Villain Cultivator

Chapter 276: A Monster Family – Lover Birds

Chapter 276: A Monster Family – Lover Birds

"I'm lagging behind…"

Wei Yuan was sad. She felt left out as she couldn't access Miaomiao's Isolation Training Space.

Within a week, everybody progressed so fast that, and she kept falling behind. The previous pride she had as a prodigious daughter of a great oni was overshadowed by the monstrous concubines of Miaomiao.

She needed to do something to keep up with the others. Otherwise, her position in the family might be stolen by these ambitious girls, especially Jiang Lan, who seemed to be Miaomiao's favorite concubine.

Wei Yuan gazed at the enemy of her grandfather, Jia Shan.

The relationship between her and Jia Shan was awkward because of her grandfather's deed. As a result, she didn't dare to ask for his advice while the latter didn't pay attention to Wei Yuan as much as the other girls. Moreover, whenever Kang Yan was around, Jia Shan ignored everyone and focused on coaching his favorite disciple.

The biased treatment pressured her.

Still, Wei Yuan had been optimistic as Miaomiao had been visiting her every day to teach her about his insight.

This loving husband never forgot about her and her baby. Although he seemed lecherous and stupid most of the time, he was a caring father that Wei Yuan appreciated.

Wei Yuan didn't realize when it had started, but she always waited for Miaomiao's visit. Sometimes, she even seduced him, so she could monopolize him all day.

But now, Miaomiao seemed out of reach. She felt like she wasn't fit to be by his side anymore.

The inferiority complex got the best of her. While Wei Yuan was watching her husband, tears rolled down her cheek.


Wei Yuan didn't say anything. She turned around and walked away.

That day, the relationship between Wei Yuan and Miaomiao began to fall apart.






In a flash, Miaomiao activated his footwork and stood in front of Wei Yuan.

"You should know that I hate this kind of cliché development. It reeks of bullshitery idiotic misunderstanding-fest brain-cell-deteriorating soap opera romance plots. Well, tell me. Why are you crying?"

The girl stared at his face and sniffed. Then, she lowered her eyes, "… Is it my fault that I'm crying?"

"Girl, I'm not blaming you anything. You know what? Come with me. Let's go see our baby and have a talk."

Miaomiao princess-carried Wei Yuan to the nursery building while the girls, elders, and the beast folks were looking at them with curious eyes. Nobody noticed that Mao Xueyan pursed her lips for a moment.

Miaomiao had a bit of experience in a relationship. A temperament woman always needed extra care or love, especially when she had a period.

A cultivator world was magical. If a girl had her period, Miaomiao could simply feed her a blood restoration pill and transfer a bit of his Life Essence. Then, the menstrual blood was cleaned from her womb.

Without the red light, the tunnel was clear for traffic.

One hour later, Wei Yuan lay on her bed with a bloated stomach.

Miaomiao spoiled her with his new ability, the Shadow Clone. He multiplied his bodies and let Wei Yuan enjoy her harem moment.

She was no longer crying. On the other hand, she couldn't stop smiling.

Miaomiao was happy, too. The clones sent the feedback of their five senses back to him while the consciences of the clones belonged to Miaomiao. He could even see or feel her from their point of view. It was a weird feeling since it felt like playing a multiplayer game with so many accounts at once, but the control was easier than he had thought.

"Now, honey. Can you tell me what you're worried about?"

Wei Yuan reached out her hand and touched his face. Miaomiao held her hand. Then, he lied down and cuddled with her.

"You are getting stronger every day. I don't think I can catch up with you anymore," Finally, Wei Yuan revealed what she had been worrying about.

"Ah, that. I was worried about that issue as well, but I'm hesitating if I should let you take a shortcut."

"What shortcut?"

Miaomiao had a bitter smile on his face. He thought of Xu Chu, Jiang Lan, Pan Xiaofan, and the succubi since it related to their abilities.

Miaomiao had 10 drops of Xu Chu's Blood Essence. He had been thinking if he should give this blood to her and give her a new power. However, he also wanted to get an advanced element crystal from Xie Tian's clone to give it to her since it would boost Wei Yuan's strength without corrupting her mind.

Unfortunately, he had failed.

"I have 10 drops of a succubus ancestor's bloodline. I was wondering if I should give it to you," Miaomiao decided to reveal his thought, but he regretted it a second later.

Wei Yuan's face distorted, "Those whores' bloodline? It makes me sick thinking of them."

"Yup. I knew you would say that," Miaomiao was relieved. He planned to convert it to vital yin energy to reinforce his incubus transformation.

"Give them to me."

Miaomiao frowned and leaned his head away from her, "I thought you didn't want it."

"I didn't say that I didn't want them. Give them to me."

"Aren't you worrying it might corrupt you or make you insane? Rather, I don't know what it will do to you."

"I don't believe that my oni bloodline is weaker than a whore's bloodline. C'mon, give them to me. I'll digest that bloodline."


Miaomiao gazed into Wei Yuan's eyes. Her pupils fluctuated, showing her uncertainty and nervousness. Yet, she insisted on taking the risk.

She was desperate.

"Haiz," Miaomiao shook his head. "No."

"But why? You said you wanted to give them to me."

"You're not ready. At this rate, your mind will be corrupted."

"But, am I not immune to your little brainwashing skill? My mind is stronger than the other thots!"

"True…" Miaomiao bit his lower lips, hesitating as Wei Yuan had a point. Still, he was reluctant to risk everything for her future.

As Miaomiao didn't know what to do, his NEW BRAIN CELLS came up with another idea.

"Do you think you can condense an advanced element crystal in your dantian if you have enough Qi?"

"Excuse me? Advanced element crystal?"

"You see, I have this serious amount of Dragon Fire Element Essence in me, and I don't think I can use it alone. How about I share some of them with you, so you might get something out of it. It's safer than using someone else's bloodline."


Wei Yuan's eyes were moist. She leaned closer and kissed Miaomiao's lips lightly.

"I don't know if I'm the most stupid girl or I'm the luckiest girl in the world right now to have a husband like you."

"You're happy that you elope with me?"

"Half of it, yes."

"As for the other half?"

"You're a dick. Why do you keep taking in more concubines? Am I not enough for you? If you want someone to fuck, just come and find me. Don't keep hanging with those sluts all the time. They already have you by themselves every time you go to sleep, remember? It's not fair if you keep spending your daytime with them."

Someone was jealous, and it was too adorable. Miaomiao had the urge to hug her and bully her for fun.

He ended up hugging her anyway, "Silly girl. They're concubines, but you're my wife. You're special."

"… If you say so."

Wei Yuan blushed as she snuggled on Miaomiao's chest. Yet, she bit him hard as if she wanted to leave an ownership mark on his skin.

Miaomiao laughed. Then, he grabbed her butt, "That's kinda hurt. I'm gonna need to retaliate."

Wei Yuan grinned, "Go ahead. Punish me."

Miaomiao suddenly transformed into an incubus and used his shadow clones, multiplying from one to 21. Then, all the naked boys looked at her with innocent eyes.

"Big sister, I'm thirsty. Can I drink your milk?"

Wei Yuan's blood suddenly boiled. She covered her nose, hiding her nosebleed. Her eyes were bloodshot as the shotas were too cute. She uncontrollably drooled as she reprimanded him, "Miaomiao, this is not fair!"

"Will you let us suck your boobs, elder sister?"

"Ehehe. Yes, please."

While Wei Yuan and Miaomiao had been enjoying their sweet romantic gangbang sex, all yin slaves had been peeking into their room from the windows and keyholes. Even Ju Shoufen was there.

Jiang Lan pouted, "Miaomiao never sweet-talked to me like that. Oh, shit. I want to get gangbanged, too."

Kang Yan's face was expressionless, but her tights were soaked by transparent sticky dripping juices, "I want to be punished like that too. He rarely used my backdoor these days."

Ju Shoufen was in a trance while she drooled, "Ugh, boys with orc dicks…"


Everyone gave Ju Shoufen, Kang Yan, and Jiang Lan a disgusted look before they resumed peeking.

Nobody noticed an impropriate member among the crowd. A certain rabbit was peeping from the rooftop, looking at the live-action through the drilled ceiling-hole. She had a recording orb in her hand, filming the hot scene with 16k resolution.

Mao Xueyan looked at these corrupted perverts from afar, contemplating if they made the right decision migrating their tribes here. Xueyan also wanted to join them, but she had a reputation to uphold, which tormented her.

She didn't notice that Dandan had sneaked around and joined the peepers.

Miaomiao didn't go to sleep that day. He stayed with Wei Yuan all night, trying to transfer her his Dragon Fire Element Essence and Qi.

However, his method was a bit peculiar.

"Miaomiao, shouldn't you press your palm on my back? Why are you transferring Qi while groping my boobs?"

Miaomiao had reverted back to his fallen angel form. His palms pressed on her swelled breasts, massaging them. Breast milk sometimes leaked out from her nipples, but Miaomiao used his Qi to collect them for his babies and himself.

"Your heart meridian is closer to the front. I need to inject it here, so it can be safer than injecting it through the back."

"I see. Then, Miaomiao, I thought the sex time is over. Why is your orc penis still in my pussy?"

"I'm a dual-cultivator, so I can transfer my energy to your pussy meridian. With my palms and my dick, the circulation will be easier and safer."

"Oh, sure. Then, do tell. Why is your shadow clone still pumping his semen in my ass?"

"Two dick meridians are better than one. Oh, don't worry. We share five senses. The one controlling the clone is me, and the master conscience of that body is also me. You didn't cheat on me or anything. You are just fucking two of me at once."

"Then, what about your two shadow clones that are pointing their dicks at my face."

"They're for backup transfer points. If you let them insert their dick meridian in your mouth, the Qi flow and the transfer will be smoother."

"You know, Miaomiao. I'm not stupid. You're just looking for a reason to use your clones to continue gangbanging me. You like this, don't you?"

"Then, do tell. Why are your hips the only thing moving? I and my clone have been sitting still for hours now."

The husband and wife had the same twisted mind. Even in the middle of an important energy transfer and cultivation, they never stopped having sex. Sometimes, their intense yearning toward each other transformed into unquenchable sexual desire.

Though their mouths spoke logic, their action revealed their sick nature.

Despite acting like a sex-addicted couple, Miaomiao's Dragon Fire Qi smoothly flowed into Wei Yuan's dantian. She could sense the heat, but the heat gave birth to butterflies in her heart and stomach.

The heat even affected Miaomiao. His mind and his heart bloated whenever Wei Yuan panted or moaned. He temporarily forgot about other girls, and the only woman's image in his mind was Wei Yuan.

As a result, both of them indulged in each other's warmth as a couple, not as sex friends.

After a while, Wei Yuan kicked all shadow clones away. She threw herself at Miaomiao, embracing him. Miaomiao also hugged her and kissed her, never wanting to let her go from his arms.

The Qi flowed circulated through their bodies, from Miaomiao to Wei Yuan, and from Wei Yuan to Miaomiao. The circulation formed the infinity symbol, running through their meridians and blood vessels.

Wei Yuan and Miaomiao's dantian slowly expanded.

Unlike before, no system notification occurred after both of them came at the same time. He didn't steal Qi or use Wei Yuan's womb to condense Life Essence.

On the other hand, it was their pure feeling and pure Qi circulation without any ulterior motive.


[You have discovered a Lover Dual-Cultivation method.]


[OG-Buddha is happy for you. He blesses you and Wei Yuan.]

[You and Wei Yuan's luck has increased. Something nice will happen to you.]

[Your sponsor is happy for you. He unlocks a feature for you and Wei Yuan for free.]

[Sun Crow and Kunwu are surprised. They thought that your sponsor was a cheapskate porn-addicted loser virgin.]

[Your sponsor has banned Sun Crow and Kunwu for 24 hours.]


[A Lover Dual-Cultivation has been initiated for the first time.]

[Will you designate Wei Yuan as an official spouse?]

[Warning! Only non-yin slaves who dual-cultivated with you for at least 1,000 times can be designated as a spouse.]

[Warning! Designated Official Spouses can access your system menus and they can be invited to the Isolation Training Space. Please think twice before you reveal your only privacy.]

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