What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 958: This Wasnt Even A Fight

Chapter 958: This Wasn't Even A Fight


Sorry… Did I say fight?

What I really meant was 'one sided slaughter'.

Like seriously, the lineup on my side is enough to wreck the entire continent that even the top Sects would be hard pressed to contain. You think this ragtag group of monsters was any threat to us now that Gob isn't helping them anymore?

Speaking of that goblin…

I was expecting him to slaughter the monsters that attacked him but either he was caught completely by surprise or his attackers had something specifically prepared for him, he was immediately torn apart without any chance of fighting back.

I'll have to remember to claim the Origin fragment back from his corpse later… Oh wait, the monsters are now fighting over his corpse to claim it. Are they not even aware of the slaughter happening in front of me right now?

Look, Akari had set the entire back section of the cavern on fire to cut off their escape while Shiori had frozen the front section of the cavern to slow down the charging monsters.

Even at this point, the monsters here weren't even united at all. I could tell there were not two, not even three but four distinct groups that had splintered itself the moment the fight had started.

One of them was obviously the group that had decided to try and claim Gob's power for themselves, all of them now fighting with each other over the Origin fragment in his body.

The second was the group that seemed to have some grievances with my group, thus their reckless charge towards us.

The third was the group that immediately started fighting amongst themselves, whether that was because they had their own grudges against one another or for another reason was anyone's guess.

Finally, the last was the group that clearly didn't want anything to do with the other three groups, opting to flatten themselves against the right side of the cavern as much as they could. A few of them going so far as to hug each other while shivering in the corner.

Aside from the hydra who was standing protectively behind me, the rest of my monsters had moved forward to start their own slaughter.

Stephanie floated forward amidst her Abyssal Knights, casting death curses while her small army cut down anyone who got too close. She would then either raise those corpses or put them aside for whatever plans she has for those bodies.

Beside her was Benjamin and his buddies, using their telekinesis to toss the monsters around like they were nothing more than sacks of meat without even touching them. Sometimes they were even tossing out purplish lightning blasts that fried the monsters trying to leap over them.

Theodore had roared a warcry and charged into the fray with his own orc party, smashing his enemies apart with his brute strength alone. They're literally tossing them aside like bowling pins.

Those that managed to get past his merry band would then find themselves face to face with Melody, Thomas and his buddy, the Leviathan and Behemoths more than happy to blast them apart with extreme prejudice.

When the group attacking us was wiped, my monsters didn't stop there. They went on to start slaughtering the other two groups that were fighting amongst themselves, putting each and every one of them down like they were rabid beasts.

The last group simply watched on, their expressions a mix of awe and fear.

Within a short span of a few minutes, the once chaotic cavern had settled down into silence once more, leaving only the group that stayed out of everybody's way alive.

Akari had chosen to ignore them in favour of sniffing Gob's corpse, prodding it with the tip of her snout.

"Master? Why is there a nice smell coming from this trash? It sort of smells like… You?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Ah, that must be the Origin fragment, the thing that I mentioned that belongs to me."

"Ohhh~ It smells really nice though… It's like… Really tempting for me to eat it right now… I can see why others would be tempted to take it for themselves."

Shiori growled with her tails raised threateningly, "Sister… You touch that and I will kill you."

Woah, woah, woah… She's actually serious about her threat.

Akari sniffed, "Please sister. The last thing I would ever want to do is to give Master a reason to hate me. Buuuut… Out of curiosity, Master, would you hate me if I had succumbed to my desires and ate it?"

I gave her a wry smile, "Not really, I do understand how alluring the fragment is and even if you had taken it, I could have simply just extracted it out of you. If you were willing to give it up, the process would be painless too, so it's not like it's an irreversible process outside of death."

"See? You're overreacting, sister~"

Shiori snorted at her but she did relax her stance and her tails dropped back down.

I went towards the corpse and placed my hand on it, extending my senses towards the body until I felt an aura that I was familiar with embedded in the goblin's core.

With a mental tug, I pried the piece of myself free from the goblin, the body twitching noticeably as I did so.

Akari and Shiori reacted to the movement in an instant, both their tails striking forward to smash Gob's head into pieces.

Ouch… Not that he could feel pain anymore but this guy no longer has a head now… Talk about being overprotective. Not that I'm complaining since I thought it was cute.

Ignoring what just happened, I continued my ministrations on the corpse until the fragment burst out from its chest in the shape of a solid, blue orb.

It floated to my palm and I clenched my hand into a fist, absorbing the Origin fragment into myself.

Once again, I was expecting there to be a rush of power, a sudden flashback or even just some kind of small explosion… Yet nothing happened aside from a little tingly feeling inside me, akin to something slotting itself into an empty space.

Well, that was easy.

"Divine One, what shall we do about them?" Melody asked, gesturing to the final group of monsters in her loli form.

I turned my attention to them, amongst them were a few centaurs, a group of treants, several orcs and even some minotauresses. All of them looked like they were about to piss themselves with fear while trying to make themselves as small as possible.

I don't really blame them, they are here because they got coerced to by someone stronger than they were and I doubt they were treated well under their rule.

Now a new group came along and basically crushed the beings that they had deemed stronger than themselves, who knows what kind of mistreatment they will get from the strangers?

I waved my hand, "They're obviously here against their will so I'll leave them to you, you guys know best anyway."

"Understood, Divine One."

With those words, the monsters behind me slowly made their way towards them while I strolled out of the cavern with Akari and Shiori in tow.

I trust Benjamin and the rest would be able to handle them by themselves, they've been doing this long before I decided to interfere after all.

Now… Time to go back to see how my disciples are doing~

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