What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1014 Confronting Him Directly

Chapter 1014 Confronting Him Directly

(Lian Li POV)

My sisters and I were gathered in our room while seated in a circle, all of us looking down at our hands.

"I hate to admit it… But that felt… Good…" Diao Chan muttered.

All of us also couldn't say anything since we knew it was true.

But there was just one problem…

"Did anyone notice? There was something lacking when Master was making love with us…"

"Unnn… Aniue felt… Empty…" Tsuki sighed.

"Yes… While the sex felt good, there didn't feel like there's emotion behind Master's lovemaking. Or rather, there's a distinct lack of Master's usual love behind it," Kiyomi pointed out.

That was already a clear sign that Master was changing. The lovemaking sessions with Master would usually be filled with so much love that my heart would feel like bursting. But from the bath session just now, I only felt loved physically but not emotionally.

"Are we… Perhaps… Already too late to save Onii-sama?" Elaria asked.

"No. The fact that Master still embraced us showed that He at least was aware of our feelings towards Him. We just need to stop Master from progressing any further down this path and bring Him back," Manami stated resolutely.

I frowned, "What do we even know that is making Master change?"

That was when Cai Hong spoke up, "Papa is collecting 'Origwin fwagwents'."

Brendan turned to her, "Origin fragments? The ones that are said to be pieces of Master that have been split off? The very same pieces we presented to Master after taking it from those three self proclaimed Goddesses that have tortured Master?"

The loli dragon nodded, "Papa becomes more whole when Papa gets more 'Origwin frawgwents'."

Lilith furrowed her brows, "This makes no sense… Daddy would become more whole when he gets back the Origin fragments, but there's nothing around that would make Daddy go back to his past self… Unless… Damn it! Unless Mother has already influenced those fragments in some way! Just how far has she planned this?!"

"In that case, we should be stopping Master from getting any more of these fragments, right?" Eris pointed out.

"That would help… But there's no telling when Master might just go and get more without any of us knowing, like this time."

I stood up, "That's it then! The best way is still to tell Master about it and expose that stalker birtch!"

Manami turned to me, "Ara ara? Are you sure that's wise? What if Master chooses to listen to that bitch instead of us?"

I clenched my fists, "If that happens… Then we would have already lost."

Without a second glance back, I made my way towards Master's room with the rest of them following behind me.

"Master!!" I shouted, bursting into His room. Of course, the normal me wouldn't do something so brazen but who knows what that stalker bitch was doing to Master without us there?

I was prepared for Master to be surprised at my entry, but what I did not expect was for Master to actually leap out of His seat and stare at me with a look of what could only be described as fear.

Why did Master fear me?

"Wha… What is it, Lian Li? I wasn't doing anything this… Wait… Right, I'm back already… Sorry, just talking to myself. Do you need anything, Lian Li?"

I wanted to ask Master what that was about but I decided to put that aside for now.

"Master! You need to stop absorbing those Origin fragments! They're changing you back to your emotionless self!"

Master raised an eyebrow at me, "Why would you say that? I don't think I changed?"

"Master… You literally hesitated when expressing your love for us. The old you would have never done that," Diao Chan pointed out.

Master frowned before turning to look at an empty part of the room. Why was Master looking there?

Actually, where is that stalker bitch? I haven't seen her for quite a while already.

"How… How sure are you about this?" Master asked after turning back to us.

Brendan stepped forward, "Master… How do you feel about annihilating the entire Heaven Sect and leaving just us behind?"

"I… Don't see anything wrong with that?"

All of us look pointedly at Him.

Master narrowed His eyes before shifting His gaze down to His hands, "I… I feel nothing about wiping out everyone… Iris?!"

"Ara? What is it Master?"

All of us jumped at the voice, finding the stalker bitch appearing out of thin air at where Master had been looking just a few moments ago.

Master glared at her, "Why did you not tell me?"

"Ufufufu~ Because Master didn't ask."

"Did you plan all this?"

"Hmm… Perhaps? I admit I did influence some fragments to be gathered for Master, but there's a few that I had no hand in~"

"So you did plan to return me back to my emotionless self?"

That stalker bitch's smile got even wider, "Ara, ara? Master, did I already not say that I have not given up on returning you back to your true self?"

"You promised that you would no longer hurt me…"

"Restoring you back to your true self is in no way hurting you, Master. In fact, are you not feeling liberated? All this while, you have been feeling like something was missing, yes? Yet with each fragment you absorb, you feel more and more fulfilled. If Master would just--"

"Iris, enough," Master interrupted, shutting the bitch up instantly. "I never wanted this. I never wanted to return back to my old self. Whatever plans you have to make me return back to my old self, I want you to scrap them right now and give up on changing me."

She actually giggled, "Ufufufu~ If that is what Master wants, then I suppose I'll have to obey~"

All of us stared at her.

"Just like that?" Master asked.

"Just like that," She confirmed.

I pointed my finger at her, "You're lying! You definitely have something else up your sleeve!"

The bitch sighed, "Master has given me an order and I would obey it. If Master asks me to stop, then I will stop, it's as simple as that."

Yeah, I don't believe this bitch for even a single second.

Master looked down at Himself, "Ok… Err… How do I go back to my normal self then? And by that I don't mean my emotionless one."

She smiled again, "Hmm? Master just has to adapt to the new fragments. Those are the fragments that possess your old personality after all, so if you are able to just simply integrate them and change your own way of thinking, Master will eventually return back to your… Hmm… More emotional self~"

"Oh… Ok then. I suppose that's that? Thanks for telling me this, Lian Li."

I jumped a little at Master's mention of me, "That… That is not something Master needs to thank me about! I… I'm just happy to help!"

"Haha… Well, since all of you are here… Want to sleep here tonight? I'm up for another orgy if you girls are up for it?"

We blinked at Master. The old Master would definitely never have suggested this but… But…

There was no way we would ever say no to that!

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