What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 951: When Your Exes Show Up

Chapter 951: When Your Exes Show Up

(Lian Li POV)

If there were two words to describe Lilith, it would be 'slave driver'.

When Master taught us, He was patient, gentle and loving and… And… And really, really sexy… Ehehe~ Just having Master there is already such a good eye candy~

But then with Lilith… She's utterly merciless and really demanding, not to mention the fact that she's definitely not eyecandy material for us. In other words, she's the complete opposite of what Master is like.

"Come on! Daddy gave you all the tools and you've made so little progress?! When were you planning to ascend?! In your next lifetime?! This is why mortals are so pathetic! And you! You think you're some big shit for ascending first? You have yet to even truly ascend yet! Not to mention gaining full control over your domain! What the hell have you been doing?!"

A few of us scowled at her but there was nothing we could say since it was true.

Right now, we're being given a tongue lashing because of our supposed less than stellar performance in our training today.

As much as I hated to admit it, she does have a point and what she was doing was definitely beneficial for us.

But still, I have a feeling she was being this ruthless purely because she was still a little jealous of the fact that Master had picked us as His disciples. She might deny it, but I'm pretty sure this was part of the reason.

"You're a real slave driver, you know that?" Tsuki hissed, saying the exact words I had in my mind about Lilith.

Lilith rolled her eyes, "Please. If Daddy didn't ask me to go easy on you, I'd have made all of you destroy your bodies to build them back up again repeatedly. Daddy really coddled all of you, didn't he? Should have thought so, otherwise all of you wouldn't-- ARRGGHH!"

Her sudden scream of pain brought me out of my thoughts and all of us turned to look at her, only to see Cai Hong chomping on her arm with an adorably angry look.

"No bully!" Cai Hong squealed, still biting down on her arm.

"Ouch! Ouch! Alright! Alright! I'll stop now! Sheesh! Stupid dragon," Lilith growled, snatching her arm back from the maws of the loli dragon and clutching it defensively.

Cai Hong gave her a satisfied huff and went back to the gazebo, enjoying the cookies Master had left behind for her.

Lilith muttered a curse under her breath as she massaged the arm that Cai Hong had bitten before turning back to us.

"Well? What are you still doing here? Fuck off already. Sheesh."

The slave driver stormed off without another glance back, stepping out of Master's courtyard in a huff. Her personality really changes drastically when Master isn't around… Then again, most of us are the same too.

"Fucking vindictive bitch," Diao Chan cursed, groaning in pain as she tried to stretch herself. "Can't believe she's the same person who was screaming her lungs out while Master was pounding her from behind that night."

I couldn't help but laugh at her comment, "It is Master after all. Now I don't know about you, but I can use a bath."

The rest of them agreed and all of us prepared to move to the baths, only to stop when three beams of light fell from the sky to drop down right in the middle of Master's courtyard.

The flashes of light were so intense that I had to cover my eyes to shield myself from it, holding it there until the light finally subsided after a moment.

Standing in the middle of Master's courtyard were three women whom I have never seen before.

The one on the left had black hair that was tied up in a ponytail, drawing attention to the two small horns that were jutting out at the top of her head.

The one standing in the middle had reddish hair that cascaded past her shoulders, the colour matched by the fiery red eyes that she was using to inspect her surroundings.

The last woman had platinum blonde hair that was a stark contrast to the blood red lips and eyes on her face, giving her a sort of an ethereal glow.

All three of them were similar in the fact that they were exceptionally beautiful, almost comparable to us. Almost.

"Didn't you say he would be here?" The blonde woman muttered, not even sparing a glance at us.

"He was. His scent still lingers here…" The woman with the fiery hair scowled while sniffing the air, her eyes looking around Master's courtyard. "This must have been his home, the entire place is flushed with his smell."

All of us immediately came to the conclusion of who these three were looking for and were immediately on guard.

The black haired one stepped forward and looked at us with disdain, "Are you sure your nose is not broken? Why would such pathetic beings live with him?"

The red haired one growled at her, "I will never mistake his scent you bitch."

"Funny, aren't you the bitch here?"

The blonde one ignored her companion's squabbles and moved in front of us, pulling out a scroll and unfurling it to show us a picture of Master.

"You… What are all of your relations with this person?"

Of course we weren't going to just tell them the truth as easily as that.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

Before I realised what had happened, my neck was suddenly grabbed by the blonde girl and lifted up into the air.

I responded by punching her towards her face with a lightning infused fist, forcing her to drop me right before my fist connected.

I leapt back into a fighting stance as everyone also prepared to fight, even the servants that were scattered around the courtyard.

The three women watched our actions with mild amusement, not at all worried that they were completely outnumbered. In fact, they were looking at us like we were merely stones at the side of the road they had encountered.

The one with black hair spoke, "Interesting… Perhaps he knew we were coming and escaped?"

The red haired one sniffed the air, "Then we'll just follow his scent. These things are of no use to us."

Before any of us could say anything, the three of them flashed away as abruptly as they came, leaving all of us confused and honestly quite pissed.

"Oh hell… I was afraid of this…" A voice muttered, prompting all of us to turn towards the entrance to see Lilith standing there with a look of exasperation on her face.

"What do you mean? Who are they? Why are they looking for Master?" I asked immediately.

Lilith sighed, "Those girls… They used to be part of Daddy's harem from another of his incarnations. Guess they came to look for him."


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