What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 30: Blood Circulation Treatment

Chapter 30: Blood Circulation Treatment

“I heard the leader and his subordinates say that they have to protect the people with supernatural abilities who want to live a normal life.” Qiu Wuji appeared beside Chu Ge and walked home with him. She whispered, “This country of yours is very friendly.”

The worries that Chu Ge had before were largely eliminated by this sentence. He smiled and said, “That’s right, this is called people-oriented. Most supernatural ability users may not necessarily be dangerous, and most people are accustomed to comfortable lives. It’s normal to want to live a good life, and there’s no need to overreact.”

“Well… their practice is very strange, like specializing in one kind of ability, rather than systematic cultivation.”

Of course, supernatural powers and cultivation are not the same… but Chu Ge noticed something from her words, “Can abilities be trained?”

“Yes, I could see the traces of training from that man, that’s very clear. The same ability can have a huge difference in strength. Being able to pass through a wooden door is different from being able to pass through a wall, and being able to pass through thick metal is another matter. This kind of ability will undergo a qualitative change at a certain level, such as ignoring defense or merging with the five elements. These are the directions that can be expected.”

Chu Ge pondered, “It seems that this so-called revival of spiritual energy is no longer a matter of overnight. It has begun to have a certain system.”

Qiu Wuji turned her head and looked at him, then suddenly smiled, “Have you ever thought that you may have awakened supernatural powers inadvertently, but you don’t know it?”

Chu Ge was stunned, “Do you mean…imagining things into reality?”

Qiu Wuji shook her head, “It’s unknown. If it’s really that kind of ability…the power of gods? It’s beyond my knowledge, and I dare not speculate. When you have cultivated and can feel and control your own power, perhaps you will be able to know for sure.”

“Well.” Chu Ge sighed, “But it seems like it will take a very, very long time. Now, not to mention getting started, I haven’t even met the requirements for the physical body and bones yet. It’s not something that can be achieved overnight, even with training.”

Qiu Wuji lightly bit her lip, lowered her head and walked ahead, not answering.

Chu Ge was lost in thought and didn’t notice her abnormality. After a while, they arrived at their rented house. Chu Ge looked at the neighboring door and muttered, “This neighbor…”

“She has a dangerous ability that is not like ordinary powers. Now that someone is watching her, I’m afraid she will cause trouble for us. I’m thinking we should force her to leave,” Qiu Wuji said coldly.

Chu Ge hesitated for a moment, and the words that Zhang Qiren said came to his mind – she had been a game anchor and failed.

In fact, she was probably also a person who wanted to live an ordinary life, but failed.

He sighed softly and whispered, “It’s better for her to leave. But let’s strategize. If you go to confront her directly, won’t you reveal our extraordinary abilities and have to erase her memory?”

Qiu Wuji pondered for a moment and also felt a headache. “It’s really not easy to deal with…should we wait and find an opportunity?”

“Mm. Anyway, it’s not like someone will accidentally break in every time. In theory, it really has nothing to do with us,” Chu Ge stopped worrying and opened the door to the apartment.

Once they were inside, they both quickly felt a sense of mental isolation from the outside world. Chu Ge breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, “This is home.” Qiu Wuji also smiled slightly.

“It’s still early, I’ll go write first, and then exercise.”

“Wait,” Qiu Wuji asked, “Can you teach me how to search for recipes or cooking live streams you said earlier?”

“Oh, I’ll teach you how to use Baidu first. If you encounter any unfamiliar terms, you can just search for them directly, like this…” Chu Ge leaned over and opened his laptop, typing in “Qiu Wuji.”

The first page showed several poems related to the term, including the full poem “The water follows the sky and goes on infinitely, and autumn has no limits.”

Qiu Wuji’s eyes sparkled with delight.

This was a top-notch magical treasure. The cultivation world did not have anything like this.

“If I had known about this earlier, I would have saved so much guesswork! You should have told me about this sooner, I thought your computer was just for writing books!” Qiu Wuji complained.

“I didn’t teach you this earlier because you didn’t have your own computer. My computer is a tool I use every day, and it has my files and search hist… uhm, anyways, now it’s finally good,” Chu Ge said.

He then demonstrated a few more searches, like “how to make egg fried rice?”

Instantly, there were a plethora of results and even video tutorials.

“This is a miraculous object,” Qiu Wuji exclaimed.

Chu Ge cautioned, “Don’t trust everything you find here. This isn’t an authoritative source, but rather a collection of different people’s information. It can only serve as a reference.”

Qiu Wuji said confidently, “I know how to distinguish what’s good and what’s not.”

Chu Ge looked at her suspiciously and then taught her, “If you want to watch live streaming or videos… well, let’s use a small website for now. Look, like this…”

Qiu Wuji sat in front of the computer while Chu Ge taught her, and the two were very close, close enough to feel each other’s breath.

But neither of them seemed to feel too much about it. This level of closeness seemed to be very normal.

Even the meaning of Qiu Wuji’s recipe search has become strange at this point. Because she gave all the money she robbed to Chu Ge, she no longer needed to cook for him to offset the rent, even for a few months of room and board, let alone the cost of her new phone and laptop, which she had already paid off.

However, they both seemed to have forgotten about this fact.

It wasn’t until after teaching her that Chu Ge went back to his room to write that he realized he could have taken advantage of the situation, such as holding her hand to teach her how to use the mouse, and she might not have paid attention to this while learning…


Meanwhile, Qiu Wuji watched Chu Ge leave and opened the search bar, thinking for a while before typing in “Can WeChat transfer not leave any traces?”

The displayed results made her frown. It only showed how to delete phone traces, but didn’t say how to prevent the police from using other methods to investigate. It seemed best to trust Chu Ge; it was probably possible to trace it.

She thought for a moment, then typed in another question, “What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?”

The first result was a question posted by an anonymous user, with the same wording.

Qiu Wuji looked at the posting time and couldn’t help but smile.

This anonymous user must be writing next door, looking angry and frustrated.

It turned out that people could interact here.

She thought again and finally searched for “Miracle Nightclub where is it?”

This was a term she found in the mind of the man who could walk through walls, and even Chu Ge didn’t know when she did it.

The map displayed on the search engine showed the address of the nightclub in the same city, and Qiu Wuji silently wrote it down.

Since Chu Ge didn’t want to get involved in these things directly, it was okay to secretly investigate at an appropriate time.

But this computer is really interesting, it’s like a kaleidoscope, with all the worlds and dimensions in it.

Qiu Wuji pulled down to browse the page, and her eyes gradually began to blur.

Because there were some strange things in the current page due to the keyword “nightclub,” such as “escort” and “call girls”, all of which were demon-related vocabulary.

It was really the Devil realm.

Qiu Wuji clicked on one out of curiosity, and a huge security alert popped up on the screen, scaring her to close the entire browser. Is this computer going to explode?

Forget it, let’s watch cooking videos.

Qiu Wuji opened a video website, searched for a video, and as she watched, she began to daydream.

Why is everyone in this video wearing lingerie?

Are you teaching cooking?


Qiu Wuji watched the video, her gaze wandering, not even sure where her thoughts had drifted off to.

Perhaps for someone who was accustomed to this type of environment, these things were really normal…

In the evening, Chu Ge wrote another chapter and a half, came out to stretch his muscles and bones, and planned to run again.

He had just run in the morning, and he shouldn’t run too much now that he was just beginning to recover from exercise, but he still wanted to exercise as soon as he had free time, regardless of whether it was effective or not.

He always felt a sense of urgency.

He took off his coat and was about to get on the treadmill when he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It was already past five o’clock, and Qiu Wuji was still in her room?

As if she heard him outside, Qiu Wuji ran out with a little panic: “Ah, I forgot the time, it’s time to cook.”

Chu Ge laughed in understanding. “I didn’t expect our Sect Master to also get lost in the internet.”

“Where did you get that idea?” Qiu Wuji retorted stubbornly. “I just learned a few more dishes.”

“Great,” Chu Ge smiled. “Looking forward to your new skills.”

Qiu Wuji hesitated for a moment. “Are you running again?”

“Yes, I feel like time is running out.”

“Is the soreness gone?”

“No, it’s worse.”

Qiu Wuji was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, “Stop running and come over here.”

Chu Ge: “?”

Qiu Wuji said calmly, “I’ll help you with blood-circulation treatment.”

Chu Ge: “!!!”

“What’s with that expression?” Qiu Wuji said stiffly. “You feel a sense of urgency, how can I not? In fact, the progress you were worried about before can be greatly accelerated. I can not only treat you with blood circulation but also connect your eight meridians and nourish your organs, so you can start your cultivation directly. It’s just a mortal body, what’s so difficult about adjusting it?”

Chu Ge was dumbfounded. “Then why did you let me exercise for two days?”

Qiu Wuji turned her head. “I wanted you to start from scratch and not make it too easy. It would lead to restlessness and be detrimental to your future state of mind.”

Chu Ge glared at her for a while, not feeling good, then suddenly thought of something and asked, “Will it shorten your stay in this world?”

Qiu Wuji was stunned and forced herself to say, “No.”

“Don’t lie to me, it definitely will.” Chu Ge turned and walked away. “Forget it, I’ll practice on my own.”

“You’re so long-winded!” Qiu Wuji suddenly became angry, pulled Chu Ge back, turned him over, got on top of him, and started beating him up. “Pretend, pretend, you clearly want it, and still act so self-righteous, I don’t want you to pretend to be a good person! It’s the most annoying to say one thing but mean another!”

“Oh my god, it hurts!”

The blows of small fists rained down on his back, but they soon turned into gentle caresses.

Moans of pain gradually turned into groans.

Pure and immense immortal power seeped into his body, warming his muscles, smoothing out his meridians, and regulating his organs.

Chu Ge felt like he was in the heavenly realm of Yaochi, so comfortable that he wanted to ascend to the sky.

To be honest, there wasn’t much ambiguity in this, even a regular massage is more suggestive than this, but ambiguity only exists in the human heart.

The sky darkened, and the room was not lit. A man and a woman were alone in the dim light.

A jade hand gently stroked his bare back, the fragrance stirring up desire.

At this moment, silence was better than sound.

At the City Bureau.

Lin Wuyang, who had been working overtime until now, stretched his body and heard a knock on the door. “Chief Lin, it’s Gu Ruoyan.”

“Director Gu, please come in.” Lin Wuyang handed her a printed document with ease: “The material you asked for is almost done, and the file has been sent to your email.”

“Thank you very much, Chief Lin, for your hard work.”

“It’s my duty. The directory of your editorial department is also an important internal reference for us.”

Gu Ruoyan looked at the document in her hand and suddenly smiled. “Chief Lin, there should be something missing here.”

Lin Wuyang asked curiously, “What’s missing?”

Gu Ruoyan smiled and said, “Chief Lin himself.”

Lin Wuyang was taken aback.

Gu Ruoyan picked up the pen on the table and added a paragraph at the bottom of the document.

“Directory of People with Special Abilities”:

Name: Lin Wuyang.

Identity: Chief of the Special Affairs Department of the Nanjiang Bureau.

Ability: Compulsory Truth-Telling – When activating the ability, the opponent is forced to tell the truth.

Development level: Weak.

Nature: Auxiliary type.

Potential evaluation (preliminary): B.

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