Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 163: Undead King

Chapter 163: Undead King

There was a voice that came from inside the town, "Yi?  Is that the voice of a person?"

The NPC on the watchtower shouted out in a surprised voice, "Captain, there's an adventurer from White Cloud Main City, they must be here to save us!  Quickly let him in, there are just too many undead outside!"

After a squeak, the iron door opened and I charged in.  There were also several undead that followed, but the soldiers beside me pulled out their swords and easily took caore of them.

I looked over and was surprised to find that under a banyan tree, there was a NPC in armour lying there covered in blood.  He was clearly different from the other soldiers.  His name was "Team Leader Kite"!

It turned out that this was the leader, so this should be the one that the NPC had called captain just now.

Team leader Kite looked at me before saying with a smile, "Young man, you are an adventurer from White Cloud Main City?"

"Un."  I gave a nod.

Kite took a deep breath before saying, "You should also be able to see that Lost Mist Town is already surrounded by the undead.  My soldiers have already used up all our provisions and we're about to run out of arrows, so we won't be able to hold on for long.  Without the suppression of the archers, the undead will be able to wildly attack the town's gate!"

I said with a smile, "You can feel assured about this.  If you need archers to suppress them, I can take on that task!"

"Oh?"  Kite looked like he somewhat didn't believe me.

I looked up at the tower that was at the entrance of the town.  It seemed like it had been built quickly, so it wasn't that high, but I should be able to shoot the undead from there.

So I quickly went up the tower and took the place of the NPC archer there. Un, I couldn't get experience if he killed the monsters, so I should earn my own keep!

Putting the arrow on the string and pulling it back fully, I suddenly let go.  The Thousand Bladed Arrows skill released countless arrows onto the undead and instantly, there were a bunch of damage figures that appeared.  Almost every one of them was for over a thousand damage.  The damage of my Thousand Blade Arrows with my super high strength was not something that normal archers could compare to.  Although there were some misses, it didn't affect it too much.

The undead were very crowded and I had never attacked such a large group of monsters before.  After every Thousand Bladed Arrows, the HP bars of the undead would suddenly drop.  After seven to eight attacks later, there was an area that was cleared out.  The countless gold coins that dropped that I couldn't pick up filled my heart with pain.  It would be death if I went out to pick them up now, the attack of the undead couldn't be looked down on.

As a large group of undead fell, my experience also suddenly jumped up.  In less than half an hour, I had gained 10% of my experience bar. Like this, my experience would increase by 20% each hour and I would level in 5 hours!

I killed the monsters for several hours and I felt my back getting sore.  In the distance, the dense black crowd of zombies kept coming out of the forest as if they would never end.  I had already finished off the 1000 zombies required for the quest, but there wasn't the fabled Undead General.  If I didn't kill the Undead General, then this quest wasn't considered complete.

After killing until half past four, there was a golden light that appeared as I reached level 59.  I had already surpassed Ling Yue in levels and had reached the peak of the Chinese Level Rankings again!

Looking at the rankings, there wasn't much that changed.

1. Easily Angered Bookworm

Level 59

Dragon Whisperer

2. Gentle Breeze Embracing the Moon

Level 58


3. Hell Flames

Level 58

Gale Warrior

4. Sword Flame Ghost Fire

Level 56

Dark Magician

5. Delicate Rice Fragrance

Level 56

Soul Magician

6. Gentle Breeze Flying Snow

Level 56


7. Battle Soul Defying Heaven

Level 55


8. Battle Soul Drifting Wind

Level 55


9. Lone Grave

Level 55


10. Sword Flame Dragon Soul

Level 55


I passed Ling Yue to take first place and Hell Flames was quickly catching up.  He had gone from level 56 to 58 in a single night, which meant that he most likely finished some broken quest, or he wouldn't have leveled up that quickly.  Ling Yue was almost level 59 after leveling for an entire night, but she still hadn't leveled up yet.

I couldn't help letting out a breath.  Battle Soul were in Gentle Breeze City, so they wouldn't be in the same King's Return competition as us, but the rest of the level rankings were our opponents.  Out of the top ten, the twin beauties and I were on the Xue Yue team.  Our greatest enemies mighty be the combination of Hell Flames and Lone Grave.  Since Lone Grave could create a master like Hell Flames, then he must have some kind of trump card left, so he couldn't be underestimated!

Sword Flame were on our side, so there was no need to mention them.  Delicate Rice Fragrance would be on Fated Madman's team and Fated Madman would certainly enter the King's Return.  Their team wouldn't lack Delicate Rice Fragrance, so she would certainly be our enemy.  Although Fated Madman was very noob, their equipment wasn't bad.  Once he was stuck onto the girls from Xue Yue, it would be bad.  After all, other than me, Ling Xue and Ling Yue had never truly participated in this kind of competition before.

Moreover, these were just the exposed experts and there were many coiling dragons and hidden tigers in White Cloud City.  No one could guarantee that there wouldn't be a powerful team that would suddenly appear.  But I knew that once the competition began, any team in the top eight would be hard to deal with.  There were many experts in the Chinese Server, so not to mention the new experts, there would be old drivers of the game that would appear.  No one knew if there would be another heavenly lord level player like Lin Fan or Murong Shan Shan again.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing.  So what if those heavenly lord players appear?  It wasn't as if I didn't have confidence in leading the Xue Yue team to victory!  I was currently the highest level player and Ling Yue was China's number one magician, as well as Ling Xue being one of the top close combat players.  With this kind of strength, we could kill gods and demons!

At this time, I finished off the arrows in one quiver.  It had been a long time since I killed monsters like this, but I was very conflicted.  I was happy seeing my experience bar jump up, but the gold coins and equipment dropped by the monsters disappeared after an hour which made one's heart hurt.  That was all money!

Time passed slowly and the undead outside the town came in waves.  But they came forward without any fear of death and surrounded Lost Mist Town, wildly screaming as they scratched at the iron gate.  It was a good thing that this iron gate looked incomparably tough and there were several soldiers holding it back.  There were also several soldiers with blades in hand, guarding the town while also going all out against the undead that made it through!

All the way until nine in the morning did the undead outside finally start to thin out.  There were scattered undead that came out of the forest, but they didn't get that far.  The soldiers of Lost Mist Town even wanted to go forward to hunt them.

But as long as I didn't leave the tower, the soldiers wouldn't go out.  Out of his programming, the team leader said with a happy expression, "I never thought that White Cloud City would send out such a powerful archer.  Our Lost Mist Town is finally safe and we can deliver the iron goods safely to White Cloud City!"

I revealed a faint smile.  I looked at my experience which had reached level 59 78%.  It seemed that I couldn't reach level 60 today, but I wasn't in a rush.  There were still two days before the King's Return competition, so I would be able to reach level 60 during this time.  It's said that I could learn a new skill from the instructor at level 60, but my beautiful instructor Bing Lan was in the Dragon Domain.  I had to take a quest to get there, so it was very troublesome.

The Xue Yue girls were coming on one by one.  Seeing that my name was still lit up, Ling Xue immediately called me.  When I picked up, I could hear her voice full of blame, "Why haven't you logged off yet?  If you keep going like this, how can your body last?"

I was surprised before raising my hand to shoot an undead.  Then I said, "I'll log off in a while.  Actually, I can't leave right now since if I don't finish this quest at once, it might fail once I wake up."

Ling Xue's tone softened a bit, "You still can't do this, you've been online for fifteen hours and you stayed up all night.  You'll get panda eyes when you get off, will that be attractive?!"

I felt that I did something wrong, but after thinking about it, I couldn't help saying with a smile, "Ling Xue, I am a member of the studio, so I should do all I can to level up and contribute to the studio."

"You fool.."  Ling Xue angrily cursed before saying in a smaller voice, "In should sleep early!  I don't care about you anymore!"

After that, Ling Xue closed the call and there was only the system's dial tone left.

I couldn't help revealing a bitter smile.  Alright, I really needed to go and rest after this quest.  Although I was scolded by Ling Xue, my heart was filled with happiness.  I think that I was about to level up and become a pervert

A Thousand Bladed Arrows cut through the air and a bunch of zombies fell down.  At the same time, I saw the monster that I waited all night for.  That Undead General slowly came forward and was surrounded by a bunch of undead.  It had a powerful appearance, wearing armour that was broken that also had a large hole on the chest.  The blood flowed and the equipment looked like it was completely broken.  However, what surprised me was the weapon of the Undead General, which was a strange glowing red double handed axe.  It clearly wasn't a normal item.


With a loud sound, while I was doing my best to kill the less than a hundred undead that remained, the gate was shattered by a single blow from the Undead General.  The soldiers were sent flying from the shock and one of them was even chopped in half by the Undead General's axe!

I couldn't help being surprised.  I quickly looked at the stats of the Undead General.  It could instantly kill a level 65 NPC, so its attack power was just too terrifying!

[Undead General Quinn]  (Dark Gold Boss)

Level 85

Attack Power: 850-1250

Defense: 500

HP: 2500000

Skills: [Whirlwind Slash], [Ground Splitting Slash], [Blood Roar]

Additional: Quinn was a general of the human nation Alan Kingdom.  When the Alan Kingdom fell to the forces of darkness, Quinn led his subordinates into battle and then they were all killed.  The evil Lich King turned these heroic soldiers into dark puppets.  Quinn brandished his Whirlwind Axe again, but this time it was pointed at his former companions.

I couldn't help being stunned!  Damn, who told me that this quest's difficulty was 540?

It's a level 85 Dark Gold Boss with 1250 attack power, shouldn't this be at least over 700 difficulty for me?  To be honest, even if a team of a hundred people came to finish this quest, it would be very hard for them.  I was challenging this quest alone, so this was just too hard!


With a pitiful cry, there was another NPC soldier that was sent flying with a Whirlwind Slash.  They covered the ground with blood when they landed and they twitched twice before they stopped moving!

I gritted my teeth, but I didn't go down.  I had to take care of the undead subordinates of the Undead General, or I would be looking to die if I went down.  The attack of those undead wasn't bad, so I knew what it meant to be bitten to death by ants.

After around two minutes, when I killed all the undead around the Undead General with the Thousand Bladed Arrows, there were several dozen NPC soldiers who had died.  The Undead General cut through them without any resistance with its axe, as if the NPCe soldiers couldn't block it at all.  After all, the Undead General was a level 85 Dark Gold Boss and they were just level 65 normal NPCs, so they weren't even on the same level!

The team leader saw his subordinates being killed one by one and his eyes turned blood red.  He endured his deep wound to stand up with his sword before falling against the banyan tree and angrily roaring out, "You cruel demon, I will send you back to hell!"


The team leader's large sword had just been raised,  but he was sent flying with the Undead General's axe.  The Undead General gave a roar that seemed like taunting laughter before raising the axe high up.  It seemed like the team leader would be decapitated the next moment!

At this time, there was a shaking from behind the Undead General as a flaming spear stabbed into the Undead General's shoulder!


I had jumped down from the several meter tall tower and suddenly stabbed the Undead General's shoulder, causing blood to spurt out all over.  There was also a large hole that appeared in the rotten armour.

If I had been holding a sword, it was more likely that I would have created a large wound with a chop!

This attack had attracted the attention of the Undead General.  It suddenly turned around and used a Whirlwind Slash!


There was a burst of pain that came from my chest as my HP dropped by 1347!

My level was too low, so I suffered quite a bit.  Although my defense was higher than the other side's attack, I was still beaten until my face was swollen!

I took several steps back and then used the Roaring Flame Spear's larger attack range to use an Ice Wind Thorn!


There was another splash of blood as a layer of frost appeared on the boss' armour.  But the Undead General revealed a fiendish smile as it raised the large axe in its hand.

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