Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 353 - Bursting Shots

Chapter 353: Bursting Shots

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Call me Mama!”

The aggressiveness with which the Fairy Walker used to ascertain her position left Baiyi astonished; he quickly pulled the unruly militia armor behind him, away from the eyes of the now-alarmed Tisdale. With an apologetic smile on his face, he explained, “Whoa! Th-this is my old friend Mar-Mar! That’s err... her name! Hahaha! How fortunate to see an old face here! I’m so happy!”

To get his point across, Baiyi laughed dryly and dragged the Fairy Walker forward, silently signaling her to cooperate.

The Fairy Walker’s vast life experience made her understand the importance of leaving a man some face, so she decided to play along. “Yep; I’m Mar-Mar. Very pleased to meet you, Dale.”

Tisdale was surprised. “Huh? You knew of my pet name?”

“Why, of course! You all are Hope’s little cinnamon buns — his pride! Whenever we write to each other, all he ever talks about are you girls!” The Fairy Walker replied. “And, look at this little cutie here... You must be Little Mia. Hoho, your teacher dotes on you the most.” The Fairy Walker chuckled as she stretched at hand towards Mia for a handshake.

“Huh?! No way! Mr. Hope always gets mad at me,” Mia replied, going red in the face as she shook the Fairy Walker’s hand. At that moment, however, some thoughts were going through her mind. ‘ Why does this cowskin gauntlet feel so familiar? And also, back then, Grandpa also wore a militia armor set very similar to what Mar-Mar is wearing now! Do all of Mr. Hope’s friends like this type of armor?’

The Fairy Walker spent some time familiarizing herself with the students. Throughout the process, not only did she carry herself as elegantly as a noblewoman, but she was also affable and easy going — the complete opposite of how she acted in the Void, especially when she had that showdown with the Warrior Walker and Assassin Walker.

This was more than enough to save Baiyi some face. Furthermore, she had made sure to speak with a graceful feminine tone of voice, and the students soon began to call her ‘Big sister Mar-Mar’, to which the sly Fairy Walker replied, “There’s no need to call me Big sister. Just call me Mar-Mar! Makes us sound really close, like family, doesn’t it?”

The Fairy Walker’s prowess in social interaction was truly advanced; even taking advantage of the students’ susceptibility was done with class. There was just no way the puffing piggies, the Assassin and Warrior Walkers, would have been able to show this level of skill!

This was only natural, though, because, by now, she ought to have had some ways with which she compensated for her status as ‘The Walking Bane’; if not, she would have long since been fooled into marriage and taken advantage of.

However, one of Baiyi’s students, a little girl, was able to detect cues that suggest that there was something more to her Godfather and this Mar-Mar than was let on. In fact, judging from the way Baiyi and the militia armor interacted with each other, Vidomina even felt like she was watching her parents converse.

However, before she could ask a question one would consider socially inappropriate, both Baiyi and the Fairy Walker suddenly turned around and rushed to stand in front of the students. Multiple formations appeared in front of Baiyi and formed a vast protection barrier.

The Fairy Walker’s countenance instantly changed. She ditched her noble persona and stomped the ground hard, causing a few leaves to fly into the air, and she caught them.

“Will it work?” Baiyi whispered. He did not the power that would be extracted from the leaves the Fairy Walker sought to use a weapon; he doubted his own barrier.

The Fairy Walker, who was staring ahead with a serious expression on her face, only shook her head sideways in reply.

Suddenly, she hurled the leaves in her hands as though they were daggers.

‘Thwip! Thwip!’

From a clearing far beyond the woods, the sounds of arrows being fired rang out. The students had yet to realize there was something wrong before two dark strands entered their periphery vision, rushing towards them with insane speed.

However, with similarly insane speed, Baiyi and the Fairy Walker each caught one of the flying arrows.

‘How do arrows even fly at such speed?’

The arrows had been flying close to light speed, and even the students could not see them with their naked eyes. ‘If it wasn’t for our teacher, what would have happened to us?’ They thought in unison.

Baiyi glanced warily his barrier, which had been easily penetrated. In order to prevent being overheard, he turned and spoke to the Fairy Walker in her language, saying, “Please don’t do that again. It was very risky. What if I was a millisecond too late?”

In the same language, the Fairy Walker cooed, “You are the love of my life, darling. There is simply no way my husband would have failed to catch it. Besides, you now get to look even more badass in front of your students!”

Although the students were unable to see the arrows, their two veteran guardians did. The arrows were fired as a warning, with no intention to hit anyone. If both soul armatures had stood still, the arrows would have just flown past their heads. The attack seemed to have been a warning to would-be trespassers.

The leaves hurled by the Fairy Walker hit the arrows and changed their trajectories, making them easy to catch. It was more accurate to say that the arrows had flown directly into their hands.

Although their stunt had looked badass, it was very risky. If Baiyi had been a millisecond slower, he would have been a badass, instead.

“Now what? These are your tribe people’s doing, right? Shouldn’t you interact with them?” Baiyi asked.

The Fairy Walker titled her head at an awkward angle and stared at Baiyi fiercely. “How do you expect me to interact when I look like this?”

“Using a bow and some arrows, of course,” Baiyi replied. An icy blue glow surged from his arms, and Baiyi placed his palms together in front of his chest before slowly moving one backward.

When his palms separated, there was a bow made of ice hovering between them. He hurried handed it to the Fairy Walker.

“Hee hee! Having a sorcerer for a husband makes everything so convenient!” She chuckled and took the ice bow. “Looks pretty low in resolution, but hey, I’ll be a bad woman if I can appreciate my man’s effort! But what about the bowstring? Are you only going to attach it once you marry a new wife~? 1

‘Why would you always think of things like these? And, aren’t you still alive?!’ Baiyi thought. He was relieved that they used the language of the fairies to have that embarrassing conversation. If they had not, he had no idea how he would be able to explain to the students what they had talked about.

For an archery mastery like the Fairy Walker, the absence of a bowstring was not an issue; so long as the bow she sought to use was still intact, she would always find a way. At that moment, the Fairy Walker turned to Tisdale and cried, “Look, Dale! There’s a flying saucer over there!”

“What? What’s a flying saucer?” Tisdale asked, quickly turning around, only to feel a slight tug on her hair. The Fairy Walker had plucked a strand of her hair out.

It could not be helped because Tisdale had the longest hair among the lot.

The Fairy Walker quickly fashioned the golden strand of hair into a bow, then she took out two ice arrows. She placed the arrows against the golden hair bow and yanked them backward, till the bow seemed like it would snap.

This feat was supposed to be impossible. The laws of physics had clearly been violated because the density of the ice arrows and the minuscule tensile strength of the strand of hair should have made drawing a full bow impossible. However, physics could limit only mortals. In this world, no one would dare call themselves masters if they could not bend the laws of physics.

It was a good thing Newton was dead, for if he got wind of what the Fairy Walker had just done, he would roll around in his grave. 2

The two archers hidden deep inside the woods were about to make their next move. After firing their warning shots, they had waited for Baiyi and his crew to leave; however, as soon as they noticed that the trespassers had no intention of vacating their spot, the archers became serious.

They drew their bows, aiming at the soul armatures and his crew.

Suddenly, they felt a very, very familiar presence locking onto them. This left them feeling astonished.

The strange presence was nothing like psychic energy or combat chi; It was a special energy called Zephyr’s Sigh, which could only be used by Gale Snipers like themselves. The ability of one to use the same mysterious energy was an indirect way of identifying themselves as someone from the tribe of the two Gale Snipers.

When the archers sensed the mysterious energy, that surprise caused them to pause for only a moment.

That time was all the Fairy Walker needed to take action. She did not give a damn about shooting her own kind, instantly letting loose the two ice arrows. A faint line of silver could be briefly seen leaving the bow, and after that — to the dead Newton’s relief — the golden strand of hair snapped.

However, if the Fairy Walker could accurately change the trajectory of her enemies’ attacks with her own, then it was only natural that the two archers, who were also Gale Snipers, could do the same. Instead of panicking from the time they had lost, the two Gale Snipers displayed a show of abnormal reflexes to fire off arrows of their own, which moved as fast as lightning towards the ice arrows.

The four arrows met squarely in midair, and Baiyi’s ice arrows were shattered into mist. It was only natural because the ice was not a sturdy material, and the arrows had been short with a bow made from a strand of hair, whose tensile strength was almost negligible.

The Fairy Walker seemed to have lost; after all, her arrows had been shot down.

The two Gale Snipers heaved a sigh of relief, basking in the aftermath of their superior display of skill. Their arrows had been knocked off course as well and were wedged deep inside the branch of a tree far away.

However, the Gale Snipers did not enjoy their relief for too long because a few ice needles suddenly tore through the ice mists, hurtling towards them!

They never saw it coming, so their abnormal reflexes could do nothing for them.

They could only watch the needles brush past their faces by a minute distance and land in the bushes behind them, with sharp sounds.

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