinds of exclamations were heard from those who hadn’t sworn away all of their rights to the Order, and even in the group from the Big Four, shock was everywhere, as this was a being which was not even described in history.

It looked like the antithesis of everything that represented life, but even as the reaction to its appearance started to grow louder and louder, it calmly rose into the air, separating itself from the group of 300 and furthering the pace at which its image spread across those who were present. Until that point, only those who had been paying close attention had seen the reveal, but now, with the being clearly visible in the air, the entire army of Angaria began to wonder just what the f*ck it was.

Only a large part of the group it had flown out of was silent, but even their expressions were filled with unwatched bafflement.

As if reveling in all the emotions that it was causing, the being proceeded to throw off its robes, too. It’s body that had spotless, pale skin all over completed its appearance that was of someone who was definitely not of Angaria, and just as the astonishment began to turn into a different emotion, the voice of the King of Lanthanor sounded once again.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you...the sole individual who caused the Apocalypse. He is the leader of the force who invaded Angaria, and when Emperor Fenoras destroyed his body by giving up his life, he ran like a wretched dog and hid in the guise of the Overseer. The real Overseer had been assassinated by his force, so he was able to use that opportunity to create a fake version of himself who would abide by the rules that were set down. He has been waiting for the chance to rid himself of the rules so that he can awake to his real I had to create this fake invasion to pull him out. I propose that we welcome this ancient enemy...with death. What say you?"

"What say you?"

"What say you..."

These last three words lingered in the air, resounding, again and again, stating that they wouldn’t leave until they got an answer.

His steady and confident voice brought back those who had been lost in the grips of bewilderment and stupefaction, and it seemed certain that in the next second, all of these emotions would turn into wrath that would decimate this foreign being where it stood.

Before that could happen, though...the being on whom so many eyes were fixed smiled, and then clapped.

Already, it had had a profound effect on all those present, but when those long lips that spread to the ends of its face split open and was accompanied by an undulation in those horrific pupils which started to move from side to side, everyone was struck dumb, and could only hear the claps that seemed to be boring into their ears.

One, two, three, four...nine.

At the ninth clap, the being stopped, and when it spoke, its extremely low-pitched voice made sweat appear on the backs of thousands.

"Nine...yes, that’s the number for this continent. You-imp, you had a good plan. I gather that you hoped to overwhelm me and these poor wretches who have signed their souls over with this army that I gathered? It was a good attempt, forgot one thing."

Saying so, the being raised its right hand in the air.

Its smooth skin glistened in the sunlight, and as it opened its palm to make it face the one who was watching it, a frown finally cracked the relaxed countenance on the King’s face, as if he had detected something that he had not anticipated.

Alas, it was too late.


With the smile spreading impossibly wider on its face, the being closed that fist, and all around it...Angaria fell.

Indeed, the army which represented the last chance of Angaria against this ancient foe all started to faint.

As for the was the trinkets which had been distributed that day, for the war.

It had been said that they would help them win the war, but the reality...was that they were made to end it before it even began.

One by one, Warrior after Warrior, Champion after Champion, Hero after Hero started to fall unconscious as they detected the blood they had used to pair with the trinkets be used to activate a hidden formation that directly knocked them out.

By giving their blood, they had given permission, and thus...they were done.

Even the King’s eyes went as wide as they could go as he saw all of his would-be allies collapse, but that shock rose to the next level as he found the being that he had come to defeat...directly teleport to the spot right in front of him.

The barrier was gone, and with it, the being had brought its 200 Heroes who all had extremely unwilling and bitter expressions on their faces.

All of their glory was gone, replaced by the realization that they had been right- they had been reduced to chained beasts that could only do their masters’ bidding, and they had actually given over their right to be free willingly, and happily.

Seeing the shock in its opponent’s face, the being seemed very, very pleased. It even started to laugh, making its face split into two pieces while only being connected by a small fleshy segment, which made for a gruesome sight.

As for its eyes, joy gave them an even more bizarre expression, as they started to roll around wildly, frolicking in that large eyeball.

It didn’t laugh for long, though, because it’s low-pitched rumble of a voice appeared once again to say, "It’s over. For you, and this continent that I should have ruled all this while. Oh, well. That cheat who cheated me out of my victory is dead, and although I do not know where you got these Heroes, it doesn’t matter- they’re not enough. My victory was only postponed, so it is time to regain what is mine. I just need to take out some anger, I’ll start with you, before going forward to feast on the flesh and blood of a million of those citizens you love so much.’ll be a lovely wake-up snack! Time to get started..."

Right after appearing, the being had cast a spell to dispel all illusions. Hence, the forces around the King which had seemed to contain hundreds of Heroes dissipated to leave behind only a hundred, but currently, they stood too far away to make any difference before the killing blow fell.

He was still on his knees, having forgotten to get up due to everything that had occurred, and his head was bent, as if in despair, and as if he was waiting to be beheaded as there was only defeat on the horizon.

Only...right as the being said its last word, a sound that was completely out of place started to emanate from him.

For a moment, even the being seemed confused, but by the time it realized that it was actually laughter, it, too, seemed to detect that something would happen, but that that something could not be stopped.

As the King’s head boldly rose up to look at the being, his hands stretched out wide, and at the same moment, a formation that had been hidden perfectly below the ground sprung into being.

In a triumphant voice that seemed like it was heard even by the thousands who lay unconscious, he said, "Do you really think Angaria is done for? Well...think again."





His voice was followed by many, many incoherent roars that seemed to be coming from all over the place, but when the being turned around, it faced its first shock since that moment when it had seen the Emperor make the ultimate sacrifice.

All of the roars...were coming from behind it, where its 200 Heroes had all started to turn simultaneously into the very monstrosities that it had witnessed before going into a slumber all those years ago.

"Brothers and sisters...there’s your man. Why not make him kneel, first?"

The King seemed to cast a spell with his words, and as if all the Heroes were highly suggestive, they brought all of their combined pressure down on the being on whom all of their wrath was targeted.

The result...was that as the King slowly raised himself to his feet, the being’s shoulders became bowed, and even before he could respond, he was on the ground, his knees half-buried in the ground, his fists doing all they could to keep him from being crushed.

Looking at him in this position, inestimable satisfaction flooded through Daneel, and taking in a breath, he prepared to deal the blow that would finally rid Angaria of this menace.

However, an instant before the quick windblade he had made turned the former Overseer into mincemeat...everything changed.

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