While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 459: Incarnate as a demon **** and talk to Red Moon!

Chapter 459 Transformed into a evil demon **** and talked with Hongyue!

 “Start simulation!”

  【The 168th simulation is started, the current remaining energy source is 20,154,870 points...the remaining simulation times are 4. 】

  【Simulation begins! 】

 【Extracting talent requires 1 point of energy source. Do you want to extract it? 】


 【Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden talent Blood Spirit Divine Body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing the red talent is 20%...】

  【Blood Spirit Divine Body】: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies. You are born with the ability to obtain energy from blood, and your ability to learn blood-related magical powers is greatly improved.

 “Blood Spirit Divine Body…”

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. His first reaction was that this talent seemed to be very suitable for the Advent Sect’s magical powers!

Whether it is the Blood Immortal Sutra or the Blood River Divine Power, it seems that both can benefit from this talent...

“It’s a pity that the magical powers of Adventism are of no use to me for the time being...but there may be a place where I can use them in the future, so I’ll keep them for now!”

Su Xing murmured.

 Although he transforms into a foreign form, he can still be simulated when he wakes up.

 “This is the first time that I have started a simulation in the form of a foreign race!”

 “I would like to see if there are any changes...”

Look at the simulation panel.

  【Ding, it has been detected that your talent blood spirit body and lemure form have low adaptability...】

  【This talent is automatically converted into...a small improvement in understanding of related laws such as killing and blood. 】

Looking at the text in front of him, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

 Since the birth of the lemure gods, talents cannot be changed.

"Looking at it this way...if you start the simulation in the lemure form, it seems that the talent will increase to a certain extent for this form!"

 Wake up and think deeply.

  【In the void, you realize that you are simulating. 】

    俱 hid his own aura and continued to hide near the star realm. 】

 【Soon, five days passed...】

 【On March 15th, you felt two breaths approaching quickly...】

  【These are two first-level gods, respectively from the Shadow Clan and the Tuna Clan. 】

  【After the two shadow gods found you, they suddenly looked surprised. 】

  【You pretended to be ignorant and cautious and looked at them, showing how defensive you were...】

  【The two gods were not surprised by your mentality and took the trouble to explain it to you. 】

  【Soon, under the explanations of these two gods, you "gradually let go of your guard". 】

  【They carefully teach you to connect to the divine realm...】

  【Then, they told you that you were ordered by a great being. 】

  【He has sensed your existence and foresees that you will be of great help to the future of the alien race, so he hopes that you can join the fifth alien army, which is the alien army responsible for invading the Qingyuan Territory. 】

  【As a reward, the alien race will provide you with enough resources to help you improve your divine power, and at the same time help you grow the lemure clan. 】

   【After hearing the words of the two gods, you showed interest and asked them where they were going. 】

  【These two alien gods tell you that they will take you to a middle-thousand world called Wujie, which is the hiding place of their alien race. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

 “In the middle of a thousand worlds, there is no boundary…”

 When I wake up in my memory, there is indeed news about such a world.

 This is a medium-thousand world, but its area is huge, comparable to the Great Thousand World.

At the same time, because of the unique void terrain outside the void, surrounded by many high-intensity void turbulence, it is almost impossible for monks below the Golden Immortal level to enter.

 Therefore, there are not many "specialty resources" in the empty world, and commerce and trade are underdeveloped. Therefore, there is very little communication with the outside world, and it is basically an isolated middle-aged world.

 Because there is no Luotian inheritance near Kongwujie, Su Xing only knows the approximate location, but has never been there.

“I see...the alien army that invaded Qingyuan Territory has been lurking near Kongwujie?”

 Su Xing squinted his eyes.

“There is no boundary in the sky, it doesn’t seem to be that far away from Xiaoqingyun Realm and Blue Star… only about a few dozen space nodes away…”

“It seems that the alien races in the Qingyuan Territory used this world as their base to launch an invasion of the Qingyuan Territory!”

Su Xing silently wrote down the news.

Just after transforming into the vest of the evil demon god, such important information was captured!

 “Tsk tsk… With just this piece of information, this simulation is not a loss!”

Su Xing nodded slightly, and was a little curious at the same time.

 What will happen after you transform into a demon god?

Look at the simulation panel.

  【According to the words of the two alien gods, you will follow them to the void realm. 】

  【The fifth legion will give you a whole small world near the void so that you can breed lemures. 】

  【The Fifth Legion will provide you with enough flesh and blood essence...and what you have to do is to breed enough lemures as quickly as possible. 】

  【Within ten years, they want you to cultivate an army of five million evil spirits. 】

  【Within a hundred years, you need to cultivate hundreds of millions of elite-level lemures! 】

  【The requirements of the Fifth Legion are not difficult for you. With your strength, this time can even be shortened several times. 】

  【So, you are going to follow these two alien gods to see the so-called emptiness. 】

  【One month later...】

Just when you are about to reach the void, the expressions of the two alien gods have changed. 】

  【They informed you that they have received an order from an adult...and that adult is very interested in you and wants to meet you. 】

  【You are a little surprised after hearing this, but after all, it is just a simulation that you don't need to worry about your own safety. 】

  【So you agreed to this request, followed the two first-level gods to change direction, and rushed towards another void...】

  【Finally, you will be shocked by the place you arrive at. 】

  【It’s Blue Star! 】

  【And the adult who is interested in you...is none other than Hongyue! 】

 In the real world, Su Xing’s heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

 “Hongyue…is actually interested in me?”

“Could it be that He has seen through my identity?”

 This was Su Xing's first reaction, but he was quickly rejected by Su Xing.

Although Red Moon is strong, it is only at the level of the main **** after all.

Furthermore, the awakened evil demon gods have also come into contact with aliens at the main **** level several times in simulations, and they have not revealed any flaws.

“You must not have discovered my identity...maybe Hongyue has something else to ask me for?”

 Wake up and think deeply, prepare to take advantage of the plan and go to Blue Star!

  【Soon, you followed two first-level divine messengers and headed to the endless abyss through the passage in the void...】

[A few months have passed, and part of the endless abyss that you cleaned up has been restored, but the red-eyed aliens above the gods have obviously changed. 】

  【You followed the two "messengers" all the way to the bottom of the endless abyss, and also saw the red moon! 】

  【Obviously, the red moon at this time has not yet been fully resurrected. What you see is the incarnation of the red moon, a huge red eye as big as a hill. 】

  【This is also the incarnation of all red-eyed aliens. 】

  【Soon, Hongyue dismissed the two envoys. It seems that she has something private to say to you alone. 】

  【You stood there quietly, wanting to see what trouble Hongyue was going to make. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

 Hongyue, seems to be very interested in my incarnation..."

“But this is a rare opportunity to get in touch with the red moon. It should be done from a distance!”

 Shu Xing felt something in his heart and said silently:

 “Using immersive simulation, duration 1 year…”

 【Ding...the remaining energy source is 20,154,505 points...】

As the simulation prompt sounds fall, the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


 The endless abyss, the bottom!

In my ears, Hong Yue’s gloomy voice came:

"You two, go down for now...I have some personal matters and I want to talk to this person!"

Su Xing squinted his eyes, and the huge red eyes in front of him made a sound that struck the soul, reaching the hearts of the three people present.

After hearing Hong Yue’s words, the two first-level divine messengers hesitated for a while, but still looked at each other, performed a strange etiquette, and said:

 “Yes, sir!”

Having said that, the two envoys left the bottom of the endless abyss. After the messenger left, only Su Xing and Hongyue were left in this space.

Su Xing looked at the red moon in front of him expressionlessly, quietly waiting for the next step.

“Jiejie~Hello, the new **** favored by the Mother Goddess... Judging from your aura, it seems that you are not far from the first-level god!”

“Tsk, tsk, I didn’t expect that such a remarkable being would appear among the lowest level of the lemure demons…”

“With you here, tens of millions of years from now, maybe the lemure clan will be among the top ten imperial clans!”

 The red moon in front of her said a lot of words one after another, without the feeling of terror that she had seen when she woke up in the past.

On the contrary, the red moon in front of me seemed to be drawing towards the incarnation of Su Xing in my words...

 Su Xing's mind started to spin quickly, and then he worked hard to maintain the character of the evil demon vest, cherishing the words like gold:

"What do you mean?"

After Hongyue heard Su Xing’s words, she was not angry at all, but said:

“Tsk, tsk, as soon as you were born, you were close to the first-level **** level. It seems that the Mother Goddess has put a lot of effort into you... In the future, you will definitely become a being like me!”

"No...you can even become a stronger being than me...have a chance to have a glimpse of the realm of domination!"

 Speaking of this, Hongyue's tone seemed to be a little more crazy.

 As soon as he heard the word "lord", Su Xing immediately became energetic and listened carefully.

But obviously, Hongyue didn’t want to say too much on this topic, so she changed her tone and said:

"But...you are still too weak now!"

“You have just been born into the weakest member of the alien race…but you are in desperate need of an opportunity to grow!”

“And now, our race and the human race are engaged in a continuous **** war... It is easy for a being like you to fall..."

“Even once you have been drained of your use value, those who stand under the master will be eager for you to leave this world as soon as possible..."

Hongyue said a lot, and she seemed to be thinking about the Evil Demon Vest.

Su Xing listened quietly. After reacting for a while, he frowned and said:

"What do you mean?"

Hongyue did not blame Su Xing. Instead, she said slowly in a beguiling tone:

“So, you who have just been born... need a truly trustworthy ally!”

 “And I am your best ally!”

Su Xing raised his eyebrows after hearing Hong Yue’s words and murmured:


 “You...want to cooperate with me?”

Su Xing said word by word, looking intently at the red moon in front of him, as if he wanted to see some flaws in those huge eyes.

 “Yes! Cooperate!”

"You are favored by the Mother Goddess. Although you have great potential for growth...after all, you appeared too late!"

"Among the entire alien race, there are only a few people who can help you grow..."

 “But none of them will help you sincerely!”

"Whether it's arrogance, gluttony, rage...or the current 'killer'...they are all just using you!"

“When your usefulness is extracted, they will kick you away!”

 “And I...are different!”

 After a pause, Hongyue said:

“You must have heard of my existence, right?”

Su Xing felt something in his heart after hearing this. He did know it, but he couldn't show it right now.

 So he showed a look of confusion and interest just right, and asked:

 “So, who are you? And why do you want to ally with me?”

 “What’s in it for you?”

Su Xing asked three questions in a row. He wanted to know the reason why the red moon in front of him wanted to find him.

But he saw Hong Yue slowly saying:

 “I...I’m just a loser from the past!”

"But now, I have gained new authority in death and failure...I want to make a comeback..."

"Perhaps... you can also call me the last 'killer'!"

 “Millions of years ago…”

Hongyue told Su Xing as much as possible about his former strength and advantages.

Su Xing listened quietly, hoping to intercept useful information.

 After a while, Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and thought to himself:

 “Is it a struggle between the two killings...that’s what it is!”

It turns out that among the alien races, the ten most powerful races are called the Imperial Race!

 Below the imperial family, it is the royal family…

 And among the Imperial Clan, the seven most powerful patriarchs are called the "Seven Deadly Sins"!

Of course, this is Su Xing’s own understanding, not Hong Yue’s original intention.

These seven powerful evil demon gods are codenamed: Killing, Fury, Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Lust and Envy!

 Among these seven, killing is the first!

 The seven most powerful gods enjoy the highest priority in resources.

 Endless essence of flesh and blood...the sweetest "will of the world"!

 Obviously, the red moon in front of you is the last one who killed you!

 But since that battle thousands of years ago, Hong Yue led several gods to fight against Patriarch Luo Tian!

Although Patriarch Luo Tian finally fell, Hongyue also fell at the same time!

Hongyue after her death, because the law of killing she understood was very similar to the high-level law "the law of death".

 And before his death, he got a glimpse of the origin of the law of death!

 Because of this, Red Moon has the chance to be resurrected now!

As the previous leader of the Chitong Clan, the most powerful being among the Seven Deadly Sins, he was once a man of great glory!

 But the current red moon is not so beautiful.

 Since the "death" of the Red Moon, it has been silent for a long time...

 It was only in the past million years that contact with alien races was regained.

 But tens of millions of years have passed, things have changed and people have changed!

 The previous killing lord, Hong Yue, has become a thing of the past!

 And the current Lord of Slaughter is Hong Yue’s son!

 In other words, the second generation Hongyue, the new patriarch of the Chitong clan!

Relying on the heritage of the Chitong clan, the second generation of Hongyue surpassed the old Seven Deadly Sins Lords in just a few million years.

 Becoming the new murderer, the first of the seven deadly sins!

  But the Dharma cannot be practiced at the same time!

For any superior law, there must be only one person who can reach the end!

Hence, a good show of rupture between father and son was staged!

 The current master of killing, the second generation Hongyue.

His strength is also top-notch among the main gods, equivalent to the peak of the main gods.

Moreover, after thousands of years of operation, it has countless supporters and the entire Chitong clan as its backing.

Hongyue, as the previous killing master.

  Although it was once very strong, it has fallen for too long after all... Thousands of years have passed, and the former patriarch is no longer in the position, and has lost the support of the red-eyed alien race.

 The network of relationships among the entire foreign race has also faded a lot.

 But Red Moon also has certain advantages after all.

 At the time of death, understanding of the law of death…

  Old subordinates accumulated tens of millions of years ago, countless red-eyed aliens.

There are also some contacts with old friends, and among the current Red Tong clan, there are still some strong men from the older generation who support Hongyue!

 But the biggest disadvantage of Red Moon is that it has not yet been resurrected!

Even if he is completely resurrected, it will take some time to regain his former strength.

 Su Xing rubbed the center of his eyebrows, gradually clearing his thoughts, and a thought arose in his mind:

“When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured!”

"What's more, it's a battle between great ways and laws?"

 “Even if it’s a father and a son…”

“Between the first generation of Hongyue and the second generation of Hongyue, only one must survive!”

 “This seems... to be information worth using!”

 Shu Xing kept reasoning in his mind.

  Provoke a fight between the old and new Red Moons, thus causing chaos within the alien race.

 This will definitely have a huge impact on the entire human race!

“This is definitely a huge opportunity...but how to use it needs to be considered!”

"But right now, Hongyue is asking for help from me... but I can get enough benefits from him!"

Thoughts flashed through Su Xing's mind, and he quickly came up with an idea.

Looking at the huge red eyeball in front of him, Su Xing said slowly:

“So, you want to ally with me and regain the opportunity to become the leader of your Chi Tong clan?”

 “But…what good can I get out of it?”

Hongyue heard Su Xing’s words showing interest in the alliance, so she said:

“From what I can see, you seem to be following the path of faith, right?”

“Relying on the power of faith to quickly enhance divine power, divinity, and godhead... without having to go through a long period of devouring.”

 “For the lemure clan, they indeed have a unique advantage!”

 “This is also the reason why I am willing to cooperate with you...”

"The collection of the power of faith requires a large number of believers... which means a large number of low-level lemures are needed!"

“The breeding of low-level lemures requires a large amount of flesh and blood essence…”

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