Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 387 - This Teammate Has the Unreliability of Godly Proportions

Chapter 387: This Teammate Has the Unreliability of Godly Proportions

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

From the way the battle was going, Baiyi’s victory seemed all but guaranteed. Even if Molocchus’s reservoir of Holy Power was as deep as an ocean, in the end, it was still just an ocean. The Abyss Lord could not afford to fight a war of attrition with Baiyi, especially when the Fifth Walker’s full power reserve was as deep as the stars in a galaxy. The first party to succumb to fatigue was bound to be the Abyss Lord.

From the way things were going, it did not seem a long time coming.

However, just when Baiyi believed he had won, the thick black pillar of Void Energy suddenly began to shrink.

It was shrinking alarmingly quick! A few seconds later, only a thin black line was left of it. This scene was akin to someone suddenly turning off a tap of running water.

Molocchus had no idea why Baiyi’s attack stopped so suddenly, but it wanted nothing more than to pay Baiyi back in kind. The Abyss Lord’s eye widened once more and two unyielding beams of green energy shot out from them, headed towards Baiyi, who was hovering in midair.

Baiyi did not dare let the energy beams strike his Void Energy shield again. The moment the pillar of black Void Energy began to shrink, Baiyi understood that the limiter suppressing his power had slowly begun to return. Although he was not sure why the War God had suddenly decided to pull the plug, what he was sure of was that his power had, once again, been nerfed, so it could not be used with wild abandon anymore.

“Bloody traitor! If you had held on for just a little longer, this battle would have been over!” Baiyi cursed under his breath as he dodged the Abyss Lord’s energy beams. Although its reserve of Holy Power had shrunk to a critical low, Molocchus could still deal immense damage to Baiyi. With the limiter on Baiyi’s power active again, no one knew how long this battle would continue on for.

Moreover, if the battle went on for much longer, unexpected variables would interject themselves into it, muddying its waters in the process. Baiyi’s massive display of Void Energy was sure to have attracted a lot of attention — something that could only spell disaster for him.

Only one question was on Baiyi’s mind: ‘what the hell are you thinking, War God?!’

Even the Voidwalkers were aghast at the War God sudden withdrawal of support; only the Archmage maintained his calm enough to advise Baiyi, saying, “Now that the limit on your powers has been restored, wouldn’t switching back to physical attacks work just fine for you? After all, you have the War God’s Sword with you.”

‘Right, right. Still doesn’t change the fact that we can only rely on that stupid War God’s power to win this fight,’ Baiyi thought.

However, he did not have much time to dwell on such matters. He deftly pulled out the War God’s Sword and gripped its hilt hard. As soon as he gripped its hilt, a strange voice echoed in his head.

The tone of this voice was similar to that Nature God’s, in that it was commanding and regal — a feature perhaps shared by all gods. It also sounded androgynous, leaving Baiyi unable to tell if the War God was male or a female.

However, the words of the War God, who Baiyi now considered a traitor, were easy to understand. “Bruh, didn’t I just send you a sword? Why are you still using brute force?”

Baiyi was just about to reply when he realized that the message may have been sent a while ago. It was like he was receiving voicemail. The War God had left a couple of messages for him, and some of them left Baiyi speechless.

“Whoaaa! So big! And so black! Wow, you’re good!”

“Yay, proceed with this! If we keep at it, we shall prevail!”

“Huh? Wait...oh no. Hey, if you do not achieve victory quickly, the amount of power you both are releasing will push your realm to annihilation! For some reason, your realm has been unstable for a while now; before your battle began, it received a powerful blast. Oh no. It’s starting to crack! I have to go... Gotta fix it!”

“Can’t go on like this. Three more minutes, okay? Finish it!”

“Oi! Are you even there?”

“Okay, it seems you cannot hear me. I will have to arbitrarily restore the limiter on your power, alright? I’m sorry, but we can’t sacrifice a realm where so many living beings reside just because of this bastard.”

“Besides, you have done a great job exhausting a lot of its energy, so I’ll leave the rest to you. This is all I can help with!”

“Oh, and by the way, I took Attie back to the temporary abode safely, so you don’t have to worry, okay? Also, seriously, don’t tease her so much, please. She’s quite a cinnamon bun, after all.”

“Should this ordeal end successfully, remember that I totally helped ya’ on this! Would you be so kind as to build a nice shrine for me afterward, and maybe recruit some followers? I mean... It’s not that these worshippers are significant, but hey, everyone loves themselves some adoring fans.”

“Oh, right! Did you like the Divine Burial and the Spatial Scepter? I prepped them just for ya’. Remember to use them more often, okay?”

“Right, I gotta stop now. Think someone’s gonna notice me if I keep chatting. Okay, so that’s all. Be careful, Outsider.”

There were no timestamps on these messages, neither did they follow a distinct line of logical progression. Instead, they sounded like the ramblings of an institutionalized madman, and by the gods, was this madman talkative! After listening to all the messages, Baiyi had only one question to ask: ‘Talked about almost everything. Is the War God actually cuckoo?’

For someone who has a deep and commanding tone of voice to ramble on about non-sequiturs like these... That was enough to change one’s mood.

‘So even a fruitloop like this was able to become a god... 1

On closer examination, Baiyi could understand why the War God had had to place a limiter back on his powers. The battlefield, which was a couple of miles long, contained very deep cracks. To Baiyi, it was as though the vast expanse of land had been smashed in by a gigantic hammer. He was unsure of what would have happened had he continued to use such vast amounts of Void Energy.

Should this realm crumble, the widespread devastation it would cause would be worse than what Baiyi saw at Gouve — the realm he took his students to visit some time ago. There would be a near zero chance of survival for the people leaving in this realm, and worse, their soul may be sent to the Void after their deaths.

The crumbling of a realm was what killed the Bard Walker, causing his soul to be expelled to the Void. Before he died, the Bard Walker had been having an affair with a strong female fighter, in a micro-realm the size of an estate. There was a grand mansion built in the realm — a common setting for the adulterous escapades of aristocrats.

Soon, a very powerful fighter who the Bard Walker had just had a fling with arrived at the micro-realm, with equally powerful fighters alongside her. She arrived just in time to catch the Bard Walker with the other woman — cheating on her — and a brawl quickly ensued. As micro-realms are not as stable as large realms like Isythre, the micro-realm in question could not hold out against the massive amounts of energies going wild within it. It shriveled after a short while and began to crumble, and when only a small part of it remained, the micro-realm exploded. The Bard Walker did not just lose his life, his soul found itself in the Void almost immediately after.

Fortunately for the Bard Walker, Baiyi found his soul soon after it entered the Void; had he been later by a few minutes, the Bard Walker’s soul — which seemed only to have the strength of a lily — would have crumbled into nothing.

If the destruction of a micro-realm was that devastating, then one could only imagine the devastation that would ensue if Marle and Mars, which were twin-realms, were destroyed. Both realms were already slightly unstable, to begin with. The War God was right; destroying both realms in a bid to defeat one Abyss Lord, was something even Baiyi did not want. His students were there; if the realms were destroyed, they would die.

Baiyi was left with no other option than employing a different strategy to defeat Molocchus. He activated the War God’s Sword, causing the blade to light up with three different colors: red, yellow, and blue. Baiyi paused in surprise. ‘Since when was there a third color? What is this, a color pencil?

The War God had called the sword ‘Spatial Scepter’, which meant it may have had some new functions added to it. Baiyi did not actually know this to be true, but to him, it seemed that the War God had intended that he fight Molocchus with the sword.

With that thought in mind, Baiyi gripped the tricolored sword and charged towards Molocchus’s head. With all his might, he swung the sword at the pitcher plant-like helmet — made of thick, black flesh — that Molocchus had over its head, slicing through it — something his Sant Quartz Staff had failed to do earlier. At that moment, Baiyi resembled a chef, who was chopping tofu. Half of the thick flesh helmet was sliced off, leaving the Abyss Lord’s huge eyeball exposed.

“Now!” Baiyi bellowed and streaked forward, and the War God Sword left three streaks of light in his wake. He reached the exposed eyeball instantly and swung the sword diagonally! A deep laceration suddenly appeared on the exposed eyeball.

“Aaaaaarggghhhhhhh!” The Abyss Lord’s cry of agony caused the earth and sky to tremble, but the monster did not fall. Instead, it hurriedly raised its hand towards its injured eye to trap Baiyi there. Wriggling ropes of black flesh sprouted out of the large split in the exposed eyeball, quickly mending the injury.

Surprised at the fact that the Abyss Lord was still alive, despite the horrifying injury on its eye, Baiyi swung his sword at the humongous hand rushing towards him. He also shifted some his attention to the Devil Walker and asked, “I thought the Abyss Lord’s eyeballs were its weak points?!”

“It is, but so what? We are facing an Abyss Lord here, mate! No matter how sharp that sword is, it will not be able to inflict enough damage to keep up with the monster’s abnormal healing speed!” The Devil Walker replied.

Despite wielding the War God’s Sword and possessing knowledge of his opponent’s weak points, Baiyi was still unable to deal fatal damage. The eyeball he had attacked was so big, Baiyi seemed like a midget hovering in front of it. To Molocchus, the wound he had just inflicted was nothing more than a tiny cut on the surface of its eye — an injury that it could heal almost instantly. How then was Baiyi supposed to destroy its eyeball? Would he have to keep making small cuts and wait for it to die from the pain?

In that short amount of time, the thick flesh helmet, which Baiyi had cut in half, had completely reformed. Between deep pants, Molocchus growled at Baiyi. “Your power... truly is immeasurable. I do not know why you suddenly stopped using that black energy and chose to utilize such primitive methods of attack. What I do know, however, is that your current attacks are inconsequential to me; all they do is enrage me. Therefore, enjoy being engulfed by the flames of my rage!”

The huge monster suddenly Rewrote the Laws of Power, re-enabling the ability to use worldly forms of energy. Its black flesh began to wriggle and contort, and eyeballs began to appear all over its body, making it resemble Argos 2 from Greek Mythology. Its new appearance was more nauseating than the monsters dreamt of by those who had trypophobia 3 .

Suddenly, the seemingly countless eyeballs on the monster fired off beams of magic spells — demonic bolts of lightning, demonic fireballs, demonic laser beams, and much more — at Baiyi. The sky darkened as a rain of spells clouded it, pouring down on Baiyi’s minuscule figure.

In the first battle, the Abyss Lord had not dared Rewrite the Law of Power to allow for the usage of worldly energy, for it believed that Baiyi could fire off forbidden spell after forbidden spell without limit; moreover, it had planned to flee all along. Now, however, it knew that victory would only be achieved if one of them died!

If that was how things were to go, then the Abyss Lord would fight with everything it had.

Baiyi, on the other hand, was not perturbed by the situation he was in. The Book of Servitude appeared above his hand, and its pages began flipping on their own, instantly casting Svalinn — one of the strongest shield spells in the book.

The rain of spells could not penetrate the spherical shield around Baiyi, but the Abyss Lord did not care. It continued firing spells from its countless eyes, leaving Baiyi no opportunity to retaliate.

That was not enough for Molocchus, though. It began to chant a very long incantation, and an intricate set of runes appeared behind it. These runes were forming a long-range forbidden spell.

The target it had locked this forbidden spell onto was not Baiyi; the forbidden spell was to be fired at a target situated very far from where Baiyi was hovering — the displaced fairies of Eom Village, whom Baiyi’s students were currently with!

“Sh*t! They’re in danger!” Baiyi’s heart palpitated when he realized Molocchus’s intentions. He knew that even if Molocchus missed its target, it could just fire off more devastating spells in the same direction until its targets were wiped out.

If that happened, their battle would end there and then.

However, Baiyi could do nothing to stop it; he was trapped by the rain of magic spells bombarding his shield without stop.

Just when things were taking a turn for the worse, a familiar voice rang out from the War God’s Sword.

“Yo! I fix the realm a little, so now that it’s a little bit better now, I can remove the limit on your power for a little while. But, for only three minutes! That’s as much as I can allow, and also my last gift to you, okay? I’m rooting for you!”

Baiyi was overjoyed by the news, as he could once again become invincible. The problem for him was the time limit. ‘Three minutes?! What can anyone do with just three minutes?!’ Baiyi thought. In anime, high-tech mechas required, at least, five minutes to defeat, and the Abyss Lord was way tougher than those mechas. !

Furthermore, he could not afford to run riot, for fear of dealing the twin-realm more damage than it could handle.

Suddenly, the Fifth Walker had an idea. ‘What better way to battle a mecha than using another mecha...’

“This is it. We have to use that technique now!” Baiyi exclaimed in the Void.

“Ooh? Which one?” the Archmage asked, dumbfounded.

“That one! You know — the most shameless, useless, and undignified technique we have! We have no choice!” Baiyi replied, promptly dismissing the repudiations of the other Voidwalkers. If he wanted to save the world in three minutes, he had no choice but to place his faith on this secret Void spell!

The foundation of this spell was the Pseudo-Descent Spell that the Voidwalkers invented. This spell Baiyi intended to use had only come into being because the Voidwalkers were bored and decided to try breathing life into one of their craziest ideas.

Little did they know that they really would have to use it someday.

With Svalinn shielding him, Baiyi began to chant an incantation.

“Guardians, heed my command!”

“Sir Caveman Walker and Sir Lich Walker, you’ll form the legs! My Master and Sir Knight Walker, you’ll form the torso and arms...”

“And I’ll form the head!”

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