Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 419 - You Ungracious Traitor of a Student!

Chapter 419: You Ungracious Traitor of a Student!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With “Beautiful Archer Professor” Nydore’s appearance, the crowd went wild!

“It’s Professor Nydore! The one and only, the rare! Do you know that Professor Majesty spent three months of his own pay just so he could get this single card?!”

“Haha! Don’t take rumor seriously, bro. Professor Majesty, well... You know the formation has preferential treatment for him... Anyway, Professor Nydore is a pretty rare card, but more importantly, it’s an incredibly useful card, too. Oh yes, useful enough for other needs, too.”

“Aaaooohhh, Professor Nydore is so tasty and soft, I think I can’t hold back...”

The battle between the two had now slowly progressed into an extensive attrition war that had soon became a stage for more and more high-rarity cards, as well as battle tactics and strategies that most of the crowd have never known was possible. As a result, the crowd never seemed to have a moment to stop cheering.

“F**k that, it’s Miss Dale! God dang it, I’d wanted that for so f***ing long! I even spent three months of allowance on this for f**** sake, but she never comes home!”

“Huh? You can use Miss Attie like that? I admit, I never expected any other use for Professor Attie’s card other than for licking...”

“Oh my god, oh my god; You guys! Do you see that?! That’s Professor Nota!Professor Nota I love you! You’re my number one waifu!!!”

As the battle escalated, the two duelists had revealed almost all of their cards until there were two last cards left unused—which meant that the battle had now reached the climax, where every single action could be the key to securing victory.

“Looks like I have no choice. You’re asking for this, so behold! My ultimatecard!” Wallace yanked out the last card on his deckholder before yelling, “Come! My strongest, ultimate card!”

It was then when a new apparition had joined the battle, who instantly annihilated droves of Chazz’s units into puffs of smokes. When the dust cleared, it became apparent that the new apparition was a set of armor spotting a hideous scarf on its face.

It’s... It’s Principal Hope!”

“You mean, this card exists beyond rumors and legends?! ...Look at its effect! Insta-kill to all creatures the opponent deals, completely unaffected by every single trap card known to men, possesses attack power so high that it one shot every opponent in the field! The only setback for this card is that it could only be used in one single round—that’s not enough as a ‘setback’ at all, man. This card is such a gamebreaker it’s basically a cheat!”

“Holy s***, this is the rarest card in our current summoning pool for sure! The easiest but most brutally efficient use of this card is to only show it at the very last moment as your ultimate victory-sealing move—anyone who doesn’t have any defensive spells protecting themselves against this is doomed! Who would use their best defensive magic at the very end of the game though?! Nobody would! So if you flash this card at the very last round of the game, the game is yours already!”

Chazz’s face, which had always looked a bit too calm and relaxed in their previous rounds, finally darkened into a severe expression at the sight of a nigh-unscalable SSR card. He muttered in a low voice, “You... had this card with you all along? Damn it. I told myself that I should not underestimate you, yet it seems that I did underestimate you after all. But how? How did you obtain a legendary Super-Super-Rare card like this?”

“Ha, you wouldn’t understand the lengths I have gone through. I spent the entirety of this semester’s tuition fees for it! My parents gave me a beating for that, yes, but the moment I take it out and hold it in my two fingers, every sacrifice I’d made... Every sacrifice is worth it!

Wallace continued in a foreboding low voice, “Remember this card in your bone, Chazz! My most ultimate card, ‘One Final Hope—Death to My Enemies’ Hope!’ Give up on your pointless struggle; Your last card is simply not a defense type, isn’t it?!”

“You’re right. My last card is not a defensive card at all. In fact, it’s not even the most powerful card in the pack, and no other player would even think of placing it on a battlefield. The only reason why this card is always placed last in my arsenal is that I have never met an opponent who would one day force me to reveal it...” Chazz muttered under his breath. His tone had suddenly turned solemn while his head hung low enough to hide his expression.

“What are you waiting for then? Give up already, or die!” Wallace replied, his tone cold with cruel pleasure.

” gentleman 1 that much?! Of all the things you could learn from a prestigious academy, you learned to spend your money frivolously?! Oh, I get it. You came all the way to Da Xue just to find a 2D waifu, didn’t you? Well, lemme help you take one step closer to your dreams then—I’ll flatten a 3D brat like you into 2D too!”

As Baiyi berated, the entire floor was slowly littered with feathers, though the pile was soon joined by split feather dusters as Baiyi broke a number of them in his butt-whooping process, discarded them to a side, and summoned new ones into his hands. Not just the two most critically-acclaimed duelists, Wallace and Chazz—every single student who had shown themselves to be uncontrollably addicted to the game as a whole had all gotten a piece of Baiyi’s mind. None of them managed to escape his wroth and all of them had ended up with tears in their eyes, though not a single student dare gave a pip of rebuttal or explanation.

They knew that it was considered incredibly kind of Principal Hope to use a mere feather duster. It could have been worse; He could have used his Saint Quartz Staff anytime. Don’t hold your breath though, because that was still far from the Principal’s worst punishment in his arsenal. Just wait till he uses his big, black tome...

By then, even if a student managed to live through that, they would have gone through an involuntary process of molting as well.

It took a complete depletion of his feather duster supply for Baiyi to finally blew all of his steam. He strode towards the two boxes as the students watched, teary-eyed, waiting for him to lay them into waste in a fit of final rage.

However, the Principal merely placed his hand on the boxes for a while before announcing, “I’ve added two new rules into the formations here. From now on, the maximum gold coin allowed for a single pull in a month would be five gold coins. In addition to that, the rate of summoning high-rarity cards has improved, with every third gold coin guaranteeing an SSR card being pulled. To ensure that these two rules stay, I’m transferring the authority to oversee this game to Miss Vidomina and Miss Tisdale.”

Hearing that the Principal not only not discontinued the game, and instead improved the unjust system they were playing in, the crowd’s tears were now flowing once more out of joy as they cheered and cheered.

“At least I’ve done something I’d always wished I could do back on Earth,” Baiyi mumbled in a voice only he could hear.

It was then when one of the students asked, “But, Sir Principal, if we limit the amount of gold we could spend in the summoning pool... Doesn’t that drastically reduces the amount of fund we could collect? With this restriction imposed, being able to print out new cards every month would have become the maximum we could afford, let alone carrying out our charity work...”

“I’ll think of something to compensate for that,” Baiyi snapped severely. “None of you should worry about all of this, anyway. Your main concern should always be your studies; Remember that millions of others would trade places with you right now just to get an education in Da Xue. You should not squander the fortunes you have with nutritionless games like these!”

His voice barely left the air when a new voice rang from the outside of the clubhouse door, getting closer and closer, going, “Hee hee hee! Look at the two hundred gold coins I just conned out of that bimbo Assassin Walker! I’m going to put it to good use today... My aim? That Principal Hope card! I mean, come on, he’s my best student, you know? It’s an absolute travesty that his most treasured teacher can’t seem to summon him. Hmm... Now that I think about it; isn’t it suspicious that I still haven’t owned him yet? We’re so close in real life, guys...”

As he was talking, the Archmage entered the clubhouse while being surrounded by his most ardent followers before his gaze neatly fell onto his aforementioned “best student”.

“G-g-golly, I think there’s something back in my office that I’ve forgotten to attend to. Ta-ta!” With that, the Archmage turned and started into a sprint.

“Remember what I said. If I found anyone crossing my rules, they should expect something more than a feather duster.” Baiyi left one final warning as he summoned his Saint Quartz Staff into his hand—and dashed right after the escaping perpetrator.

A few moments later, the students could hear a spine-chilling shriek from far which was apparently the Archmage’s. “L-l-let me go! Let me go you wretched, devilish, ungracious traitor of a student! I disown you! I disown you, you hear me?! My real Best Student is there in the box still waiting for his teacher—whom I’m sure he very respects—to claim him!”

Following this small incident, Baiyi’s plan to improve his popular ratings among the students seemed to have taken a small positive step: his place in the Favorite Teacher poll had gone up in one spot, while his spot in the Most Terrifying Teacher poll had gone down in one spot. However, he remained in his positions for all other polls.

Meanwhile, one of the students’ top favorites, Professor “The Emperor of Teachers” Majesty, had become completely absent in many game tournaments these days, possibly because he had his three months worth of pay withdrawn while his expansive deck of cards was confiscated.

As for the operation of the game’s summoning pool and related mechanisms had all been transferred under the purview of the horrifying Disciplinary Principal Vidomina, no one could predict the future of this particular pastime at the moment.

By evening, all of the Voidwalkers had finished giving their lectures. They gathered as per Baiyi requested, and quite immediately, they noticed the principal seat being empty.

“Where’s Sir Archmage? He wouldn’t have missed a meeting as important as this, right?”

“He’s throwing a tantrum since I’d burnt some unimportant cards from him,” Baiyi answered flatly. “Let’s not be bothered by that and move on to the reason why we’re here today...”

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