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Chapter 208 ~ Pursuit

Chapter 208 ~ Pursuit

“... I see. Is that all you can get from him?”

“Yes, Shalltear-sama.”

Solution nodded in response as she looked down at the enamored, glaze-eyed, kneeling man with drool flowing down his slackened jaw. 

His tendons had been cut cleanly, disallowing any sort of movements. There was also blood smeared around his lips, but not of his own. 

They were of his former comrades, specifically one whose skull had been crushed by Shalltear underfoot. He had worked his tongue and licked her high-heeled shoes clean of the brain matter which had splattered all over them when Shalltear playfully stomped on them. 

But now, none of those traumatic events seemed to linger in his mind. All that remained after Solution’s use of her new succubus’ mind-controlling magic was his pure infatuation and mindless dedication towards her. 

He had told her everything. From his name. The location of these sellswords’ hideout. Their numbers. And the name of those who possess martial arts that he knew of. 

Nothing was hidden from her. In fact, he despised himself for not being able to supply her with more information. This meager information wouldn’t even be enough for him to be worthy of receiving the privilege of licking the button of her shoes. 

Shalltear glanced at the ruined man for a moment and nodded. 

“Very well. Good work, Solution. You may have him now.”

“Thank you very much. However, I am still predisposed to dissolving this one, and I’d hate to end his suffering sooner… That one’s mind is also ruined, so he’s no longer capable of eliciting interesting reactions. So, I’ll just drain his life essence.”

Solution’s lips curled into grin as she walked towards the kneeling man. 

Draining a man off their life essences was a succubus’ specialty and forte. And it was during a moment of intense pleasure that the most life essences could be extracted in a single go. Thus why succubus often utilized pleasure while collecting their life essences. 

It was also what they were known for, due to it being the method most of the numerous low ranking succubus employ. 

There were other ways for succubus to drain and collect life essences, just slightly more inefficient. After all, nothing could compete with the sheer efficiency of directly receiving their seed right into their bodies during a moment of intense pleasure and ecstasy.

However, even the thought of doing such things to the filth before her just to drain his pitiful little life was deplorable to Solution. Her body was dedicated solely for Yuuji, and she would only engage in any sexual activities with him, just like Aika, Albedo, and the rest of her sisters. 

Even the fact that she entertained the thought of collecting his life essence came from a purely pragmatic and logical reasoning. She simply didn’t want to waste a free meal in front of her. 

Thus, she would only do the bare minimum, just enough, to collect his life essence. 

Solution extended her hand towards the man’s head, and touched his forehead with the tip of her fingernail. 

His large, robust, muscular body shrunk like a balloon until he was skin and bones. His face became gaunt, and life quickly left his eyes. 

Yet, a look of pure ecstasy and happiness filled the man’s no longer cognisant expression.

It was the most merciful death Solution had ever given to anyone. 

“Hmm… As expected, it’s a bit stale…”

A disappointed sigh escaped her lips. But, she quickly regained her focus when a voice calling her name resounded. 

“Solution, I’ve finished up over here. We can move out any time.” 

Sebas called out from the driver’s seat, having replaced the reins.

“Understood, I’m coming. Then, Shalltear-sama, though it pains my heart to leave, allow me to bid you farewell.”

Shalltear looked to Solution as she hurried back into the coach, and then to Sebas, who was seated at the driver’s place. 

“Then, we shall part ways for the time being, Sebas.” 

“Is that so… does this mean you have already discovered the bandits’ hideout?”

“Indeed. We shall invade them afterwards and look for any interesting people who might know something which would please Ainz-sama. Otherwise this would have all been a waste of time.” 

“I see. It was a pleasure traveling with you, Shalltear-sama.” 

“Thank you for that. Let us meet again in Nazarick.” 

“Oh, we’ll be off, then—”

Just then, the door to the carriage opened and another voice resounded. 

“I shall also get off here.”

“Eh? L-Lelouch-sama?”


Shalltear, Sebas, and Solution all looked in shock as Lelouch stepped out of the carriage. His Zero’s mask facing Shalltear directly, not even seemingly recognizing the gruesome death around him. 

“I shall watch over Shalltear in her mission. The two of you may go ahead and prepare for our arrival in Re-Estize. Coordinate with our agents there and begin establishing our background.”

““Yes. Understood.””

Sebas and Solution bowed in unison. 

They did not expect Lelouch to stay here instead of following the original plan to head to Re-Estize and connect with Yuuji, Aika, and Momonga for the next phase of the plan. 

‘Perhaps… He is worried about Shalltear-sama's Blood Frenzy…’

Such thoughts crossed both Sebas and Solution. However, they did not dwell in such idle thoughts for long. 

The order has been given, and while they were still shocked by his decision to stay, they did not doubt the infinite wisdom and intelligence of the Supreme Being before them and would move according to his will. 


For the first time in her life… Her voice cracked before a supreme being. 

As a Floor Guardian, the single worst thing that could happen to them was not death. 

To die for the supreme beings and the glory of Nazarick was, instead, the greatest death any single denizen of Nazarick and creations of the Supreme Beings could have. 

No… The single worst thing that could happen to her was losing the trust and love of the Supreme Beings. 

To be deemed useless… incompetent… worthless. 

Despite having immunity towards any mind-affecting spells or skills, Shalltear felt despair as a myriad of nightmares flashed across her mind. 

The worst being the face of her beloved, Yuuji, looking at her with indifference… 

The look of despair on Shalltear’s expression was impossible to miss, and Lelouch immediately tried to find the words to explain that his decision wasn’t based on his lack of trust in her. 

However, saying too much regarding the future where she would encounter the Black Scripture, might affect their plans. Even if it didn’t, doing so wouldn’t erase her fears either. 

After all, he made his decision to stay with Shalltear to help her when she encountered the Black Scripture.

She was safe now from the effects of their world item, the Downfall of Castle and Country, as she was in possession of her own world item, Billion Blades. However, there might be other spells, items, or martial arts in the Black Scripture’s possession they were not aware of with the possibility of affecting Shalltear. 

Thus, none of them wanted to take the chance. 

In addition, Lelouch’s presence would also be needed to take control over the Black Scripture using his Geass and make them their foothold within the Theocracy. 

‘Hah… I guess I have no other choice…’

Lelouch returned his attention towards Shalltear. Her eyes now shaking in fear and sadness as her expression filled with despair. 

“I made this decision not due to any lack of trust, Shalltear.”


“I foresaw a threat in the path ahead. A threat that could pose danger to even you. And after sharing this with Yuuji, Aika, and Momonga, Yuuji asked me to watch over you.”

“Ah, Y-Yuuji-sama did?!”

Her eyes flickered. The despair that once covered her face like dark clouds disappear quicker than when it appeared. 

A single mention of Yuuji’s name immediately brightened her expression.

‘As expected… using his name is really convenient when dealing with his admirers.’

Lelouch smiled inwardly. 

He nodded towards Shalltear and continued. 

“I have my own plans as well that would be related to that threat. So, there is no need for you to fear anything.”

Shalltear nodded back, her smile returning to her lips. 

“Yes, Lelouch-sama!”

“Then, we shall go now. You may move as you see fit. I will not interfere until the time comes.”


The thrill of the hunt. 

It was normally something she would rejoice in. 

To let her prey run for their lives, flee, hoping to escape her, only for her to reveal there was no hope to begin with when she caught up to them. 

The look on their faces. The sheer despair in their expression as they looked at death right in the eyes. Just seeing it was enough to make her moist. 

But this time, Shalltear didn’t have the luxury of hunting them down like she normally would. 

It was a mission given by Yuuji-sama and the Supreme Beings, and one was watching her. She could not afford to fail.

The Vampire Brides she had sent out to search for the hideout soon informed her that they'd discovered it, and Shalltear quickly made her way there. 


Shalltear walked past the two bowing vampire brides and looked to the entrance of a cave. 

It was a rather large entrance lit by very few torches, just enough for the few guards stationed outside at the entrance to be able to see slightly into the treelines, where Shalltear and her vampire brides were. 

A swordsman– No, a man wielding a sword and shield. A few more with only swords. One with a spear, and another with a bow. The appearance of their gears had no uniformity, as if they just picked up whatever they could salvage from dead adventurers. But, they were all of similar quality to the ones worn by the group that approached their carriage. 

“Guard the perimeter and prevent them from running away. Search for hidden escape routes and guard it. Kill anyone who tries to escape.”

““Understood, my lady.””

The vampire brides disappeared into the trees to circle around the perimeter of the hideout. 

Then, with measured, confident steps, Shalltear made herself known to the guards.

“–Hey! Stop right there– Eh? A girl…?”

“What the… A noble?”

“What’s she doing?”

“Heh– Never saw someone willingly come here on their own! I like your guts, lady!”

A large man, muscular, strapped in leather armor with nothing underneath and wielding a large claymore strapped behind him, walked up towards Shalltear. 

“You lost, young lady? Come here, let me take care of you. I’ll make sure you have a good time.”

His lips curled into a lopsided grin as his eyes lasciviously scanned Shalltear’s figure from head to toe. 

Excitement couldn’t help but bubble in his heart and pants. 

She was beautiful beyond any noble women or adventurers he had ever seen before. Even more than any sluts they’ve turned into their slaves and sold off or killed. 

And even better, despite her small stature, she was rocking a massive pair of tits, bigger than most adult women. She’s a real catch, and he wanted to be the first one to taste her!

The man stopped near the silver-haired beauty. Not too close, but still within the range of his claymore. 

She stopped. 

He couldn’t see her expression well when she hung her head down, but he could still see her shoulders trembling.

“Oh? Are you scared? Don’t worry, I’ll plow your little holes gent–”



The man froze all of a sudden. 

The rest of his comrades all looked at him, confused. 

The man had a short fuse. Coupled with his violent tendencies and powerful body, anyone who dared talk shit to him wouldn’t be long for this world. 

They all expected him to immediately wail on the little girl. 

But soon, their eyes widened in shock horror when he suddenly split in half, and plopped to the ground with a disgusting, gory thud. 

Then, the blood that came out of his cross section began to move unnaturally, before flowing upward. Towards the orb of crimson red blood that hovered just a few distance above the little girl. 

“S-She’s a magic caster! Attack! Don’t give her time to cast any spells!”

The swordsmen and spearman charged with a battlecry. It was not meant to simply lift their fighting spirit, but loud noises and battlecries were also often used to disturb a caster’s concentration, delaying or perhaps disturbing their spell casting altogether. 

As the swordsmen charged, the archer loaded an arrow into his strings, aimed, and fired. 

The ordinary steel arrow flew through the air, drawing a small arc, before heading towards Shalltear. 

‘I got her!’

It was a shock, but a pleasant surprise. The arrow flew in an arc that would perfectly hit her on the head. 

With such low light and small target, he didn’t expect himself to be capable of such an accuracy. Perhaps, it was the adrenaline and flash of concentration, combined with all of his experience drawn by the fear of death, that brought upon the miracle. 

However, when the arrow neared her beautiful little head, it was deflected, repelled, by an unknown force. 


Shalltear did not even spare a glance at the incoming arrow. With her Weapon Damage Resistance passive that all Floor Guardians possess, any weapon below level 60 would be incapable of hurting her. 

Her eyes gazed at the charging insects before her. 

They were charing at her with all their might with all their weapons drawn. But they were… too slow. 

‘Well, I guess I wouldn’t be so lucky in finding a martial arts user so soon.’

A helpless sigh escaped her lips. 

She took a step, and her figure disappeared from their sight. 


The archer’s eyes widened as Shalltear appeared before him suddenly. 

Behind her, his comrades were cut in half. Bisected, just like the first one. Their blood flowing up towards the orb of blood above her. 

“Good evening to you. It was boring while it lasted.”

He did not even have time to process the fear that would take hold of him as he stood before death. 

His vision went dark, and though he would never know how he died, he had a feeling that his fate wasn’t dissimilar to the rest of his comrades. 

Shalltear made a short leap over the two halves of the archer’s gory corpse, not wanting to stain the dress given to her by the Supreme Beings by the filthy blood of these insects. 

She was a bit disappointed that she did not find anyone capable of wielding martial arts from these groups. But, she was hopeful that she would find one eventually, as the Supreme Beings told. 

Shalltear entered the torch-lit cave with hope and determination. She will definitely accomplish this mission perfectly, and gain Yuuji-sama’s approval and praise. 

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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