What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 990 Rigging The Bets

Chapter 990 Rigging The Bets


"Master… How did you know her?" Lian Li asked, glaring at where the goddess was a few moments ago.

Hmm? Does she know Shea as well? Maybe they interacted to ask those three goddesses for help? I hope they aren't at odds with each other.

"Ah, I didn't tell you girls? I went to meet the gods of this world to give my regards. It's better that they know I'm here after all."

"Ara, ara? As expected of Master~" Manami giggled.

Not sure what she means that it was expected of me but ok.

My disciples were quick to accept my words but Master Hei was staring at me with wide eyes, "Ma… Master Lin… W… What are you?"

It sounds rude to be asked 'what' I was but I suppose it isn't wrong since I'm not exactly human.

"I am Origin," I told him simply, though I didn't expect him to understand the implications.

Unexpectedly, he understood since his eyes widened considerably at my words.

"Mas… Master Lin is… Origin?"

"Oh? You know about Origin? I was sure that only the Gods of this World might be aware of it. Did they spread that knowledge around?"

Master Hei shook his head, "This knowledge is not widely shared around… But those who are close to the Gods are aware of the existence of Origin…"

"And what do you know about me?"

"Enough to know that Gods worship you…"

Ok… Not entirely accurate but whatever.

I materialised a healing pill from my storage ring and slid it over to him.

"Here, this pill will heal your meridians."

His eyes widened even more, "Master Lin is still giving this to me? But… But I didn't do anything?"

"At least he's self aware," Kiyomi muttered, though not loud enough for him to hear.

Lian Li moved next to her and said something about 'reeducation' or something but I decided I didn't want to know.

"Just take it. As a fellow Practitioner from the Earthen Plane, we should help each other," I explained, though the truth of the matter is that it really didn't matter to me.

Like it's just a pill I can make anytime, giving one away doesn't really affect me.

He took the pill with both hands and swallowed it quickly, closing his eyes as the pill healed him completely.

Well, even if it didn't, a quick manipulation of Origin would work too.

The moment he felt himself recover from being a cripple, he was once again prostrating in front of me and crying out his thanks.

In the end, I invited Master Hei to eat with us just to know more about the Sky Plane.

He did tell us about some of the things happening around the city, like how Trash Qing had spread the news to make us look like clueless idiots, making us gain the animosity of everyone here.

I thought he had learnt his lesson from our first exchange but it seems like he thinks we're tricking him using a Sacred Treasure.

My disciples had suggested that we go back and smack him around a few times to teach him a lesson, but I came up with something even better.

"Do they take bets during the tournament?" I asked.

Master Hei immediately knew what I was planning, "Yes. Yes, they do. In fact, I know a few bookies who can help arrange bets. Does Master Lin wish to make the bets in your name?"

I shook my head, "I think that would be too obvious. Is there a way to make anonymous bets?"

"In that case, I know just the person. In fact, I can go and meet them later on. How much does Master Lin intend to bet?"

I grinned, "I want to ruin as many of them as I can, if you get my meaning. I assume you don't care much for these people either?"

Is it petty? Maybe. Do I care? Not at all.

"Not at all. They are too full of themselves for my tastes too."

Yep, isn't the Earthen Plane so much better? The people are nicer, everyone is so chill, not like everywhere else we've been where the people we've met are just stuck up assholes.

Master Hei then leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, "In that case, I have a suggestion, Master Lin. I'm sure by now, the people in this restaurant are already talking about our meeting here. I can go and spread some more outlandish rumours about Master Lin and make you look much more incompetent. Perhaps… Something along the lines that your strength only comes from your Sacred Treasure and you're nothing without it. What do you think?"

"Ara, ara? That would tilt the betting odds against us, wouldn't it? Ufufufu~" Manami giggled, fully comprehending what he was trying to do.

Master Hei nodded, "Master Lin can register your participation in the tournament today while I spread the rumours, that would get some attention. Does Master Lin agree with this?"

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Wouldn't your own standing drop if that's the case?"

He scratched his cheek with an embarrassed face, "Master Lin is… Planning on returning to the Earthen Plane, yes?"

"Ah, you wish to return as well?"

"That is what I wish, yes… If… If that is not too much to ask for?"

I waved my hand to show that it was a trivial thing to do, "We'll leave after the Festival is over. You should prepare your things and get ready to leave by then."

"I am forever in your debt, Master Lin! Now, if you would excuse me, I will go spread those rumours and contact the bookie now."

We watched him leave and stayed for a while more before leaving ourselves.

Getting directions from the host who was still busy genuflecting to us, we found out where to sign up for the tournament that would take place in the next few days.

The arena itself was surprisingly extravagant, consisting of a large platform in the centre with raised seats arranged in a semi-circle around it one one side.

On the other side was left empty for some reason until I realised that must be where the gods would be spectating from. The empty space must be there to allow the gods to make their own seating arrangements should any of them wish to spectate.

Master Hei must have already started his rumour spreading because the old woman handling the registration had looked at us with eyes full of disdain but made no comments to our application.

She even sneered when she realised I was the only one not participating, giving us a look filled with the most contempt I've ever seen from a single person. She really thinks we're trash it seems.

At least there was no one else around so we didn't need to deal with any problems other than that.

I saw Lian Li scribbling away in a weird leather bound book but she quickly kept it before I could ask her about it, my golden disciple giving me a sweet smile before wrapping her arm around mine.

Well, now the stage is set, we just need to wait for the actual day itself to begin the performance.

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