Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 451 - It’s A Key Invention!

Chapter 451: It’s A Key Invention!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What happened? Who did this to you?” Baiyi hurried to Anna and reached out to pat her head, but she ducked and hid behind Nota. Anna peeked out from behind Nota, looking at Baiyi in fury.

“Hey, hey, what’s the matter? Someone bullied you, didn’t they? Well, tell me who its and lemme at’ em!” Baiyi gallantly said.

Nota sighed. She took the jet-black rock from Anna, raised it to Baiyi’s face and pulled out a tag that was stuck to it. “Mentor, do you remember that it was I who brought you this ore? I brought it back from my last excursion to be appraised. Shouldn’t it be staying put in your lab?”

“...Oh. Ohh. ” Baiyi froze. He had just remembered that the black rock was the first thing he threw into the scribble.

“I knew it! You... B-big Meanie!” Anna whispered from her spot behind Nota’s back, her eyes narrowing with distrust.

“Alright, alright. Tell me what exactly happened to the two of you, and I’ll tell you what happened here,” Baiyi said with a shrug, trying to do away with the embarrassment.

The two lolis, who were the latest addition to Baiyi’s “Young Girls Club”, had not been given their own quarters yet, so they were taken in by two of Baiyi’s students. Santa had followed Laeticia — who she liked because Laeticia looked just like her, albeit older — while Anna chose to stay with the ever-gentle Nota.

After the meeting last night, Anna followed Nota to her quarters, and the two bathed together. They dried each other’s hair with towels and lied down on the same bed to relax. Nota began to narrate her latest adventures to Anna.

Soon, the topic of conversation shifted to Anna’s abduction. She narrated to Nota how she had been groggy from sleep when “Big Meanie Hope” barged into her room like a robber, bound her with an invisible lasso, and spun her around until she fainted.

Nota chuckled at that and explained to Anna that the invisible lasso really was just a special binding spell that her mentor, Hope, had invented. Hoping to repair the bad impression that Anna had for her mentor, Nota talked about Baiyi’s virtues and good deeds — from his power, wisdom, knowledge, penchant to take care of the others to how gentle he was to women. Anna had just begun to change her opinion of Baiyi when the black rock fell from thin air, right onto Anna’s head.

The little girl burst into tears of pain instantly, and Nota had to quickly comfort her while examining the rock. She found a tag attached to the rock and realized that it was the ore she had brought back for Baiyi!

Baiyi cleared his throat. “Uh hem. Well, the truth is...”

He explained his experiment to them, placing great emphasis on the fact that he was not idle enough to delight in dropping rocks on lolis in the middle of the night.

When the duo looked around the lab and at his research, they believed him. Anna’s distrust diminished somewhat, but what the expression that took its place was just as unsettling.

After the girls left, Baiyi received another visitor. This time, it was a bemused Tisdale, who was standing by his door with her a quill in her hand. She gifted Baiyi this quill several years ago. According to her, it landed on her head while she was taking a bath.

“Please answer me sincerely, sir. Were you spying on me while I was taking a bath?” Tisdale asked frostily. Then, she murmured, “As if you didn’t see enough when I was a toddler! I’m a grown-up by now, for goodness sake...”

‘N-n-no, you stop right there! The only thing you said that was even less true than me watching you bathed was me watching you take a bath while you were a toddler! I’m merely your father figure, not your actual father, for crying out loud!!’

Once again, Baiyi had to explain himself, placing emphasis on the fact that he was not a pervert. Half-believing him, Tisdale was just about to leave his lab when anther new visitor joined them.

It was Little Mia, whose forehead had a large bump. She was holding a woodland critter-themed pot with a few vanilla plants in it.

“Er, Dale? Could you please tell your little sister what I just told you?” Baiyi said powerlessly, finally realizing the extent of his mess.

Baiyi’s basement was not only the entrance to his Magus Lab, but it was also one of his three operation bases. Baiyi hardly used the Grand Principal’s Office, which was within Da Xue’s staff’s building. He preferred working in his basement, instead, as it was secluded from the eyes of pesky nobles.

Those who knew Baiyi personally knew that it was more likely to find him in his basement than in the Grand Principal’s Office. This was why his basement contained a lot of gifts.

At Da Xue, it was a tradition to gift someone a pen as a sign of recognition and reverence for the person’s academic achievement. This was why Baiyi had many pens and quills; he had received them from his colleagues and pupils. He had stored these gifts in his basement, and last night, they had been used in his experimentation on the blue scribble.

For half a day, Baiyi was visited by various people, who were nursing various degrees of injury. They had visited with the objects that injured them — objects that they had gifted Baiyi in the past. Baiyi, who was struggling to cope with the complaints, delegated the job of explaining to his two daughters. “Help me out, okay?”

Sometime later, a communication slab in his pocket rang. He took it out and answered it, and realized that it was Professor Joseph who had contacted him. At that time, Professor Joseph was not within Da Xue’s micro-realm!

He was at a conference being held in the Imperial City, concerning the recent invasion. Joseph had been sleeping when a quill suddenly appeared out of nowhere and landed on his face. When he picked it up, he realized that he had gifted Baiyi this pen a few years ago, so Joseph decided to call him.

Once again, Baiyi had to explain himself; this time, to the bemused professor. While he did this, Tisdale and Mia stood by his door, explaining the same thing to other visitors.

At this point, the way Baiyi’s blue teleportation scribble worked was clear: it transported objects thrown into it to those who owned it. However, some of the items thrown into the scribble were owned by Baiyi — the goatskin parchment and ink — and he had no idea where they were at the moment.

When Vidomina turned up in his basement with these items, Baiyi remembered that most of the items he used for his daily activities had been purchased by Vidomina, a former princess.

“Godfather, is it too much to ask you to please choose a better location to conduct dangerous experiments?!” Vidomina furiously said. “Would you like to know how it feels to have a heap of miscellaneous objects rain down on your head while you are asleep, hmmmmm?”

Tisdale and Mia voiced their agreement.

“Okay, okay! I get it; I get it.” Baiyi replied, looking exhausted. He really had dug a pit for himself this time!

“Since I’m right here, my beloved Godfather, do you have any idea how many things in your office are awaiting your response and decision? Do you know how many documents and invitations are piled up there? Although I managed most of the documents for you, do you honestly plan to have me attend conferences and quorums in your stead?” Vidomina lambasted him.

“Oh, er, right. Forgot about that,” Baiyi said and cast a Secret Technique in the Void.

In the Void, the honorary Vice Principal of Da Xue, who was also the Principal of the Faculty of Magic, His Royal Highness the Sage-Emperor of Magi, bragged to the Voidwalkers about being the only Voidwalker that had the chance to visit what he enthusiastically called “the future”. This was about his recent trip to the World of Moon, where he was fortunate to experience modern civilization.

The First Walker’s cockiness had almost reached the peak when his consciousness was suddenly yanked from the Void, back into his suit of armor.

“You ungracious bastard! This has to stop... It has! To! Stop! Is this how you treat your mentor, teacher, and master?!” Bellows of fury could be heard from Baiyi’s basement. “You burned all of my cards and banned me from playing, and now, you’re banning me from bragging about the experience I ever had?!”

“Now we can send Dale and Royal Gramps to represent Da Xue on those unimportant conferences. If there were any other events that demand my personal attendance — bah, how about you pinpoint those out for me and we’ll see about it some other time?” Baiyi said nonchalantly and dived back into his research.

“Sigh. Really, Godfather? Keep being a workaholic, and you won’t be getting a wife anytime soon,” Vidomina sneered, and with a shake of his head, she left. As she walked away, she thought, ‘ Though I’m sure a lot of women will be beside themselves if they knew he isn’t married.’

For the rest of the day, Baiyi continued his research. He remained locked in his basement till the next morning.

It was early morning. Santa, the other newest recruit into Baiyi’s Young Girls Club, happened to arrive before Baiyi’s basement while frolicking around the residential area with the hammerhead shark plushie Mia had lent her.

Knowing that this was where Big Meanie had locked himself in, Santa hesitated. She thought that it would be polite to say hi, yet she had no idea what to follow after that greeting. Lost, she rubbed her cheeks with the plushie’s white underbelly and whispered, “Sharkie, what sort of stuff, do you think, would interest Big Meanie enough to talk?”

Loud, maniacal laughter rang out from the basement door answered her instead of Sharkie, creating terrifying echoes of “Hahahahah! Ahahahahahahahaahah!” around the area...

With her face instantly paled, Santa hugged Sharkie tightly in her arms and scrammed.

Baiyi had no idea that he had just scared a loli away because he was basking in the euphoria of achievement—he finally gotten most of the scribble’s nature nailed, which led him to put it into practical purposes!

By now, he could use this scribble to transport any random object to a receiver by attaching the object with something that originally belonged to the receiver. For example, if he were to send a letter to Mia, he could stick the letter onto the pot of vanilla plant Mia had gifted him and chucked the pot into the scribble. That way, the letter would drop on Mia’s head—along with the entire flowerpot!

Of course, this was merely an example. If finding a novel way to drop stuff on little girls’ heads was the extent of his latest development, he would not possibly be this jubilant. The real exciting progress was the fact that Baiyi’s Essential Body — his real body in the Void — could actually utilize this scribble as well!

In other words, apart from Mia and Laeticia, Baiyi had now discovered a third way to channel his true, monstrous power in the Void to the body he now possessed in the real world ceaselessly! Yes, this channel may still be quite small and narrow — even narrower than Mia’s — but its superiority laid in the fact that now, Baiyi alone controlled the amount of power this channel could provide!

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