What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1213 She Made The Play


So… Err… Remember this play supposedly was about a love story between a commoner girl and a noble son?

Me neither…

"For the revolution!!"

"Bring down the tyrants!!"


I swear this play has gone through so many changes in the past few minutes that I wouldn't be able to keep up if it wasn't thanks to omniscience.

To summarise… It is revealed that the kingdom was corrupt to the core and the common people have been exploited very badly. The cloaked person was revealed to be the deposed princess of said kingdom who was seeking to overthrow the family that exiled her for trying to change the country.

Kiyomi's kiss was explained away with the character's attempt to bewilder me which backfired on her, leading us to join the princess's revolution to claim back her throne.

And since my character was also exiled by his own family, I decided to join them as well since I 'had nothing left to lose'.

The princess then brought the both of us to a secret base where we plotted a coup to take over the kingdom by staging a revolution.

In case you were wondering, yes, they did take inspiration from Guiying's circumstances and the Empress in question was practically over the moon when she realised this.

Ever since that plot was revealed, the Empress hasn't sat back down in her seat and was leaning against the railing of her alcove the entire time while her eyes sparkled.

She probably thinks all of this was planned and the play was made as a tribute to her. I don't know how she would react if she knew we were practically making all of this up.

I was also thoroughly confused on how a professional theatre troupe would think that straying so far away from our planned script would be a good idea, until I realised that this was probably the result of me mashing all the other World's people in here which warped their own common sense.

At least Kiyomi seemed to be having fun despite the chaos so I see it as a win.

Right now, Kiyomi and I were tasked with storming the throne room by ourselves.

If you think about it, this made absolutely zero sense since the princess herself should be doing this and we should at least have some backup… But we're doing this for a show and we are still the main characters so… Plot armour I guess.

At this point I've already decided that trying to think about this story logically was something that was pointless to do, so I just went with it.

"Milord, it truly is ironic, isn't it?" Kiyomi mused, still staying in character as we entered the stage.

I turned to her, "What does my lady mean?"

"Milord was a noble son of the kingdom, a position where you would look down on peasants like myself from high above. Yet fate has made it so that you are here with us."

The two of us now stood before the door that led to the throne room with swords in hand, the place where the final battle would take place.

Everything had been built up for this and we've somehow let it play out in such a way that no one could say for sure if we would lose our lives in this confrontation or not.

I turned to her, "Whether it was fate or not is up for debate, but the fact remains that my lady is the catalyst for all of this, are you not?"

"Truth be told Milord, if it wasn't for you, I may not have chosen this path myself as well."

She blushed and turned away.

It was then I realised Kiyomi was trying to turn this play back into the romance it was supposed to be. I really thought we were abandoning that plotline after everything that had happened so far…

I switched my character back into that confident and charming male character as I leaned towards her, "Oh? Could it be? That my little sugar actually has fallen for me?"

Instead of rejecting me, she turned around to face me with an air of determination.

"Yes. Yes, I have. I have fallen so deeply and completely for you, Milord, yet I fear that our time may be limited. Right now, your status is that of the same as mine, a mere nobody rejected by the very kingdom we live in. Yet once the princess claims the throne, Milord shall regain your rightful place as a Duke of this kingdom, high above someone like myself. The two of us live in two different worlds, we are not meant to be."

Oh wow, so we're going for that narrative? I wonder if this is Kiyomi's way of teasing me since it also mirrors our current position in real life as well. The only difference was that we didn't let such a thing bother us. In fact, I'd say we didn't even acknowledge such a problem existed either.

I reached out and grasped her hand, causing Kiyomi to jolt in surprise.

"So you have finally allowed yourself to speak your heart. This one had assumed such feelings of love was not returned. Have you forgotten, my sweet? This noble son has never cared about the thoughts of anybody else but his own. If I were to decide you to be my love, then there shall be no one else who would defy me, not even the Empress herself! That's why, I shall say this here and now, will you be my lawfully wedded wife to follow me in sickness and in health?"

I could hear the gasps coming from the audience and a few of them even swooning at the scene. Even the real Empress was looking at us with a warm gaze.

Kiyomi gasped as well and I was partially convinced that the surprise was not only because she was acting.

"I do! Oh, my lord, I do, I do! Please take me as your lawfully wedded wife!" She squealed, hugging me tightly.

She then added a single word that was whispered beside my ear, meant only for me to hear and no one else.


Hold up, hold up… Holy crap… Did she really just make this entire play up just so that she could create this plot of me proposing to her? Not as the character but as myself?

Were the other actors not ad libbing but actually following a script she had made up and had them practise in the last two days?!

Was this why she was insistent on making them practise despite them getting kidnapped?!

Oh my… I really don't give Kiyomi enough credit for how cunning she can be.

I'm not going to lie, I definitely did not see that coming at all. Well played.

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