What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

When He Yunxiao slipped back from the gardens of the study, Sister Du was still inside the study.

Standing at the entrance to the study, He Yunxiao was going to use his hearing to listen in on the conversation between the two girls in the room. but after just a moments thought, he gave up in the end. Even in ancient times, one had to respect the privacy of ones wives.

He thought, he had been loitering for a while, and if Sister Du hadnt convinced Sister Zirou by now, then I guess it would be difficult to rely on Sister Du to convince this one.

He Yunxiao didnt want Sister Du to push herself for him, and he didnt want Sister Du and her sister to get into any kind of disagreement over this.

So he pretended that he didnt know that Dus sister was in the room, knocked on the door and called out, Zirou, Im back.

The voices of the two women in the room came to an abrupt end after He Yunxiao knocked on the door.

Then came Fan Zirous usual soft words, Come in, Young Master.

Only when He Yunxiao received permission did he push the door open and enter.

Miss Zirou, Miss Yinyun.

When Du Yinyun saw that He Yunxiao had arrived, she didnt intend to stay long, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, she said, Sister, Young Master He, Yinyun has other things to do, so excuse me.

This time, Fan Zirou didnt even pretend to keep her good sister, and when she saw Du Yinyun get up to leave, she also got up and said, Sister, Ill see you off.

Du Yinyun only felt funny in her heart when she saw her sisters impatient look.

Since when had her dignified, calm and collected sister Zirou learned to be anxious?

Rather than watching Fan Zirou get anxious, Du Yinyun wanted to see her sister being caught by her Young Master.

She herself prided herself on her indifference and her lack of love for romance. but as long as she was under the hands of her Young Master, she would also be loved by him to the point where she would look blushing and shameless.

I wonder what a woman with a personality like my sisters would look like when she is embarrassed.

Fan Zirou sent sister Du away, and after a few steps, she saw her looking at her strangely.

Yinyun, what are you thinking about?


Fan Zirou didnt half believe that she wasnt thinking about anything, Come on, tell me.

Du Yinyun would never tell anyone about her bad taste, so she had to divert the conversation, Sister, if you dont go back, Young Master He will be gone by then.

When it came to He Yunxiao, Fan Zirou and Du Yinyuns thoughts of playing and joking around were dispersed.

After slapping Du, for teasing her, she then walked back to the study.

He Yunxiao was waiting in the study. He had just seen that Fan Zirous favorability was still holding steady at 76, so he didnt know how well Sister Du had persuaded her.

Fan Zirou left for a few moments and returned.

Ive kept you waiting.

He Yunxiao smiled, It doesnt matter. Its always Miss Zirou who waits for me in the room every day, so its only right that I wait for you today.

[Fan Zirous favorability level changed from 76 to 77]

He Yunxiao: ?

System, refresh yourself.

[Fan Zirous favorable rating is 77]

He Yunxiao couldnt understand how Fan Zirous favorability level suddenly increased when he clearly didnt do anything just now.

This is not right!

Is this still the same Fan Zirou who is not easily happy or sad?

Did the knot break?

I dont think its a knot thats broken, but when the favorability rating was low in the past, it didnt go up like this.

Is it because previously suppressed too long, Fan Zirou became very thirsty Ah no sister Zirou favorability level becomes very thirsty.

He Yunxiao is interested in trying it out, so he took the initiative and asked, Zirou, have you written your outline yet?

Fan Zirou hand sorted out several pieces of manuscript paper, and handed them to He Yunxiao, Young Master, the outline of the front part is ready. The back part of the outline is not much written, there are many parts that Zirou weak needs to think about again.

He Yunxiao looked at the outline and praised it without mincing words, Its very good! Youre already very good at writing like this for your first time.

[Fan Zirous favorability level changed from 77 to 78]

Its really gone up!

My guess was right.

The accumulated favorability had been suppressed for a long time, and it was like a volcano ready to explode.


When Fan Ziziwei heard He Yunxiao call her, she looked up at him seriously and listened to him.

What is it, Young Master?

Its nothing, I just want to say: youre so beautiful.

[Fan Zirous favorability level changed from 78 to 79]

Damn, even this could increase, a little bit cool.

Now my sisters favorability level has reached a critical point, and with just a little more pull, I will be successful.

This is a very simple point for me now, and I can just do something to get my sister to be raided right away.

But He Yunxiao always felt that something was missing, the important moment when Sister Zirou became Wife Zirou, did it have to be in this study again?

It felt like proposing to his girlfriend through QQ, too superficial. (Notes: Like Wechat & Whatsapp QQ is an instant messaging service in China.)

It had to be more romantic.

When I was trying to raid Sister Du, I was beaten to death by Chu Fan in front of everyones eyes, causing Sister Du to weep with sympathy, before I succeeded.

Wife Nanzhu that time, was sitting by the lake roasting a campfire, holding hands, and eating fish, romantic as hell.

Even if it was Sister Jiang, it was only on a moonlit night, on the high-rise staircase of the Spring Wind Mansion, that I held an umbrella for her to protect her from the wind.

It was more romantic and ritualistic than sitting in the study, talking about random things.

He Yunxiao put down Fan Zirous outline and stood up, Zirou, lightweight is a necessary skill for martial artists, if you want to write martial arts, you must write about lightweight. However, unlike other martial arts moves, you cannot learn how to use them. In the future, if you want to write about it and you dont know how to do lightness, it will be very difficult.

He Yunxiao continued, Zirou, I have thought of an idea, I can take you to experience lightweight skills, how about that?

Of course Fan Zirou believed in He Yunxiao, so he said without hesitation, Yes.

If it requires going out, are you willing to do that too?

Fan Zirou looked at He Yunxiao and nodded slowly.


Speaking of which, He Yunxiao had never seen sister Zirou go out. She stayed at home for a long time. Wasnt she afraid of being suffocated?

Her favorability rating was not high before, but now that it was high, I had to take sister Zirou, out more often.

When the two of them arrived at the entrance to the side door of the Fan residence, He Yunxiao confirmed once again, Zirou, its time to go out.

Fan Zirou nodded.

He Yunxiao could not take the initiative to take her hand, so he could only say, Zirou, you follow me, the Marquis carriage is just ahead.


Fan Zirou wasnt as afraid of going out as He Yunxiao thought, and after she went out, she was quite normal, although she still spoke and expressed herself much less. It was only sometimes the yelling of people on the street that would make her frown reluctantly.

Arriving at the Marquis carriage, He Yunxiao yelled, Old Ma, you get down first.

No one in the Marquis household knew his name, but everyone called him Old Ma.

When Old Ma heard the young masters voice, he jumped down from the carriage with a quick movement.


The coachman was about to speak when he was immediately surprised by the girl next to his young master.

Staring wide-eyed, he didnt slow down for a moment.

This girl was even more beautiful than the orian girl in the painting Are you sure it wasnt a fairy coming down to earth?

He Yunxiao took a wooden ladder and placed it under the carriage, then jumped onto the carriage and held out his hand to Fan Zirou, saying, Zirou, come, Ill show you the sunset.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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