What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 969: Some Slight, Subtle Changes

Chapter 969: Some Slight, Subtle Changes


I never really got to find out what happened to those three goddesses that my disciples convinced to spar with, nor do I really care anyway.

I'll just drop by at Sylphy's place when I'm free to give them some cookies to pass to them as thanks or something.

Speaking of which, my other disciples have gotten even more enthusiastic in their training after Manami and Kiyomi had ascended, as though determined to be the next one to ascend.

The three new goddesses were also quite adamant in gaining control over their domains as quickly as possible, despite there not really being a need for them to do that.

As long as they had ascended, they would be able to follow me wherever I go already, so the domain thing is not strictly needed.

Obviously, I won't stop them from trying to excel either so I just watched over them, even though it was my honest opinion that they've already been excelling greatly from the start.

One positive thing that came out of it was that my disciples were no longer distracted or tense like yesterday and I could watch over them without thinking that I was distracting them. It seems like I was correct in assuming they were distracted, but the source of their distraction was incorrect.

Another thing that did change however, was the fact that Iris seemed to be more subdued than usual.

I mean she's usually just quietly standing at the side and watching me most of the time, but after what happened yesterday, even her presence feels a little subdued. If I had to explain, it kind of feels like she was giving off the feeling of insecurity or something.

Could she even feel insecure? Perhaps not insecure but more like she's lost?

I put down the cup of tea in my hands, shifting my gaze away from my disciples to look at the cosmic being standing at a corner of the pavilion I was in.

"Iris? Why don't you sit here?" I asked, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

She moved her gaze from me to the proffered seat before shifting back to me with a smile, "I would never say no to you, Master~"

Iris glided her way towards the seat and her attention was briefly distracted by Cai Hong who was napping in my lap, the loli dragon cuddling as close to my chest as she could while her hands gripped on my robes tightly.

"Was there something you needed from me, Master?" She asked, her smile returning to her usual one.

I shook my head, "I just wanted to check if everything was alright with you? You seem rather… Out of it today?"

"Ara? Did I seem that way? Ufufufu~ I apologise for worrying you, Master, but the truth is that I was in the midst of being enraptured."

"Sorry, what?"

"Ufufufu~ You look especially beautiful, Master. The way you sat there, the way you moved, the distant look in your eyes and your warm gaze when you turned to me… I could not help but lose myself in admiring you~"

That was most definitely not something I expected… No wait, she does that all the time already so why… Oh I get it now. Before this, she would usually watch me without letting much of her emotions involved, but now she's letting herself loose by immersing her mind in her own happiness… I think.

"I see," I coughed, trying to hide my embarrassment at being praised so straightforwardly. "Well… Did something change?"

I was curious if this change in attitude was because of my confession last night. I have not exactly checked with her about it but if she had even tried to End herself just because of that, I'd think it would be a pretty big deal for her.

"Ara? Now that Master has mentioned it… I don't believe there's anything specific that resulted in this change though?"

Eh? Nothing? Is she not even going to comment on the confession? Or is she just avoiding it?

"Umm… Is there really nothing? Not even something that happened yesterday that might have triggered this?"

"Ufufufu~ Whatever do you mean, Master? We simply went and watched your disciples… Spar with those three, right?"

Did she… End her own conscious memories of the event but her subconscious still remembers it?

But why? Omniscience?

What do you mean there is no answer?! How could there be… Oh.

Right. Of course.

She Ended it, that means it doesn't exist for her anymore so she obviously wouldn't have any reason left to answer for her actions. Thus, there wouldn't even be an answer in the first place.

Oh whatever, I guess the confession was indeed too much for her to take or something.

A lap pillow was enough to make her go berserk, a kiss would kick start the End of the universe and a confession would delete her existence. I don't even know what I am supposed to do to show you affection, Iris…

Ah, right, there is one thing I can do.

I reached out my hand and patted her head.

She was quite surprised by my sudden action but made no move to stop me, even bending forward to give me better access to her head.

So cute.

Headpats supreme.

"While I do not mind such an action, Master… May I inquire as to what led to this?" She asked, her eyes closed to enjoy the sensation.

"No reason, I just felt like doing it. And you are cute after all."

"Ufufufu~ Master did make me to be the perfect existence, so such a thing is natural, Master."

I smiled wryly at her answer but before I could say anything else, Sophia came into the pavilion and bowed.

"Master. Sect Master Qing is requesting to see you."

I reacted immediately by pulling away my hand, though I could have sworn I felt a wave of disappointment coming from Iris before it quickly disappeared.

Seems like she's really liking the headpats huh?

I pretended to not notice that and nodded at Sophia, "Oh, send him in then. And please prepare some tea for him as well."

She bowed and went off to do just that.

Iris stayed seated by my side even as Sect Master Qing came in, my former mentor showing me a smile as he entered.

"Good day, Master Lin. I hope I am not intruding too much?"

"Not at all, Sect Master Qing. Do forgive me for not standing to greet you and please, do take a seat," I greeted back, nodding to the loli dragon currently still on my lap.

He sat down just as Sophia returned with a tea set for him, pouring out a cup of tea for him before moving to stand a short distance away. Far enough to not intrude on our conversation, but close enough to assist us.

Naturally, he paid no attention to Iris. Not out of rudeness but merely because of the fact that she had Ended any attempt to notice her.

"So what can I help you with, Sect Master Qing?" I asked, sipping at my tea.

"Oh? Can't I just visit our Sect advisor from time to time, Master Lin?"

I chuckled, "You'll always be welcomed here, Sect Master Qing. But you came with the look of someone on a mission."

He sighed, "That I do… Master Lin is aware that the Convergence of Planes would be happening soon, yes? So I was wondering if Master Lin will be leaving us soon."

"The what?" I blurted out inadvertently.

"The Convergence of Planes? It's the event where the fabric between Planes is the thinnest and thus the safest for Practitioners to ascend to other Planes."

There's an event like that?!

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