Weapons of Mass Destruction

Chapter 335: [Restriction]

Chapter 335: [Restriction]

The first thing I bought was a bar of metal, which is floating in front of me now, held there by the mana I’ve surrounded it with. To that end, I'm using my crown to increase my level of control. At the same time, I'm releasing thermal energy and melting it, allowing me to mold it into the shape of a dagger. All things I’ve learned from Nevan.

I would like to use better materials or even kinetic energy to pummel the metal more or experiment with alloys, but that’s currently out of my reach. Those are goals for the future. For now, my goal is to create a rare item and sell it through the tournament’s auction system.

The materials must be bought from the tournament shop as well, but their prices aren't very high, which of course means that the quality isn't all that high either, but it should be enough for me to make some rare items.

I allow the dagger to settle on the facility’s worktable and take a moment to look over at Isabella and Sophie, who are experimenting in the corner. The sisters seem to be having fun together. Isabella creates flames which Sophie helps her shape and they use the resulting effects in an attempt to mimic my techniques.

It was Isabella's idea and the mind manipulator, Sophie “siscon” Martinez, of course, agreed.

“Flames need to be more even at the edges and slightly hotter in the center,” I warn her for the fifth time.

“I know. You told me already!” the little girl complains.

Turning back to my dagger, I absorb the rest of its heat, accelerating the cooling process, and observe the results.

It's made of simple gray metal with a core composed of a more conductive metal, creating rough pathways, connected to a mana stone embedded in the metal dagger. The dagger is entirely made of metal. If someone has a problem with that, they can modify it later.

I spend a few more minutes sharpening it, heating up sections of the blade, and hitting it with small bursts of kinetic energy.

The result is ugly as sin but it should be functional enough.

Manabound Stiletto (rare) -This dagger is bound with mana, sharpening its edge as mana passes through. It can slightly disrupt magical armor or barriers.

Should be fine for now.

“I want to sell this and the other five daggers I made.”

To be able to sell the items in the tournament shop, register as a seller. Please, pick your alias.

Huh? This again?

For a moment, I think of just using Noname, but then I change my mind and pick a different name.

Would you like to register as "Fuckyouintentbitch"?

“Yes,” I confirm. I hope that the stalker is watching. This one is for you, Duplicaniel. I know you would have appreciated it.

Congratulations, you have been registered as “Fuckyouintentbitch”, you can now offer items made by you for sale.

What starting price do you wish to set for Manabound Stiletto (rare)?

The low rare items are usually 200 shards outside of the tournament. As for this one, it did cost me around 50 shards worth of materials.

“150 shards,” I say, and then set the same price for the other 5 daggers I made and then close the window.

I should get a 600 shards net profit if they sell for the price I'm asking. If someone bids more, my profit will be better. After the 1st event, I plan to make a few more to while away time here and make some shards. Others can have fun with people.

Next, I move closer to where Isabella and Sophie are experimenting and observe the process. I don't say anything but watch.

Sophie is still using her [Manipulation] to help Izzy control her flames while her little sister tries to copy the techniques she saw me using. They are practicing on a piece of metal I brought here from the 6th Floor. The result can't be sold in the tournament shop, but it's good for practice.

Curious, I observe Isabella's blue flames and try to compare them to my golden ones. As of now, I still haven't gotten what the exact difference is between flames made with thermal primordial energy and normal ones so I'm curious.

Could it be that I still haven’t seen the true power of thermal energy? Are there any steps I’ve missed? Is the difference great or small?

Isabella's flames are the result of her [Pyrokinesis] and they are beautifully blue, with no hint of another color no matter how strong she makes them. With her subclass, Kindness, she can even control them. It's to the extent that she can burn the monsters in a big area while her flames don’t hurt anyone she doesn't want them to. Not even heat touches them.

I'm also fairly sure that her subclass strengthens her [Empathy].

When she makes a mistake and more than the intended amount of flames leaks from her, I absorb some so she won't destroy their project. Then I depart while holding blue flames over the palm of my hand and observing them, leaving the sisters to experiment.

Entering the house, I meet Brainiac, Lootenant, and the boys in the living room.

The red-haired Brainiac shouts, “Nice place, Noname! I always knew you were rich.”

“Yes, yes,” I wave at him and continue to the next room.

I can’t help but overhear the conversation behind me as he speaks to Dennis, “To be honest, I thought he would be leaking mana all over the place but he seems… normal? Was he just trolling us with all that mana stuff?”

Escaping the range of his extrovert debuff zone, I plop into a chair seated next to a big window with a nice view. Outside the window, Lily and Maya seem to be having a light sparring match, while conserving mana before the 1st event. Even then, they move with surprising agility, both the healer and the athletic Maya.

Once again, I'm reminded that I'm in big trouble if I lose control of my mana. Even with my Active Tempering, their physical stats are just that much higher than mine. Especially Lily, who’s upgraded her Constitution and still puts a lot into physical stats. There is also the weird thing she’s been doing to slowly strengthen her muscles and bones.

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“Aren’t you going to spar?” I ask, looking at Tess, who’s sitting nearby, reading some papers.

I notice that her haircut has changed once again. Her back length blonde hair has been woven into a neat braid. She seems to enjoy changing it up every now and then.

“I have no time,” she says, gesturing at the papers. “We are exchanging information with Gareth. Oh, did you know there are only 31 people here from Hell difficulty? 10 from Gareth's group WhiteWing, 4 from IDK, 9 from our group, Tacita who is apparently alone in her group, Savant who is also alone in his group, and 6 from TheGuild. So 7 people decided not to join. The ones that never engaged with the Community.”

“We are also missing the 1st Beyonder guy, remember that.”

“I do, it's hard to forget the guy.”

“I wanted to fight him.”

Tess sighs, “Of course, you did. But don't worry, you still have Savant, Tacita, and Gareth. Oh, and there’s Lily and I too so be careful.” She smiles before looking back at the papers. “We tried to share more information about the 6th and 5th floor with Gareth's WhiteWing but the system censored the words, muted them.”

“Well, no surprise there.”

“Yes. We tried to set ciphers, we tried telepathy, and we tried to hint or write the information down. But the system is adapting and censoring the words no matter what we try. Even when we tried to leak information by 'mistake' or allow them to barely hear from a distance.”

“Have you tried anything like sign language?”

“Yes, the system even blocked that.”

So very annoying. Before I can say anything we get a new system message.

The 1st event - The Survival Domain will start in 1 hour!

In one hour everyone will be transferred to a randomly selected map, all difficulties will participate together. The terrain will be picked from those within the system’s database.

You will be facing the environment, other competitors from the 5th round of the tutorial, and a shrinking domain.

The 1st event will take place over the course of 5 hours, and the contenders will be rewarded according to their performance and final proximity to the center of the domain.

Note: You can't restore your mana or stamina during the duration of the event.

Note: No equipment is permitted to be brought inside the Survival Domain.

Note: There will be items of different rarities randomly placed within the domain to be used during the event. The items are:

1 low arcane grade item

10 low epic grade items

50 low rare grade items

100 uncommon grade items

500 common grade items

Note: You can use [Restriction] for this and the remaining events.

Placing [Restriction] allows you to restrict your status to the state from the end of a certain floor you decide. You may break this [Restriction], but doing so after accepting it will be counted as a loss and you will be immediately removed from the event.

To place [Restriction] you need to call out to what Floor level you want to limit your status. The stricter [Restriction] you impose upon yourself, the larger the improvement in your rewards.

“Fuuuuck, is the rarity after epic arcane? How crazy must those items be?” Brainiac shouts from the living room.

Well, it seems like everyone got the message.

“What do you think?” I ask Tess who seems to be reading the notification again.

“I like the part with [Restriction].”

I knew she would like that. “What if you restrict yourself to your power level of the 3rd Floor and someone like me chooses to stay on the 5th or 6th Floor level?” I ask.

“That makes it risky and fun, doesn’t it?” she smirks.

“Oh yeah, it does,” I agree.

This is fun. Being able to put an [Restriction] on myself could make even a fight against lower difficulty people fun while also giving out better rewards. For example, Gareth and his group are in the middle of the 5th floor and Savant is at its end, so the members of group 4, having made it to the 6th floor, with rewards from the 5th floor should have an advantage.

But with [Restriction] in the mix?

“Dennis, you were right, it's a Battle Royale,” I call out to Dennis who’s siting with the other boys in the living room.

“Told you!” he shouts back.

“Aren’t you worried about your mana running out?” Tess looks at me with interest.

“With my reserves, I should have the advantage against anyone with less than me.”

“That’s true,” she nods. “So what if you meet someone from Beyond or someone from our group?”

“No holding back,” I answer simply.

“Maybe I’ll throw something your way when I spot you,” she muses with a cheeky smile, “should be easy enough.”

“Are you sure you want to risk missing with your pitiful mana reserves?”

“We will see about that,” she declares.

Now that I think about it, a good number of people will probably group up to survive until the end and last the full 5 hours before fighting among themselves. I could ask Tess now, but somehow I don’t feel like it, seeing how competitively she’s been looking at me.

Well, I'm sure it won’t be so easy for her to snipe me in a crowd of almost two thousand people. The map will surely be massive.

With a few minutes remaining, group 4 reaches the center of the common area. There are lots of pretty trees planted to create plenty of shaded retreats surrounded by flowers and benches. There is even a fountain and a small lake nearby with their own seating. It’s massive.

There are people everywhere, excitedly checking the timer. It almost feels like some kind of celebration.

I wonder what the mood will be like after the 1st event? Will fighting each other sour the mood? Will they be the same after seeing what people from other difficulties are capable of? I’ve already noticed but Easy and Normal difficulty are fairly soft. I can tell just from the way they look at me or how cluelessly they move around, without paying attention. They’re either incompetent or the lack of danger hasn’t made the effort necessary.

They grill outside, they drink, and they trade. There are even a few babies barely a few months old. I saw them fight among themselves too, but being under level 50 for Easy or 100 for Normal, they are not that strong. Even weaker when I consider group 4's power during that period.

In ten seconds, you will be moved to the 1st Event's area!

The countdown starts and I look around, meeting the eyes of the others in group 4. I even notice Gareth as he waves at me.

Quickly averting his gaze, I notice another man looking at me and turn to him.

The man has a slim face and pale green eyes. His long black hair is tied into a ponytail that rests on his back. Under his left eye, there is a beauty mark. He doesn't avert his gaze and my eyes meet his.

I feel my mana rouse up and my heart pumps Primordial Energies through my body. Instinctively, I feel myself collecting my mana.

That man is dangerous.

You will be transferred to The Survival Domain. You have three seconds to place [Restriction] if you wish to do so.

I watch as he mouths a few words, and I do the same.

“4th Floor [Restriction],” I call in tandem with him.

Then both of us disappear together with 2,355 more people, and the 1st event of the tournament starts.

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