World Domination System

Chapter 887 Revival

After the declaration that came from the Overseer after the ceremony was done, an ominous silence filled the room, and it was almost as if everyone was waiting for something to happen.

The silence stretched on uncomfortably, while everyone stared at the huge globe, as if expecting it to change somehow.

It didn’t, though, but the voice returned.

"We shall be deploying very soon. Right now, our enemies are being held back by the protective barriers that have been congealed at their location after the departure of the investigative team. They have not attacked those barriers yet, but the situation might change at any moment, so it is best to be proactive. Because of the suddenness, there is no scope to outfit the Central Continent and use the other measures that have already been planned. Instead, because the size of the force is not as overwhelming as was expected, and because it is possible that this is only a landing force whose purpose might be to establish a foothold on the continent from where they can operate, it is best if we move out in full force and wipe them out. For this purpose, I deem that it is necessary to use some of our secret measures. I shall make the decision regarding which shall be used. They shall be sent to the respective teams who will be in charge of utilizing them to the fullest effect. Have no delusions - the war has begun, and it will be a costly one. Hence, it is time to call on the Big Four, too. All those who are the leaders of the Big Four will be tasked to give an official explanation regarding the War, and to say that the force that they shall be seeing is just a secret one. No mention should be made of the Order. Furthermore, there is one last decision that I will be taking on this occasion - for many years, many generations of trinket makers have been developing a set of armor and weapon trinkets for Warriors, Champions and Heroes. Not many know about this, but in anticipation of the war, production was stepped up, and I can safely say that enough have been produced to outfit all of the troops. The only problem is that there won’t be many to be used as replacements in case the sets are damaged in battle, but production is still going on as we speak. Those who are going to the Big Four must also carry the sets and outfit the Exalted Warriors, Champions and Heroes, who will form the brunt of the backup force. They will be arranged into squadrons who will utilize and power formations that will output attacks that can go up against the Heroes who comprise of opposing force after bypassing the gap in power. Victory shall be ours-I shall make sure of it. Disperse."

This was probably the first time that everyone was hearing the Overseer speak for so long, and they watched on, almost as if enraptured.

Many noticed the changes - where before the tone had been always flat, there was now passion in it, almost as if the act of giving executive powers had changed the Overseer and given him life. Also, where before the Overseer had used to refer to himself as an entity who was the same as the Order(which was the reason behind the pronoun ’it’ also being used occasionally as many would forget that he was not just some sort of being who had been made artificially for the good of the continent), he was now using ’I’ for what must be the first time in anyone’s living memory.

The uneasiness that had been present before in most only grew on seeing this, but it decreased to a certain extent after seeing the many quick decisions that were taken in the perfect manner by their leader.

Indeed... He was their leader now, equipped with the power to act with that singular goal, instead of being just the Overseer who would only follow the rules that had been laid down in ancient times before taking each and every decision.

One by one, they began to leave, some looking forward to the battle, and some dreading it. Either way, they knew that they could not escape it, so all they could do was go forth and face it. It had also been quite good to hear that they would be receiving new trinkets that they would be able to depend on, because knowing the standard that the Order placed upon itself, they could tell that they would all be pretty impressive.

The war room was soon devoid of people - those that had disappeared last included the gaggle who had been talking before, and they had rested their eyes on the Overseer for quite a long time before finally leaving.

With the surroundings empty, the Overseer was alone.

The globe that had continued to revolve and show the faces of everyone present suddenly stopped as soon as there was no one to see it, and all of the faces disappeared, one by one.

Suddenly... With a sound that echoed continuously, a crack came on the globe, almost as if it was made of glass that had been turned opaque for all this while.

In all of history, not once had the Overseer been scanned by anyone. Even though many had tried, they would always find their senses being swallowed, and they had always attached this to the mysteriousness that had always surrounded this being who watched over the continent impartially.

Hence... No one really knew what that globe-shaped structure was, and no one really dared to ask, either.

Now, though... If they were present, they would definitely have gasped with uncontrollable shock when a pearl-like object that was half the size of a human fell out of the crack to fall on the floor beneath.

This object was covered in some sort of a slimy substance that was transparent, but strangely, when this substance touched the floor that was made of formation-reinforced marble, a sizzling sound was heard, following which a few holes started to appear.

Even this was pretty unbelievable, because it would take a Hero at least a couple of punches to even damage that marble.

As soon as the pearl fell to the ground, a change came over the cracked body of the Overseer. A single face with distorted features popped up right at the spot where the crack began, and in barely a second, it covered the entire surface.

Slowly, the distortion in the face started to clear. A nose that was so flat that the nostrils were almost like slits was the first feature that became clear among that distortedness, and it was followed by lips that were entirely too long for any normal face.

These lips stretched into a smile that would creep out any living being as soon as they formed, and they covered half the face, giving the impression that the entire face would split into two pieces if the mouth opened completely.

Next was a chin that was abnormally shop, and after that came the forehead.

Here... The astonishing thing was that the forehead seemed to stretch from the nose to the head, which had also formed and was completely bald. Its shape was also weird, with the back of the head stretching back almost like the hump of a camel that was pointing back at an angle, but if someone was watching, their attention would be focused on the forehead, and they would surely be wondering whether the being who had this face, whoever it may be, was blind.

Right in the next moment, though... their question would be answered, as a massive eyeball that was larger than any that any human could be born with came into being, right above the nose.

It was easily the size of a tightened fist, and as it opened, it seemed to be empty, showing only a white expanse.

However, a second later, a pupil that was the color of the blackest of blacks appeared, which split into two and settled on the corners of the eyeball, leaving an empty white space in the middle.

With the face finally visible, now, a deep, rasping breath that went on and on for around five minutes was heard in the room, and following that, the pearl broke open to reveal that exact face.

As if the strangeness had only begun, the pearl fell apart to reveal that the face was connected to a body that appeared to be that of a child’s. The face and body were also a very, very pale(almost albino) white in color, and the arms and legs of the body looked very weak and even sickly.

After the breath ended, though, the body shuddered, and like a balloon, it started to swell.

The lamps that were extravagantly powered by Ker Gems in the room suddenly blinked out as they had all the Energy sucked out of them, and following that, the only light present in the room came from a dull glow from within the crack that had come on the being who had commanded so many in the name of the Overseer for so long.

Within this crack, an inner surface that was lined with Ker Roots and Ker Gems that had been interspersed to form a complex lattice could be seen. Anyone would be astonished by just how many resources had gone into this, but what was even more awe-inducing was that all of the Energy in these resources, which would be enough for tens of Heroes to train with for days, was being sucked out at a pace that should not be possible.

A minute. A minute was all it took, and the childlike body of the being on the floor had transformed into that of a giant who was a size bigger than those who had lived during the age of the Empire.

He was 11 feet(3.35 m) tall and his shoulders were as wide as a fully grown man, but his naked body was completely smooth, with only the shape being human, but no other features matching what one would expect on a normal human body.

Deep rasping breaths were still being taken, and slowly, as if waking up from a slumber that had gone on for eons, the being who had been in a fetal position until now stood up.

He staggered, initially, but he soon found his footing. That smile was still present, and the grotesque eyeball with two pupils looked around interestedly. It did not seem as if it was looking at the room around it, but rather the continent that it found itself in, and the second later, a mirror had appeared in which the being started to admire its own form.

This admiration went on for some time, but suddenly, it clutched the side of its chest, as if someone had plunged a sword through that spot.

Even though there was nothing there, an expression of intense pain flashed across its face, which it had to control forcefully.

It looked like it was fine a few seconds later, and taking a deep breath, it smiled, before speaking out to the empty room in an extremely low-pitched voice.

" failed! You killed yourself and your continent, but it was all for nothing! I am returned, and there is no one to stop me this time! Oh, I wish you were here to witness my final victory. finally mine!"

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