What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 977: Im On A Face Slap Spree

Chapter 977: I'm On A Face Slap Spree


Three days have passed since the 'illegal immigrants' came and honestly, things have been pretty quiet.

So quiet that I'm starting to get a little worried, like it's the calm before the storm.

That's why I decided to go and take a look around the place today just to see how things are being handled.

With the excuse that I was going out to take a walk, I left Lilith in charge of my disciples' training while Shiori and Akari accompanied me alongside Iris.

"Are any of these newcomers bothering you?" I asked the two foxes while we were flying through the air, the both of them simply running along beside me as though they were still on the ground.

"Ehehehe~ There's no way such pieces of trash would even be able to bother us, Master!" Akari told me cheerily.

Is it just me or for some reason everyone had somehow agreed to call these people 'trash'? I mean, I know these newcomers most certainly do not deserve to be here because they kind of cheated… But that doesn't mean we should treat them like trash…

Then again, I was treated like trash when I was 'crippled' in my previous life… So I guess I'm the one with the abnormal line of thinking here.

I'm pretty sure part of the reason for my thinking is also because I was in their shoes before, so I guess I pity them in a way.

Oh well, if they are really serious about their cultivation, then they should be able to start from scratch again. If they managed to do that, I'm sure they would end up better off than before. That's how I managed to survive when I was crippled anyway, if they can't do that much then I guess that's too bad for them.

As for now, I don't exactly have a specific destination in mind so I'm simply just flying around the continent, trying to see if there's anything out of place.

Everything looked relatively normal until I came across a group of travellers along the main road leading towards Jin city.

That wouldn't have got my attention if they were just normal travellers but it looks like they were harassing the other travellers around them.

Again, that's something I could easily overlook as them just being assholes but the fact that they were wearing Practitioner Robes clued me in on who these people might actually be. Even if they turned out to be Practitioners of the Earthen Plane, I doubt anyone will complain if I give them a scolding for this.

Although if they actually are part of the immigrant group, then I'm quite surprised that they are still able to act this arrogant despite their apparent loss in strength.

Thinking there must be some reason for that, I descended in front of them with my two foxes flanking my sides.

The group consisted of three men where the one in the middle was obviously the leader judging by the higher quality clothes he was wearing and the fact that he was carrying a fan typical of those young masters.

The young master spoke first, "Oh? It seems like there are other Practitioners in this godforsaken Plane after all. And here I thought we came to a Plane where we were the only Practitioners around. You there, this one allows you to state your name."

Akari leapt in front of me, "How about allowing this one to bite your head off and shit down your neck?"

Oh… Where the hell did you learn how to speak like that Akari?

The two men flanking the young master immediately stepped forward, swords appearing in their hands out of thin air. Looks like they are still able to use their Techniques here, though to what extent I'm not too sure.

Is it possible that they came from a Plane higher than the Earthen Plane? Maybe… The Star Plane?

I gave him a slight bow, an action that the other travellers around us gasped at the sight of. No doubt everyone here knew who I was and to see me bowing to him must be a big shock.

"Forgive us, I am Master Lin of Heaven Sect. May I know if you are one of the Practitioners who have ascended to this Plane?"

"Hmph! More like descended!!" The man scoffed, fanning himself with his paper fan. "The amount of Quarks here is just so atrocious! Back in the Star Plane, to find a non-Practitioner is already a miracle. Yet here, they're crawling all around the place like insects!"

"I see. Is this the first time you are meeting a Practitioner of this Plane?"

"Isn't that obvious?! Now tell me what kind of artefact you are using to allow you to fly around?! The Quarks here are so non-existent that there's not enough to even let us fly! To make someone like me walk?! This is preposterous!"

Ah, so they can still use their Techniques but not to their full strength. That means they have indeed been suppressed by this Plane and the Star Plane would most likely be beneath ours.

Still, just to be sure, I want to check if he's actually supposed to be strong or he's actually one of the bottom feeders within his Plane.

"Forgive me for asking this, but are you supposed to be a prominent figure in the Star Plane?"

His demeanour immediately changed into one of rage, "How dare you?! Do you even know who I am?! No, of course a monkey like you would never know! I am Master Lao! One of the eight Great Young Masters and also amongst the top one hundred rising star Practitioners in Star Plane! I am amongst the few who have met with the Gods of this World and gained their favour, something that a worm like you could never dream of!!"

Oh? The people in Star Plane have met with the gods of this world? Now I really have to go and see what that place is like! Perhaps they really are above us and this guy is just some trash? From his claims alone I could already tell he's definitely not standing at the peak in that Plane so he probably came here thinking he could be a bigger fish in a small pond.

Too bad he really underestimated the size of this pond.

I must have shown my surprise as he broke into a smirk, "Ha! Now you know who you have offended, haven't you? This one is generous though! As long as you get on your knees and put your head on the ground for me to step on, I'll forgive this slight of yours!"

"Divine One, I think we've heard enough. Could we just get rid of him?" Shiori asked, her tails raised.

I chuckled, "It's ok, I'll deal with him."

What? I can have fun too! In fact, let me show you my villain mode! Something I've cultivated back in my days crippled in the Spiritual and Cloud Plane!

I moved closer to him and he thought I was actually going to kneel until I stopped in front of his guards and crossed my arms, "You know… You're pretty dumb to not be able to figure out our difference in levels."

His brows furrowed, "What… What did you say?"

"I said you're really dumb. You know the amount of Quarks on this Plane is vastly inferior to your home Plane, so don't you think that anyone who could succeed in becoming a Practitioner here would be vastly superior to the Practitioners in the Star Plane? The Practitioners here are able to do whatever you could do back at home under this Plane's circumstances after all."

It took him a moment for my words to click into place for him.

"What… What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying… You should be the one kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy right now. Do you even know who I am?"

He tried to open his mouth to say something but I slapped him in the face to shut him up. Just a light slap, really, not enough to break his neck.

His guards immediately moved to cut me down but Akari and Shiori were faster, their tails slamming into the two grown men and pinning them to the ground. Not that it was necessary since I was ready to increase the gravity around them to force them to their knees but I'll take it.

"I am Master Lin of Heaven Sect, the strongest Practitioner of this entire Plane. I have met with the Administrator gods of this World and they need to ask me permission to even see me. Who do you think you are, boy?"

"I… I…"

I slapped his face again, "Is this the position you should be taking to speak to me?"

His pride won out and he tried to attack me, only to receive a harsher slap that sent him crashing to the ground.

"Pathetic," I spat, looking at him with as much disdain as I could.

Oh damn, this actually feels good!

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