Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 226

Chapter 226: The Kind of Ideas Some People would Harbor

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After Baiyi’s timely performance, the situation had quickly regained control. Before anyone else could cast a glance his way, he quietly returned to the ground. He didn’t go back to Aya, but instead, he went to the location sent by the Hammerhead Shark Plushie — the location of the transporter portal.

Everything was going more smoothly than he had expected here. He had no idea how the Hammerhead Shark Plushie — which had The Scholar in it — managed to command every sorcerer to work according to her plans. He could see her zipping across the site, drawing out images and images of plans using mana. The sorcerers, for their part, studied the plans and worked them out.

Some of the plans were difficult because they required knowledge in formations. These were then assigned to Mia and Tisdale as a part of their responsibilities. When Baiyi arrived, both girls were laying on the floor with their belly. Their faces strained in concentration as if they were taking the hardest test ever. They didn’t even notice the Soul Armature’s arrival.

‘Oh please, at least remember how short your skirt is!’ It was fortunate that every sorcerer was too preoccupied to enjoy the scenery within their slightly opened skirts.

“How’s the situation? Is it a tough one to crack?” Baiyi asked in the Void.

The Scholar released her grip on the part of consciousness imbued in the plushie — which caused it to hang in midair, limply — and answered, “Objectivity compels me to conclude that it is satisfactory. The variables for my assessment are as follows: previous completion — propitious. Materials — meet current requirements but alas, our manpower is woefully inadequate. Those who carry not the knowledge of formations are of minimal purpose, ergo much had been delegated to Little Mia. Acceleration of the project demands more capable men.”

Baiyi processed the report, then he turned his head to a sorcerer who was just looking up at him doubtfully, “The previous project engineers and workers of this formation — where are they?”

“Some have returned to the headquarter, while some went missing,” a sorcerer who had a Sorcerer Association Badge pinned onto his garb replied without raising his gaze from his task. His forehead was already drenched with his own sweat. It seemed that even basic work required a lot from him.

“Don’t worry, keep it up. I’ll go around and look for more help.” With the Scholar directing their progress, Baiyi believed that the construction itself would be alright. However, for the efficiency... It would require a huge boost. There were only around 12 hours left. The sooner the portal was completed, the better the chance of sending everyone to safety.

“Quickly!” The Scholar replied.

She was about to return to controlling the hammerhead shark plushie when a steely demand rang from the Void, “If we downsize the number of people that the portal could take, say — a dozen people, it would get done very quickly, right?”

“Lich, I demand clarification,” The Scholar was quick in her response.

“I meant, first, we can finish a portal that allows a dozen people to retreat to Isythre.”

“Are... Are you proposing that we... we desert hundred millions of innocents?” Anger started bubbling in the Scholar’s voice.

“Obviously! That’s the only intelligent move,” The Lich replied slyly. “Look at the speed used to do all this! How many would be able to use it to escape once in the end? Will the process of building this actually remain safe and stable? Will there suddenly be changes? Oh, I really doubt that you don’t know that, at this very moment, anything can happen to turn the table on us! Deserting these pathetic people is the only safe option!”

“Apologies, but proposal sorely declined! ” The Scholar shot down the Lich’s idea within a second. “I will never stoop to such an opprobrious level!”

“Hmph! You stupid hypocrite! We have waited for fucking millennia for this one, precious chance to escape, and you would rather bury that hope altogether with these people? Who do you think you are?! You’re just a stuffed animal!” The Lich retorted in anger.

“How dare you scorn me, you rebarbative, sorry excuse of a bag of noxious bones! Who do you think I am? You dare think me incapable? I shall educate you right in your face!”

Baiyi had known the Scholar for a long time, but he had never heard her speak in such a furious, icy-cold tone. He had always thought of the woman as a perpetual, homebound virgin otaku to the point that he had almost forgotten who she really was — The Great Unbending Sage, Noire-Jane, a demigod-level powerhouse who Baiyi earnestly trusted!

She would not cower in fear of the demigod-level Lich, even if she wasn’t very good at actual combat.

Hence, just as the Lich was about to make a threat, Baiyi interrupted him.

“That’s enough. Didn’t I say it before? I can’t stand seeing innocents suffer. You can just treat me as a disgusting hypocrite. After all, aren’t I supposed to be a force of good and compassion?”

A statement that undeniably lent its support to the Scholar’s side.

The Lich was just about to throw in even more complains, but Baiyi had had enough. He declared loudly, “Look, we all pursued powers and we got them in the end. We got them now, and yet at this critical time when we want to do something according to our own will, we have to cave to reality? Then what do these powers even bring me?”

The Lich no longer had anything to say. The most important Walker in the Void had spoken, so he had no way to object it. There were very few evil forces in the Void 1 , so it was obvious that most would support Baiyi’s decision to save the world.

Baiyi rushed to the King’s place. As he arrived, he saw that the monarch was being surrounded by the aristocrats and politicians, still engrossed in their trivial issues.

Baiyi swallowed his urge to insult their sense of priorities and shoved them to a side. He hurried on to relay to the king the need to summon sorcerers for the construction of the portals.

“There are people on it already,” King Rowan replied.

“Not enough.” Baiyi shook his head. “I need Your Highness to use that thing you had used before to give a speech for the entire day. With it, we can summon every sorcerer and everyone else who has knowledge of the formations in this city.”

Back then, during Flame Night, the King used an odd tool to give an opening speech during so that everyone in every corner of the city could hear him, and whatever that tool was, it was still what Baiyi need.

The King pondered, and just as he was about to nod, a vassal beside him jumped in frantically, “No! Your Highness! You cannot do that!”

He turned to Baiyi, furiously bellowed, “Are you mad?! If you ever mentioned the portal to the public, the people would lose their mind! They will rush to the palace and create even more chaos!”

His intention was simple: before they could make sure that these aristocrats, nobles, and politicians’ families could really escape this, they absolutely cannot let the public know there was still such a chance to live.

It would be problematic, so they wanted the news to remain classified.

Baiyi could see through that elementary desire easily, but he didn’t want to use his mouth to answer him.

Before anyone could react, Baiyi had lifted his ice-clad fist and smacked it right in the middle of his face.

The man flew so far backward, like a kite that just had its line severed.

“Master Hope! Y-you...!” King Rowan’s face shown anger in his uncivilized manner. He just punched my vassal right in front of me!

The King only managed to keep his composure because of his upbringing and his cling to civility,

“Look, about those trivial things between you nobles? I’m not interested,” Baiyi said to the King and the aristocrats who were gritting their teeth. “Well, without my help, you will never get the portal done, right? I think you know what that means — so, please, let us be rational and calm.”

“You’re threatening us!” Someone from the crowd screamed.

“Mmhmm, of course I’m threatening you. I can always just make a transporter portal for a dozen people to escape and flee, so why am I still here, wasting my time with you people? I guess it’s because I’m feeling pretty fine, so I thought I should probably save more lives, you know?” Baiyi’s voice dipped into a dangerously threatening tone. “However, if I suddenly my mood tanks, I might not feel like saving some of these lives anymore.”

Upon hearing that Baiyi could actually create his own portal, the crowd quieted down. No one dared make another sound, nevermind a rebuttal..

At the time of unrest, a more savage approach usually worked better.

Baiyi looked around him, satisfied with their submissiveness, then he clapped on the King’s shoulder without a care about their difference in status and said, “Your Highness, can I believe that you are a benevolent ruler who loves his people?”

The Fifth Walker left under the furious gazes and dirty looks thrown to him from the nobles. Ironically, the first time he had walked out of the palace, the very same people here had looked at him with utmost respect and gratitude.

“Your Highness, what should we do? Must we be subjected to that rogue’s threat? Do you need...” A politician said, drawing a horizontal line on his own neck using his index finger. “Two of the people who are repairing the portal now are his students. They are both just ignorant little girls and they’ll be easy to be led away 2 .”

The King shook his head helplessly. He replied in a low voice, “Don’t seek any more trouble at this time.”

The politician was persistent. “Are you afraid of his power, Your Highness?”

He moved closer and whispered into the King’s ears.

“At this time, you still retain such forces?” the King was aghast.

“Certainly! They are our last card to protect our family and property. With an approval from you, Your Highness, I will order them to finish off that savage. I have already investigated his power. he’s only a master-level fighter.”

The King still shook his head sideways in an act of rationality. “No. Direct your men to aid the dragon knights. Then, command your personal army to the palace to help maintain order when the incoming refugees surge in.”

He took out a magical tool that looked like a conch shell from his inner pocket. It was the very same tool he had used to speak to the entire city. It was a priceless item.

“Your Highness! Please reconsider. If you let them know, and the window of time for escape isn’t enough —” a few people from the crowd began to shout frantically. It seemed that even with Baiyi’s threat, these people still refused to give up their despicable politicking.

“Let’s believe in Master Hope, shall we? Don’t even try to use insignificant tricks and ploys to fool him,” The King replied.

He sighed. “Looks like the Church wasn’t lying... about him being a hero.”

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