What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 999 Make Them Slap Themselves

Chapter 999 Make Them Slap Themselves


With my disciples following behind me, I entered the VIP area once again, only to be welcomed by an especially weird sight.

Everyone in the room was prostrating themselves in the direction of the door, as though already knowing I would show up. Even Master Hei had joined them albeit with a rather embarrassed expression on his face.

At the very front of the group was none other than Sect Mistress Hua with her two followers occupying the two spaces on her sides, also prostrating themselves.

Manami acted surprised at the sight, "Ara ara? At least they know their place now~ Otherwise we might have needed to use a little bit of violence~"

Hmm… Is it just me or did my disciples get a little bit more bloodthirsty? Nah, it's definitely just because of the current circumstances.

Lian Li joined my side to look down on Sect Mistress Hua, "Oh my, who is this, Master? If I was not mistaken, this woman was constantly harassing you the moment she got here, didn't she? Was she bothering you, Master?"

"Please forgive us for our impudence!" Sect Mistress Hua cried out.

Kiyomi frowned at her, "Oh my, since when did we allow her to speak? She really is beyond impudent, isn't she? What shall we do with her, Master?"

The women in front of me shook visibly in fear, especially the two followers who had pulled out their weapons on me.

I stepped closer to her, "I have one question… Do you understand how fucked you are right now?"

She gulped audibly but said nothing and nodded, remembering Kiyomi's words about not being allowed to speak.

"You are allowed to speak for this: Do you know who I am?" I asked.

"Y… Yes… There's only one being the Gods would kneel to… Origin…"

I grinned and stepped back to address the rest of the room, "Who here thinks that Sect Mistress Hua should be forgiven, please let me know by slapping your face. Make sure it's loud enough for me to hear."

The two followers behind her immediately slapped their own faces, hard. How loyal of them, makes me wonder what she did to inspire such dedication from these two girls.

Aside from them, however, no one else made any movements.

Guess they don't respect Sect Mistress Hua enough to stick out their necks for her. If I had to guess, the only reason why they defer to her is because of her Sacred Treasure out of fear.

"Hmm… The sound is quite soft, does that mean that she shouldn't be forgiven after all?"

The two of them slapped themselves again with even more force, the sound of the slap loud enough to echo around the viewing gallery.

"Oh, now it seems there are people who think you deserve forgiveness. What are your own thoughts on that, Sect Mistress Hua?"

She hesitated, unsure if it would be more rude to agree or disagree with me.

I decided to throw her a lifeline, "Get up."

She obeyed and got up quickly, though she kept her head down to avoid looking at my face. It seems like in this Plane, looking at the gods directly was considered especially rude for them. The fact that she has been doing it constantly before this was not lost on her.

Even now, I could see her literally trembling in fear. She had threatened to kill me not even a few hours ago and the gods have wiped out entire families for less. It wouldn't be strange if I had ordered a complete extermination of her Blossom Sect right now.

'And I would happily do it for you, Master!'

Not now, Iris.

"If you had known who I was before, would you still have done what you did?" I asked rhetorically.

She shook her head vehemently.

Well, I think that's enough torment coming from me, she didn't actually bother me that much and I really don't give much of a damn about her in the first place. She's more like just a sideshow anyway.

Turning back to my disciples, I asked, "How about I let you girls handle this? What do you think would be appropriate for us to do here?"

Unexpectedly, Lian Li stepped forward and in one smooth motion, lifted her face with one hand before smacking the Sect Mistress across the face with the other. So hard was the slap that it threw her back onto the ground, the side of her cheek beginning to swell.

Damn, she wasn't holding back huh…

Lian Li then turned to the rest of the gallery, "All those who had harboured thoughts of disrespect to my Master, get someone to slap you as hard as they can right now."

The place suddenly burst into life as everyone in the room started asking the people closest to them to slap them across the face.

"Elder! Quickly slap your Sect Master right here!"

"Please! Someone slap me right now!"

"Daughter! Quickly! Quickly! Slap your father across the face, quickly!!"

"Mother! Slap me, hurry!"

"Husband! Me too! Slap me hard!"

It was honestly quite a hilarious sight. How did Lian Li even come up with this?

Sect Mistress Hua presented herself to Lian Li, "Please… Slap this impudent one for my transgressions…"

Lian Li obliged, slapping her across her other cheek and sending her sprawling onto the ground.

Soon enough, everyone inside the room was sporting bruises on their cheeks, except for Master Hei of course. If anyone felt that it was weird he wasn't letting himself be slapped, they did not say anything.

I was about to call out to Master Hei to join us for our tour around the city but Manami suggested something much more interesting.

"Ara ara? Master, we are going to explore the rest of the festival, yes? How about we have this impudent sow show us around too?"

That would have been an innocent enough suggestion if it wasn't for the fact that the person in question looked absolutely beaten up with swollen cheeks right now. In other words, it's basically a public shaming event.

Rather than objecting to it, Sect Mistress Hua merely lowered her head, "Please make use of this impudent sow as you see fit…"

Damn, not even five minutes and she's already broken, even I feel a little bad for her now.

But not enough to care though, I did warn her multiple times already.

"In that case, let's have you do that then. Master Hei! Why don't you join us as well?"

All eyes turned to him who was giving me a grimace before bowing his head, "If that is what Master Lin commands, I will gladly accept the invitation."

As we were preparing to leave, Kiyomi just had to throw in one more thing at the rest of the crowd.

"I do not believe my sister said to stop at one slap? Slap yourselves until we leave this place."

It took them a second before they quickly began slapping each other again, the sounds of the slaps continuing even as we exited the gallery with Master Hei and Sect Mistress Hua in tow.

Damn, I feel so proud of my disciples right now.

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