Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 328: 328: Absolute Pretense, Deadly in the Deadliest

Chapter 328: 328: Absolute Pretense, Deadly in the Deadliest

Translator: 549690339

Jiang Xiaobai stood stunned in place, he hadn’t anticipated such a scenario at all. He had only planned to subtly manipulate the situation to his advantage, and now, instead of flying under the radar, all eyes were on him.

All of a sudden, everyone was staring at him, making it awkward to make a move.

Feeling the intense gazes, and a twinge of jealousy from the crowd that slightly stung his back, Jiang Xiaobai fought the urge to show off. Instead, he remained nonchalant, as if nothing out of the ordinary was occurring.

This only served to make people twitch in annoyance.

The once-popular saying—subtle arrogance is the most lethal—had now changed because of Jiang Xiaobai’s actions.

Now it was”acting unassuming is the deadliest deadly!”

All of them felt as if they had sustained a million points of damage. How could one person be so favored by so many treasures?

Keep in mind, they, being a group of several hundred people, had attracted fewer than a hundred treasures. Meanwhile, Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t done anything, and yet nearly ninety-nine percent of the treasures were flying towards him.

If that had been all, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. But the issue was that many people who had initially been favored by the treasures saw the treasures they had attracted force their way out of their grasp, and instead rush towards Jiang Xiaobai.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai was surrounded by a wall made out of treasures, layer upon layer of them.

There were so many that he was wrapped tightly in them.

In that moment, everyone wanted to smash something out of frustration.

How could he be so different from the rest of us?

“Damn it, who the hell is this guy? How come we’ve never seen anything like this before?”

“I have no idea, although he’s a direct disciple, I’ve never seen him before either?”

“Could he be some kind of secret disciple that one of the top elders has been hiding for decades, before making a stunning entrance?”

“That’s always a possibility, our Sword Sea Sect truly does have many talented freaks.”

“Could you show some dignity? It’s obvious that you’re just jealous that he’s superior.”

Everyone was stuck without a way to proceed and could only wait in frustration for Jiang Xiaobai to finish selecting his treasures so he could get out of there.

Out of sight, out of mind!

Considering he was wearing the attire of a direct disciple, and given not only his potential but also the fact that he was getting showered with treasures’ recognition and favor, his background must be quite substantial.

Therefore, he had to be a disciple that one of the top elders had been hiding for many years.

Even though everyone was frustrated, they had no other choice but to watch helplessly.

However, some people were stubborn. They fought desperately, disregarding any dignity, just to keep the treasures that had initially been attracted to them. They were so desperate to save face that they directly claimed the treasures for themselves.

But despite their efforts, the treasures struggled tenaciously to fly towards Jiang Xiaobai.

It was so infuriating that it made them want to cough up blood.

At this point, Jiang Xiaobai had no idea what to say. The only positive was that there were so many treasures that he was completely enveloped by them, so no one could see what he was doing inside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly released his two “big daddies”, reminding them to only absorb energy and not expose their presence. Otherwise, the emergence of such treasures would certainly trigger a major uproar.

Fortunately, although the “big daddies” were typically mischievous, they understood the gravity of the situation and followed Jiang Xiaobai’s instructions.

But the speed at which they were absorbing the spiritual energy from the treasures was truly astonishing.

They had barely come out for a minute before they had already sucked nearly half of the spiritual energy from all the treasures in the treasury.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai pulled the two “big daddies” back in a hurry.

“I told you to only eat a third of it. If you keep this up, our cover will be blown!”

“Once it’s blown, we’ll be targeted for elimination by everyone from the Sword Sea Sect.”

If it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai’s relentless warnings, and using the tactic of asserting ‘we’ll die if we get caught’, the “big daddies” would have likely sucked all the spiritual energy out of every single treasure in the collection.

Given the special circumstances, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t dare waste time checking on the status of the “big daddies”. Making use of the remaining empty treasure shells circling around him, he directly used Li Suhua’s method to teleport back.

“Boss, how’d it go?” AnRan asked excitedly as soon as Jiang Xiaobai returned.

“It’s complicated in there, hard to explain shortly. Quickly, no need to place more magic stones, keep them trapped so we won’t risk exposure.”

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said, and then ran off with AnRan.

While he wasn’t sure what this haul had netted them, he knew it was substantial. The “big daddies” and he were definitely on the same wavelength, all working hard to absorb spiritual energy.

And he was certain that once the people of the Sword Sea Sect found out what had happened in the treasure space, they would go insane.

And they would definitely search for the two troublemakers!

The kind whose only option is to hunt you to the death.

AnRan, who had been dragged along by Jiang Xiaobai, quickly said: “Boss, wait a moment. We still have almost 200 million magic stones here. We can’t miss out!”

Saying this, he quickly went back to move all the magic stones. In the meantime, the outer disciples who had been knocked out hadn’t woken up yet.

After moving the magic stones, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan carefully cleaned the place of any sign that they were there. Then they hurried to the lake.

Qin Nianxue and Xiao Yu were still boating and feeding the fish on the lake.

Seeing that the two of them returned so quickly, they were both utterly surprised.

“No way, how come you’re back so soon?” Xiao Yu asked, looking at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief.

As Jiang Xiaobai was about to respond with a nonchalant retort, he suddenly paused.

“Wait, that doesn’t sound right.”

It’s not right, not right at all!

You can’t just ask a guy, “Why are you so fast?” Especially not as a question!

For a moment, both women had their faces flushed red, with Xiao Yu throwing Jiang Xiaobai a shy and coquettish glance.

“Cough, cough, this won’t do, this definitely won’t do. I’m a married man, after all,” Jiang Xiaobai quickly brushed it off, and then looked at the lake, surprised to see the Salmon Dragon King fighting over fish food.

“Is your Sword Sea Sect really this wealthy and privileged to be capable of raising a lake full of Salmon Dragon Kings?”

Xiao Yu giggled, “Hehe, let me tell you, this place doesn’t just have Salmon Dragon Kings, but also very precious Phoenix Tailed Fish!”

Phoenix Tailed Fish!

Upon hearing this, both men, renowned for their gourmet appetites, exchanged looks, almost drooling.

If the Salmon Dragon King were the top grade amongst spirit fish, then the Phoenix Tailed Fish would certainly be considered the ultimate grade!

Although the name might sound common, its succulent meat and the effects produced after eating it were unimaginable.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s and AnRan’s reactions, Xiao Yu became vigilant.

“What are you up to? You’re not thinking about those fish, are you?”

“Not at all, how could we? It’s just a few fish…” Jiang Xiaobai dismissed casually.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu let out a sigh of relief.

But before she could relax, Jiang Xiaobai added,

“Just a few fish, that’s all. The lake is so large that if a few fish are missing, no one would notice.”

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