Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 196 Tristan Vs Wang Hao

Tristan found himself thrust into the unenviable crucible of enduring an unrelenting torrent, assailed from all sides by the ceaseless onslaught of Wang Hao's formidable punching technique and the relentless barrage of weapons, a veritable symphony of destruction, materialized through the fusion of his potent qi and ethereal spiritual power.

Yet, curiously, not a trace of agony marred Tristan's countenance. Instead, an unsettling ecstasy suffused his features, a disturbing delight in the face of overwhelming opposition.

"Hahahaha... So this is the true essence of power!" Tristan's laughter erupted, infused with a touch of madness, resonating through the chaos of battle.

His gaze fixated on Wang Hao, he taunted with an unhinged mirth, "Your feeble punches are but feathers, devoid of impact! They fail to elicit even a modicum of pain! Gwahahaha!"

In a swift retaliation, Wang Hao's fist connected with unbridled force, crashing into Tristan's gut with bone-jarring intensity, rupturing the mirthful facade and wrenching forth a torrent of saliva from Tristan's lips.

Undeterred, Wang Hao's voice, now laced with lethal calm, sliced through the chaos, "Still numb to the sensation, are you?"

In a cataclysmic surge, an immense surge of qi erupted from the depths of Tristan's being, a tidal wave of power that sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. The very weapons materialized by Wang Hao were hurled backward, helpless against the sheer force of Tristan's unleashed might.

Yet, Wang Hao stood resolute, the only one able to withstand the unfathomable shockwave. But his momentary triumph was short-lived, for a tempestuous vortex of elemental demonic qi, an amalgamation of wind, lightning, and water, crashed upon him with unrestrained fury.

The elemental waves slammed into Wang Hao, propelling him backward, his body skidding across the ground, covering a distance of dozens of meters.

Meanwhile, Tristan's body underwent a profound metamorphosis, a remarkable transformation that defied comprehension.

His skin darkened to a striking shade of blue, muscles on his forearms and legs swelling twofold, his chest expanding with newfound power. Horns atop his head lengthened, and two ominous dark wings, capable of devouring all light, unfurled from his back.

A resounding laughter echoed across the battlefield as Tristan proclaimed, his voice tinged with triumph, "Hahahah! Even I didn't expect my bloodline to evolve at this very moment."

His gaze fixed upon Wang Hao, Tristan continued, his tone laced with twisted gratitude, "It's all thanks to you, human. Without your formidable presence, my bloodline would not have blossomed with such vigor."

While the transformed Tristan basked in his newfound power, Wang Hao maintained an unwavering calm, his gaze steady upon the menacing figure before him.

However, among the humans and beasts, regardless of their allegiances, who witnessed Tristan's awe-inspiring evolution, worried expressions crept upon their faces. They turned their collective gaze toward Wang Hao, their internal hopes aligning in a unified plea for his victory. Even Wang Ying, at this moment, shared their silent plea.

"You better emerge triumphantly, Hao. Our lives are in your hands," Wang Ying whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the tumultuous battlefield.

Amidst the chaos, a jubilant cheer erupted from the ranks of the demons, their voices resounding with a mixture of awe and reverence as they bore witness to Tristan's bloodline evolution.

Initially caught off-guard by Tristan's merciless act of slaying his own comrade, Celia, to activate the forbidden Storm Devil God Fury technique, the demons' disdain and hatred for him swiftly transformed into a profound sense of admiration.

As creatures ingrained with an innate reverence for power, the demons could not help but pay homage to those who surpassed them in might.

Regardless of the actions committed, the demons' primal nature drove them to respect and revere the truly powerful.

This instinctual reverence was woven deep into the very fabric of their being, an undeniable aspect of their bloodline that could never be quelled or resisted.

It surged within them, an unwavering force that shaped their perception of dominance and hierarchy in the demonic realm.

Tristan's gaze bore into Wang Hao, his tone dripping with haughtiness. "Oh, how proud you shall be, for you will have the distinct honor of being the inaugural casualty in the wake of my majestic bloodline evolution. And once you have been vanquished, I shall turn my attention to that audacious human who dared to besmirch my dignity. Hahahaha..."

Wang Hao's response was a dry, deadpan delivery, his words laced with subtle mockery. "Ah, I must commend you on your newfound verbosity. It appears your gift lies not only in your bloated power but also in your ability to blather on endlessly. Your tongue must have evolved splendidly indeed."

Tristan emitted a sinister chuckle, his arrogance unyielding. "Kekeke...such a pitiful attempt at an insult. Surely you can muster more than that, my dear opponent."

Wang Hao's lips curved into a sly grin as he continued his composed banter. "Ah, my sincerest apologies for falling short of your lofty expectations. Alas, the intricacies of wit pale in comparison to the dazzling brilliance of your mind."

Tristan's expression contorted, a mix of annoyance and twisted amusement flickering across his face. "Spare me your feeble jabs, human. Your futile efforts to provoke me are as consequential as the prattle of a drowsy squirrel."

Wang Hao tilted his head ever so slightly, a glimmer of playful sarcasm dancing in his eyes. "Ah, the symphony of empty threats. Truly, your mastery of words is an awe-inspiring spectacle."

As their verbal sparring intensified, both combatants secretly gathered their inner strength, their bodies taut with anticipation. Their breaths deepened, and they meticulously controlled vast reserves of qi, readying themselves for the impending clash.

Tristan, ever the nimble adversary, swiftly conjured a colossal sphere pulsating with raw Lightning Element. The ball, spanning an impressive diameter of ten meters, crackled with electrifying power as it hurtled towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao, unfazed by the approaching spectacle, balled his fist, his muscles coiled with potent energy. He patiently waited, biding his time until the massive Lightning Ball loomed perilously close. Then, with impeccable timing, he unleashed his formidable Supreme Qi Fist.

Before their eyes, a luminous hand forged from pure qi materialized in front of Wang Hao, colliding with the incoming Lightning Ball in a cataclysmic clash of elemental forces. The air crackled with the sheer magnitude of their collision, sending shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield.

Yet, Wang Hao quickly realized that the Lightning Ball had served as a cunning diversion, concealing Tristan's true intentions.

Even as the dazzling clash unfolded, Tristan had seized the opportunity to close the distance between them, a malevolent grin adorning his face.

With a swift, arrogant gesture, Tristan struck Wang Hao's body with a dual assault, each palm infused with distinct elemental prowess. One hand surged with the fury of the Wind Element, while the other teemed with the relentless flow of the Water Element.

Reacting with lightning-quick reflexes, Wang Hao summoned a gleaming sword and a sturdy spear into existence, their ethereal forms materializing in his hands just in time to intercept Tristan's incoming onslaught.

The impact between Tristan's palms and the formidable weapons resulted in a resounding clash, the collision reverberating through the air, a symphony of metal and elemental energy.

Amidst the clash, Tristan let out a sinister chuckle. "Impressive defenses, human. But do you truly believe your feeble weaponry can withstand the might of my elemental mastery?"

Wang Hao's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with subtle confidence. "Oh, demon, do not underestimate the ingenuity of my creations. They are much more than a lowly demon like you can handle."

With a surge of focused energy, the weapons in Wang Hao's hands began to radiate a vibrant glow, their power intensifying with each passing moment.

Tristan, momentarily taken aback by the surge of power emanating from Wang Hao's weapons, instinctively recoiled, his eyes widening with a hint of apprehension. The realization dawned upon him that the human before him possessed a prowess beyond his initial expectations.

As he inspected his palms, a rare sight greeted his gaze—a pair of small cuts etched upon his once invincible skin.

These wounds, though seemingly insignificant, served as a testament to the penetrating force of Wang Hao's weapons, breaching the formidable barrier of demonic qi that surrounded him.

A sardonic chuckle escaped Tristan's lips, his voice dripping with disdain. "Well, well, it seems you have managed to draw blood, human. A minor inconvenience, nothing more."

Wang Hao's response was laced with subtle mockery. "Indeed."

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the adversaries locked gazes, their resolve unyielding.

In the heart of the fierce battle, Wang Hao's movements became a dazzling display of martial prowess, each punch resonating with raw power and precision. He channeled the depths of his mastery, employing a repertoire of rare punching techniques that echoed through the battlefield, their names whispered only in legends.

With a resolute focus, Wang Hao unleashed the "Golden Palm Strike."

His palm, surrounded by golden energy, surged forward like a bolt of lightning, aiming directly for Tristan's chest.

The sheer force behind the strike generated a shockwave that reverberated through the air, momentarily disorienting even the most seasoned warriors.

Tristan, in response, tapped into his demonic heritage, summoning the tempestuous powers of wind, lightning, and water.

His body radiated an ominous aura as he called upon his rare and fearsome technique known as the "Storm Devil's Wrath."

The air crackled with anticipation as Tristan's fists became conduits for the elemental storm, unleashing a barrage of rapid strikes that intertwined wind, lightning, and water in a mesmerizing display of destruction.

Wang Hao, undeterred, gracefully sidestepped Tristan's assault, his movements akin to a phantom dancer navigating the chaos.

He countered with the "Galebreaker Fist."

As his fist connected with the raging currents of the Storm Devil's Wrath, a burst of wind erupted, disrupting Tristan's balance and momentarily halting his relentless assault.

Unfazed, Tristan regrouped, a wicked smile playing upon his lips. Drawing upon the surging energies of the storm, he unleashed a devastating technique known as the "Cyclone Lightning Wave."

With a sweeping motion of his arms, he conjured a vortex of crackling lightning and swirling winds, sending forth a powerful wave of destructive energy that surged towards Wang Hao with merciless intent.

But Wang Hao was not one to succumb easily. As the tempestuous wave hurtled towards him, he centered himself, channeling his inner strength. With a primal roar, he unleashed the "Diamond Fist Quake."

His fist struck the ground with earth-shattering force, creating a shockwave that rippled through the battlefield, disrupting the Cyclone Lightning Wave and dispersing its destructive energy.

As the battle raged on, the earth beneath their feet bore the scars of their clash. Craters littered the once serene landscape, smoke billowed into the sky, and the air crackled with the remnants of unleashed power.

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