What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1239 Meeting With A Supreme Goddess

1239  Meeting With A Supreme Goddess

(Elaria POV)

"And then we made love in space! I saw stars every time Onii-sama thrusted his marvellous thing inside me~" I boasted.

Ahahaha! Take that! You might have claimed yourself as Onii-sama's strongest little sister, but I'm the one who gave Onii-sama the most unforgettable memory!

Who would forget about a lovemaking session in space?!

What's more, even though it was just for the duration of the date, Onii-sama was my wedded husband! That means I'm Onii-sama's first imouto to be married to him! Take that you faker! You can keep that 'strongest little sister' title for all I care! Ahahahaha!!

"Ara, ara~ That certainly sounds romantic~" Manami commented, though her eyes were focused on the picture of Onii-sama she was holding in front of her.

Ehehehe~ In the end, I managed to get Onii-sama to wear one of those military uniforms as well before we left. It's unfortunate that it only completed so late on our date, otherwise I would have wanted Onii-sama to make love to me while wearing that~

Ahhhh~ He looks so good in it! I'm going to want to decorate my secret room with posters of this!! If only I could get the X rated pictures of him in this uniform too…

Perhaps I will ask Onii-sama to do it when I next get the chance~

I waved my hand, "Anyway, what's happening with the Supreme Gods? Last I remembered, we were planning on challenging them publicly weren't we? Have we found when we could do that?"

Lian Li shook her head, "We actually have something better. All this while they have been refusing to meet us ever since they rejected our challenge but we finally managed to get them to meet us tonight."

I was quite surprised by that turn of events, "Oh? Why did they suddenly have a change of heart?"

Eris laughed in Bait's voice, "Wahahaha! Because we made them an offer they can't refuse of course! We offered them some of Master's old clothes in return for them to meet us! They answered us almost immediately after that! Who would say no to this?!"

I felt panic rising within me.

They couldn't have used my stash of Onii-sama's clothes while I was gone could they? Who amongst us would willingly give up clothes that they have managed to gather by steali--I mean borrowing from Onii-sama?

Even little Cai Hong would sooner fight us to the death than give us anything from her hoard!

All of us might be willing to share our hoard amongst ourselves, but giving it away to someone else was a whole other matter.

Diao Chan chuckled, "Don't worry, Elaria, we did not take from your stash. Brendan was the one who sought them out and made the exchange. He was also the one who negotiated with them too."

I swivelled my head to the only male of our group, the alchemist scratching his face in embarrassment.

What exactly he gained from it was unclear and I assume the others also decided not to ask, 23:52

especially considering that it was thanks to him that we even managed to get those irritating gods to "I… I err… Please don't ask…"

Hmm… I'm guessing he was willing to give it up because of something else he gained from the trade. What exactly he gained from it was unclear and I assume the others also decided not to ask, especially considering that it was thanks to him that we even managed to get those irritating gods to meet us.

"So when are we going to meet them and where?" I asked.

"We were told that someone will come to fetch us once Master has gone to bed," Kiyomi explained while brushing her sister's tail.

"How would they even know that Onii-sama has slept?"

"We don't know, but I assume it has something to do with their divinity."

Tch, they better not be spying on us all the time… I should put up some anti god barriers or something…

I sure hope my 'Divine Army Initiative' hasn't been found out yet… That would have been my plan B in case those stupid Supreme Gods thought about trying anything with us like steal Onii-sama away.

Just as I was thinking about how I would create a barrier to defend against other Gods, there was a flash of light in the corner of the room and that same woman who came to reject our challenge appeared.

"It is time. Are you all prepared?" She asked.

Eris raised her hand, "This wouldn't take all night, would it? Because we have a date with Master in the morning."

That Goddess turned to Eris, "It will not. We are merely helping all of you understand your positions and ours."

I could sense everyone tense up at her words.

To make us understand our positions? Was that a threat where she would show us the difference in our power or something? If that's the case, don't think we'll take this lying down!

We looked at each other and nodded our heads once before turning back to her with Lian Li leading us.

"We're ready. Let's not waste time."

That Goddess raised her hand in our direction before all of us were teleported away from the room and into an empty white space that had a large, round table as the only visible object.

I counted eight chairs on one half of the table while the other side only had one, clearly showing where we were expected to sit.

The eight of us went to our side of the table while she went to hers, all of us sitting down at the same time.

"Before we start… I believe we were told that we would meet with all the Supreme Gods. Why is it only you?" Lian Li asked.

That Goddess gestured around her, "They are here, it's just that they did not manifest themselves physically to be here. Otherwise reality might tear itself apart from the weight of our existence alone."

I was about to ask what she meant but she raised up her palm in my direction, "Do not worry, that would be one of the things I would be explaining as well so please hold your questions for the moment. Would you care for some tea first?"

All of us shook our heads at her.

She smiled slightly, "Very well. I suppose I should start from the very beginning. When I mentioned that we rejected your challenge, it's not because we did not wish to take your challenge, it's simply because we can't. The possibility of challenging us is there, but the prize of obtaining our position is not. We were all cursed by All Creator to this position you see."

is she?

That was most definitely not the reason I was expecting to hear… She's not just making excuses now If she isn't… This might get a little bit more difficult than we thought…

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