What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1081 Loli Squad Go!

(Manami POV)

"You turned us into Lolis?!!" Bait shrieked in a childish voice.

The stalker bitch actually giggled, "Ufufufu~ Perfect isn't it? Now you can sneak in there and look for Master~"

My cute little Kiyomi frowned at her, "Do you actually think this would work? I'm sure they already know who we are, especially Lilith and Cai Hong. We would be found out the moment we go in there, even if we were to put on disguises."

The bitch giggled, "Fufufu~ Not exactly. You see, there are in fact, quite a large number of people who were created by Master to be His 'children'. So many that even they do not know the faces and names of every single one of them. The only way that they know that the other party is also Master's 'child' is through the fact that their bodies carry part of mine or Master's essence."

Lian Li crossed her arms, which made her look really cute in her child form, "Let me guess… You're going to implant your own essence in us to make us give off the feeling of being your 'children'?"

"Ufufufu~ That is correct~ Even if they have never seen you before, this would make them think you are one of them as long as you do not give yourself away~"

I gave her my fakest smile, "Ara, ara? How do we know that you aren't going to do something to us in the meantime?"

"Ara? I suppose it would make sense that you still don't trust me. But I truly no longer wish for Master to return to His old self anymore. It's not like I have a wish to cease to exist either."

Ah, that's right, her version of Master wanted to End the Universe because of its imperfections, did He not? Which would also mean it would lead to her own demise too if she were to succeed again.

But that was not what I was worried about.

"Fufu… I do not doubt that you have changed your mind in regards to which version of Master is better~ I meant if you would take advantage of the fact that you are implanting something inside us to also do something to change us. Like making us more subservient to you for one~"

"Ara, ara? If I really wanted to do that, I wouldn't even need your permission to do so~ I could simply End your intelligence and turn you into an animal right now~ Is it not obvious from the fact that I managed to turn all of you into this child forms without your consent already a clear indication of that?"

Ara? As much as I hate to admit it, she does have a point~

"In that case… What's stopping you?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"It's simple really, Master would not like it."

Ufufufu~ That is indeed very true of course~ She still values Master above everything else. Very well then~

Tsuki fiddled with a strand of her hair, "So what is the plan? You send us in there and we just walk up to Aniue and tell him to snap out of it?"

The stalker bitch shook her head, "The little dragon most likely wouldn't let you get so close to Master's real self so easily. The good thing however, is that to appease the other children of Master, Master has created clones of Himself to pamper them."

"And I'm guessing it also wouldn't be as simple as finding one of these Onii-sama clones and telling them to snap out of it?" Elaria surmised.

"That is correct. Although we should be able to use them to get us to the real Master. We just need to figure out how~"

Lian Li looked at her, "We?"

"Ara? Of course I'm going too. Did you think I would be content just waiting here for you?"

Her figure morphed and she shrunk down to a child form as well. I hate to say it but even in that form she looked flawless.

She knew all of us were thinking the same thing and even gave us a smug look, "Now, are we ready?"

Brendan raised his hand, "What if we are discovered?"

"Ufufufu~ Then we abandon the subterfuge and force our way in before the little dragon can escape with Master. Hopefully it will not come to that as this trick would only work once~ Any other questions?"

"I do…"

We turned back to see the squidface monster, Benjamin, slowly floating his way towards us.

He stopped a short distance away, "What about us? Are we just thrown aside now that you have what you need?"

Oh my~ I admit I actually forgot all about them.

The stalker bitch tilted her head at him, "Ara? What do you suggest you do then? You're not saying that we bring you guys along with us, are you?"

"No… But I think all of us here would quite appreciate it if we weren't left on the sidelines like earlier where you almost made Divine One destroy the entirety of existence itself. For the record, we still do not agree with what you are doing… But since we're already involved anyway…"

Hmm… I suppose that is a fair argument.

Lian Li turned to the stalker bitch, "Is there some way we can get them to help? Maybe to distract Cai Hong or something?"

She seemed to consider that idea for a while before nodding her head, "I suppose there is a way. All of you are connected to Master through that orb He is holding, yes? The little dragon is currently blocking all attempts at trying to communicate with Master including telepathy so if enough of you start trying to contact Master, you might force her to spend more effort in blocking your attempts than looking for us~"

Benjamin nodded, "That, we can do… If one of us manages to get through to Divine One though…"

"Ara? Don't get too ahead of yourself. There is absolutely no way you can get past them. No question about it. Although I suppose on the off chance that you indeed manage to get through, you can tell Master that we are looking for him to explain the situation to Cai Hong. That would make Him mediate between us~"

Benjamin didn't seem too happy that he was told outright there was no chance he would succeed but he nodded his head without complaint nevertheless.

The bitch then turned back to us after he floated away, "Now, are we all ready to go?"

The rest of us looked at one another and nodded our heads.

"Perfect, then here we go~"

My vision was covered by a blinding white flash of light…

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