Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 428 - Baiyi’s Servant(s)

Chapter 428: Baiyi’s Servant(s)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At dawn the next day, Baiyi returned to the house and was pleased to see that little assassin had not moved from her spot. He had not expected her to be quite the docile cutie.

He tossed a bag over to the girl and said, “I did not find any fresh oranges, so I opted for orange juice and orange-flavored candy. They are kinda the same, aren’t they?”

The loli assassin’s face turned sour. Her gaze was not on the bag Baiyi had thrown at her, however, it was on his hands. One was holding up a large grocery bag filled with gaming consoles, which he had shoplifted, while the other was holding up another little girl by the scruff of her neck — the same manner by which a human would lift a kitty.

This little girl was unconscious. She looked quite adorable and festive. The clothes she had on seemed like something Santa Claus would like. Colorful ribbons adorned her hair, and two little Christmas bells hung down both her ears; she had used them as earrings. The little assassin was upset to see that the little girl’s eyes were whirling because she had fainted — evidence that the little girls had suffered the same fate the loli assassin had.

How did Baiyi abduct the little girl, though? When he left the house, he headed over to a game shop, which he plundered. Afterward, he visited a convenience store, which he also plundered, albeit only stealing the orange-flavored snacks. Satisfied with his loot, Baiyi decided not to return to the workaholic’s house so soon; after all, the night was long, and it was not prudent for a man to play with a loli so late at night. Hence, Baiyi hurried to a hotel where the president of a certain Mage Association was currently booked.

Baiyi had already promised the workaholic that the upcoming Holy Grail war would have a happy ending, so he had to do his best to achieve this. The best way with which he could go about saving the workaholic’s superior was to first steal his Command Spells; only then could he convince the man and his wife-to-be to go home.

Baiyi’s plan did not go as smoothly as he had thought it would, though. The president, true to his prestige as the leader of a large association of England-based magi, was adamant on putting up a fight, using a weapon which automatic defense and offense capabilities. This weapon was made using mercury. Unfortunately for the president, he did not get to use his weapon for long, for Baiyi had not wasted any time incinerating it with brilliant use of his Void Flames.

At a loss for what to do, the president finally activated his Command spell, summoning his Servant to his side. The little girl dressed in a Santa Claus-like costume appeared beside the president. The president turned to the little girl and lambasted her, “Where have you been, young lady? You were supposed to be here defending your Master’s!”

“I’m so sorry, Master! I was out...watching the sea,” the little girl replied, sporting a pitiful expression. She then directed a glare to Baiyi before pulling out a long spear, ready for a fight!

This was the reconstructed scene in Baiyi’s mind:

Wild LOLI appeared! What will BAIYI do?

[1] FIGHT [2] CAPTURE [3] BAG [4] RUN

[2] CAPTURE has been selected.

The wild LOLI had been captured!

Wild LOLI is revolting against commands! What will BAIYI do?


[3] SWING HER AROUND has been selected.

The wild LOLI is unconscious!

Embarrassed that his Servant had been captured by the mysterious intruder right in front of him — the same person who had incinerated his mercury weapon — the president and his wife-to-be were demoralized. The wife-to-be had been already harassed by another man right in front of the president earlier — something Baiyi had no hand in. The couple quickly fled, leaving the city and returning to England. They had left behind the little girl dressed in the Santa-like costume behind with the mysterious assailant.

Back at the workaholic’s house, Baiyi tossed the Santa-like loli into the arms of the loli assassin.

“Mm~ She’s cute...” The loli assassin blurted softly, rubbing the Santa-like loli’s cheeks gently as though the girl was a delicate, porcelain doll. The loli assassin wasted no time in pulling the unconscious Santa-like loli into a warm, tight hug, out of sympathy for the fate they had both suffered at Baiyi’s hands.

“Remember, play nice,” Baiyi said and walked out of the room. He headed outside the workaholic’s house, into the garden that surrounded the building. This was where he would perform his next task: summoning his own Servant. From the gaming experience Baiyi had garnered thus far, he knew that this was not the best hour to perform a summoning, but he went ahead anyway; he wanted to get it done as soon as possible, preferably before the sun was completely up.

He drew a summoning circle on a plot of flat land, and then he threw the Holy Relic he had gotten from the workaholic to the center of the formation. After pondering for a bit, Baiyi decided to sprinkle a handful of peppermint-flavored candy into the summoning circle before he began chanting an incantation.

Baiyi did not take this summoning process serious, though, as it did not matter to him who his Servant was, neither did he care if the Servant was powerful enough. To him, this was just a standard protocol for the plot; with the amount of power he possessed, he did not need a Servant to help him win the war.

He already understood why the Laws governing this universe were doing their all to expel him. Although this alternate Earth allowed the use of supernatural powers, which Baiyi’s Earth doesn’t, Baiyi’s powers were off the charts, so it considered him a threat to the balance.

In the meantime, his summoning ritual was going pretty good. Blinding rays of light surged out from the summoning circle, generating a torrent of sparks. However, there were no magical halos, scattering feathers, and lightning bolts to be seen. When the bright lights finally dimmed, a gorgeous maiden sporting violet hair walked out of the circle. She was wearing a purple one-piece robe, which had a Hellenic touch to it. The fabric used to make it was wispy, which made visible the maiden’s supple skin.

The maiden looked quite young — almost similar in age to the lolis Baiyi had abducted. She seemed demure, something that was further emphasized by the high ponytail her velvet hair had been tied into. She curtsied gently to Baiyi and spoke with a sweet, slightly high-pitched voice, saying, “I am your Servant, a Caster. Pleased to meet you.”

‘Another loli? I initially thought that only the Assassin was like this! Even the Lancer and the Caster are young girls now... Does anyone think this particular Holy Grail War is a bit, well, effed up somewhere?’

It was at this time that the Masters, who have been an eye out on everything related to the War, sensed a change at the workaholic’s home. They immediately understood this to mean that the final Master had been chosen, and as all seven Masters had appeared, the Holy Grail War would begin!

However, none of them realized the slight errors in their assumptions. Firstly, two of the seven Masters had already been booted out of the server, and the game had yet to start! Secondly, they had been too quick to conclude that they were in the know regarding everything to do with their competitors — the other Masters.

Baiyi looked at his summoned Servant with joy. Although she was weak compared to him, she was moe, though! Although she was famous for being a little b***h in sheep’s clothing, she was moe, though! When the maiden first laid eyes on her master, she had unenthusiastically given him a standard greeting, which, on closer examination, made the greeting seem insincere. She also seemed repulsed at the idea of getting along with her master, but, at least, she was still moe!

“Um, should I call you Caster, Lily, Miss C, or is there some other name you would prefer?” Baiyi asked politely.

“Whatever you please, Master. I’m happy just to be of service. Is there anything I can do for you?” The girl staidly asked.

“Hmm... What can you do for me, though? I mean, I don’t need you to heal me, increasing my HP; I don’t need you to make me a sandwich; I don’t even need you to fight as I’m pretty good at that myself... Uh-oh, I don’t think there isanything that you can do,” Baiyi replied, voicing his thoughts. “Oh, right! Well, I’m gonna go out soon and abduct Duvet. Once I bring her back here, you can do whatever you please!”

“Huh?” The girl in purple dress was bewildered by the ramblings of her master. If she was not needed, why was she summoned? What did he mean by not needing her to aid him in battle? Did that not mean that she was only here to provide moe reactions? Furthermore, what the hell was a ‘Duvet’? What could she possibly do with the thick bedding?!

“I almost forgot to explain. Duvet is just what we call her; her scientific name is Saber,” Baiyi said. “Okay, I’m off now. Ta-ta.”

With that, Baiyi vanished right in front of his Servant.

A second later, Baiyi reappeared and hastily added, “This time, I really did forget to say something. There are two people in there, and I think you’ll make a fine playmate for them. Take care of them while I’m gone, and don’t you mess anything up . Okay, that’s all. Bye!”

This time, after he vanished, he did not reappear. The violet-haired Servant knew he had gone for good this time because, despite doing her best, she was unable to sense him anywhere.

“What...What the...?” The violet-haired Servant, who was also known as The Witch of Betrayal, looked as though she had been betrayed. Her master had vanished before her eyes without chanting any incantations or giving off magical undulations! Just what kind of person had she been assigned to? Was he a legendary magus?

With these questions in mind, the violet-haired girl walked into the house and spotted the two lolis already inside. They were just as adorable as she was, and she realized that these were the girls had master had told her about.

The Santa-like loli had woken up the moment Baiyi completed his summoning ritual. Being grabbed, spun around in circles till she fainted, and subsequently abducted, had left the girl shaken. Although she had not gotten used to being a Servant, she was still a dignified Heroic Spirit and should not be treated any different from a Pokemon!

When the Santa-like loli recalled how she had been spun around, nausea threatened to overwhelm her, and she covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from hurling. The violet-haired girl rushed to her side and hurriedly asked, “Are you okay? Are you sick? You’re not pregnant, are you?”

When the Santa-like loli heard the last question, she burst into tears. The monster that kidnapped her had severed the Magical Path between herself and her original Master, making the kidnapper her new energy upkeep and provider. However, this new arrangement should have been restricted to the supply of magic through their Magical Path. Surely, while she was unconscious, he would not have attempted to give her upkeep by “direct replenishment”[1], right? In other words, she absolutely should no t have been impregnated, right?

“B-but I’m just a kid! I c-c-can’t be a mother at this age!” Santa Loli sobbed.

“It’s alright, okay? You’re not gonna be a mother alone! We’ll find a way to escape from that demon and live peacefully with your baby, I promise. You, in turn, only need promise me that you won’t consider aborting the baby, no matter what. If you do, I don’t think I will be able to stop myself from killing you,” the loli assassin said, trying to comfort the Santa-like loli, albeit in a disturbing manner.

Shocked, the Santa-like loli instantly stopped crying. “R-really? You really will help me? B-but, how can we escape from him? He’s so terrifying; I barely had any time to react before he captured me!”

“There, there. You’re fine now,” the loli assassin cooed, pulling the Santa-like loli into a tight embrace. “Everyone has weak spots; it is there that you can jab your knife into without facing much resistance from your targets. I’m sure he, too, has one.”

The entire conversation left the violet-haired perplexed. What the heck had her master been up to before she was summoned? Where these girls not her master’s Servants as well? How could an individual have three of the seven Servants? Wait, did these girls just say that they had been abducted? How did a human manage to abduct spirits?!

More importantly, why had he not killed them yet? Would keeping them alive help him win the war?!

Suddenly, the violet-haired girl recalled something else her master had said. He had told her that his next target would be a Saber-class Servant.

‘Okay, what twisted logic does this man run on? ‘ Her mind had begun to race. ‘He’s acting like a hoarder who has a very disturbing fetish... But, he’s really powerful. Surely a magus this powerful will be above perversion, right? [2]’

What she did not know, however, was that her master, Baiyi, was only doing all these for fun. He had captured her and the other two because he found them cute. That was all, so in a way, his actions were actually pretty perverted.

Nevertheless, the violet-haired girl was still loyal to her master, so with a sweet smile, she hugged the other lolis and said, “Hello, friends. Was it just me, or were you two just plotting against my Master~?”

When the other two lolis saw the expanding violet aura surging from the violet-haired loli, they embraced each other and backed into a corner, their eyes quickly becoming teary. They looked ready to burst into tears.

Baiyi, on the other hand, knew not how his Servant planned to deal with the other two lolis. He was currently taking a stroll through the city whilst trying to recall the route to a certain school. It was at this school that he had been able to capture Duvet in the past.

Back when Baiyi had observed the family in the dojo, he discovered that neither Woes-Be-Me Father or the Hero of Justice were the strongest members of the family. The strongest members of the family were the beautiful wife and the little loli sitting beside her. Logically, their family would only pick their strongest member to participate in the war.

This was Baiyi was crouched on the rooftop of a certain elementary school, waiting for the white-haired loli to step into his trap.

However, when the white-haired loli finally arrived at the school, skipping happily, Baiyi was surprised to discover that there were no Command Spells on the back of her hand. As one who did not have Command Spells could not be a Master, the white-haired loli would not be the one to summon Saber.

Baiyi hesitated for a while. The white-haired loli was adorable, but she already had a loving family waiting for her back home. Hence, he really did not have to abduct her. He was not a human trafficker, was he?

Baiyi decided to go after go after the beautiful instead, who was grocery shopping at a supermarket — something a normal housewife would do. The beautiful wife held up a list of items and ticked the items she would use to make dinner. After spending a few moments watching her smile in content and happiness, Baiyi’s gaze shifted to the back of her hand. She was not a master either.

“Well, well. I was wrong two out of two times. Who would have known that this part would be in line with the original story,” Baiyi said in the Void and waited for his own teacher to respond.

The response he expected never came. Puzzled, Baiyi’s consciousness poked the Archmage, and he realized that the First Walker was murmuring to himself.

“How... Why?! Why were all of the characters he met golden class ? Could it be... Could it be that my student’s luck has eclipsed mine?! Doesn’t that just mean that he has surpassed his teacher in every aspect?! Goddamned it; how do you expect him to still respect me now?!”

‘This geezer really has lost it. I’ll just ignore him.’

Having made two wrong guesses already, Baiyi hurried back to the family’s dojo and observed the Woes-Be-Me Father, who was sitting in the sunlight in a position that made seem like a dead fish being dried. When Baiyi realized that this man was not a Master either, he finally realized that the family had decided to place the burden of war on their eldest son.

“Suits me just fine. You’re the protagonist, the source of all Nuclear Wars[3], and the king of the Lore, aren’t you? So, it’s time that I pay the MC a visit.”

At that moment, the Hero of Justice, the eldest son, was studying at school, oblivious to the fact that he was being targeted by a force of True Black Evil. A strange aura descended on his class, and all his classmate and his teacher immediately toppled forward, like stalks of wheat blown over by heavy winds.

The Hero of Justice was only one still conscious, at this point.

Suddenly, the classroom door was kicked open, and a beautiful girl with raven-black hair frantically ran in and cried, “Our school has been covered by a strange barrier! Stay alert!”

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