What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1219 An Invitation After Drinks?


It was getting near our closing time and the number of customers remaining in the bar were reduced to only a handful left. And because of that, the rule that customers should not be crowding around the bar was lifted.

Which was why all the customers that were still remaining in the bar were pretty much standing in front of the bar counter. That worked in our favour since it allowed our staff to clean up the rest of the bar to prepare for closing.

That also meant it was solely up to Brendan and I to entertain them.

The only good thing was that we had a stipulated time where drinks would be served so we wouldn't continue serving drinks after that time has passed, otherwise we could be standing here till morning and no one would leave.

"Unnngghh… Brendan… Listen, listen… My colleagues don't respect me… They keep bullying me…" Sylphy groaned, half slumped over the counter with a martini in her hand.

"That happens to the best of us Sylphy, you're already doing your best aren't you?" Brendan comforted while preparing another drink for one of the ladies.

"Mnnngghh… But they keep bullying me… I want to be respected…"

"You have been in your position for a long time, you have the trust of your superiors, you have experience that no one else has and you also have people outside who support you. There is no need to let the opinions of the few affect you, Sylphy."

"Uuuu… But what should I do…"

"I think what you lack is just some self confidence. Perhaps you should take a short break from work. You have yet to take any time off ever since you started working there, right?"

"Unnn… I have to work hard to climb higher…" She groaned, shifting to plant her cheek on the counter.

Brendan poured her a glass of water while also handing the lady beside Sylphy her drink.

"What I think is, you've allowed yourself to be taken for granted. You don't need to do anything or go anywhere, just take some time off to take care of yourself. Self care is important too, you know?" Brendan suggested while flashing her usual bright smile at the girls in front of her.

All the ladies in front of Brendan swooned.

"Isn't she getting way too good at this?" The Diao Chan of this World commented.

I chuckled, "She's been here for a few years after all. I would be more surprised if she hadn't improved. Despite how she might act normally, she's very serious about her work."

"Hmmm… Isn't the competition happening tomorrow? I'd thought she would be practising more instead of working at the bar."

"Not to sound arrogant, but at this point, she's gotten so good that any practice that she could do now is pointless."

After all, the current Brendan is the God, or rather, the Goddess of Brews. If she gets serious, the only beings that could possibly beat her are other divines that have a domain over alcohol.

And since I created this World with no Gods presiding over it, Brendan's win was pretty much guaranteed.

I picked up Diao Chan's empty glass from the counter, "What about you? Don't you have work tomorrow? I'd think you should be heading home soon."

"Oh my? Is the Master chasing his customers out already? Kukuku~ But I suppose you are right, let me hang out at your place this weekend ok? I wouldn't mind waking up in your bed again, Master~"

She paid for her tab before leaving the bar with a wink.

Even in another World, she's still pretty much a succubus huh?

And of course, that means I won my bet with Brendan since I already knew she wasn't going to stay tonight. I'll have to remember to make that punishment drink for her later.

Aside from Diao Chan, there was no one else at my side of the bar so I started clearing my section.

That isn't to say that I'm unpopular with the patrons, mind you. But my way of mixing drinks doesn't involve much flair and tonight's patrons belong to the younger side of the spectrum who were mostly attracted to Brendan's 'big sister' energy.

She would also sometimes dazzle them with some flairs of her own like tossing some bottles around and even pouring out their drinks using various tricks.

Placing the last piece of glassware back in its place, I turned to check on Brendan.

"Unnn… Take me home with you, Brendannnnn…" Sylphy groaned.

"Ahh! Not fair! Take me too, Brendan! I want to go back with you too!"

"Me too!!"

"Let me take you home instead, Brendan!"

"Oohh! Yes, yes! We can go back to my  place instead!"

I counted at least twelve girls including Sylphy who were asking to be taken home or trying to get Brendan to go back with them.

Brendan was looking at me for help so I went over there while wiping my hand with a piece of cloth.

"Now, now girls. Brendan isn't someone you can just take home with you, ok? What's more, the mixology competition is tomorrow as well. Perhaps you could ask again after she wins it tomorrow?"

The girls all squealed and nodded in agreement.

I started helping Brendan clean up her section while she settled the tabs of the rest of the patrons.

The only person left was Sylphy who showed no signs of wanting to leave.

"Umm… Miss Sylphy?" Brendan called out to her gently.

"Mnnn? Are you taking me home now?"

"You're drunk, Sylphy."

"Nooo… I'm not… Were you lying to me too? You said I should be more confident… I'm going to take a week of leave… Take me home with you and fuck me…"

Brendan sighed, "Ask me again when you are not drunk."

"I'm nooooot druuuuunk… Mnnnn… Zzzz…"

Brendan turned to raise an eyebrow at me and I shrugged, "This World's version of me doesn't know where she lives. Unless you want to use your omniscience to tell you that information."

She grimaced, "I'd rather not… I guess this means that we'll just let her sleep at our place? She can take my bed…"

"And you can sleep with me?" I asked, giving her a knowing smile.

Instead of being flustered, Brendan actually smirked back at me.

"If Master is inviting me, then I wouldn't say no, of course~" She mused, going so far as to even wiggling her eyebrows provocatively at me.

If it was the usual Brendan, he would be a sputtering mess right now.

But now that she had the experience from the Brendan of this World, she was more confident than usual.

Well, I did mean what I suggested so I wasn't intending to back down either. The only thing was how Brendan would react once we returned back to our World?

Oh well, that's for future Brendan to worry about and frankly, that sounds like it'll be quite interesting to watch so let's just roll with it.

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