Villain Cultivator

Chapter 196: Ma Moxi 2.0

196 Ma Moxi 2.0

"What contract? What is swearing by using dao heart?"

Ma Moxi was unfamiliar with the terms. Since he was not a novel reader, he was clueless on this part.

Ma Ping explained, "Swearing by using your dao heart is an official oath or pledge that you'll keep that promise with your life. Violating it will result in your death. It's to prove your sincerity and honesty. We usually do this when we pledge our allegiance to our lord or to someone we worship."

"And what do I get from making that stupid oath?"

"It will benefit you when you reach the foundation establishment realm. You will be able to consolidate your dao pillars faster than others since you have a lifelong oath to hold onto as a guideline. That oath can become your dao."

"Lifelong? I'll have to keep the oath forever?"

"Normally, It depends on what oath or promise you're giving. Well, in this case, we're pretty much a family. Giving oaths to protect each other is a common thing to do, so it's a lifelong oath."

"It's unnecessary for me. I won't make that stupid vow."

Cao Mao laughed, "Then, I can't give you the ingredients. Every herb is expensive, you know. Judging from your list, even the cheapest one costs 100 refined stones. Also, how can I make sure that my no-good brother-in-law of mine will use them for making an antidote for senior Ma? I have a feeling that you might run off somewhere to sell them and waste the money in a high-classed brothel."

Ma Ping and Ma Shoucheng nodded. They agreed with Cao Mao on this one.

No one had faith in Ma Moxi anymore.

Ma Moxi's actor face was gone. Refusing to yield, he tried to discredit Cao Mao, "It's not that I don't want to make a dao oath or whatever it is. It's just not fair that I have to be the only one doing it. How about you do it first and vow that you aren't plotting something against my family, harming me, or trying to trick anybody here."

Ma Ping also nodded. He indirectly protected his grandson from being abused by asking Cao Mao to make an oath first, "Miaomiao, you going to do that, too, right? Why don't you start first? Tell us that you aren't trying to trick or harm us."

Ma Ping's move was a critical hit. Cao Mao had to pause to think for a second.

Still, Cao Mao laughed it off as he crafted some words to counter Ma Ping's move, "Of course. I can swear with my dao heart that "I" will never put "MY" family in harm's way. "I" will never make things difficult for the "MY" family. "THAT" includes Ma Clan's family members and subordinates."

Ma Moxi frowned, "You didn't say that you will never trick my family."

"If I say that, I won't be able to hide my secrets. Since lies and secrecy can be interpreted as [Trick] in some contexts, I can't risk my life giving you that oath. I hope you don't mind, grandfather," Cao Mao bowed to Ma Ping, giving his apology.


Cao Mao cut his fingertip and wrote what he said onto the scroll. Then, he signed with his real name, Mao Miaomiao.

"Good. Next, drop your blood essence on the scroll, and your dao oath will be completed."


If possible, Cao Mao didn't want to mess with his blood essence since it affected his cultivation potential. He hesitated.


\u003cYour sponsor said, "Losing a drop of blood essence is no different than losing

50,000 liters of life essence in your case. Don't worry about it. You can get it back if you can consume an essence core."\u003e

A rare piece of advice came from his system sponsor.

Although Cao Mao didn't trust the sponsor, he extracted his blood essence and dropped it on the scroll anyway. A sacrifice was necessary. Without this much effort, Cao Mao wouldn't be able to fool a protagonist's family.

The letters on the scroll glowed in golden light. The characters became alive and left the scroll on its own. Then, they surrounded Cao Mao for a moment before they rushed into his chest.

A gold tattoo with a Chinese character, DAO, appeared on his chest for five breaths before it faded.

The ritual was completed. Cao Mao's dao oath became effective.

Cao Mao grinned. As he boldly made an oath first, Ma Moxi was forced to do the same.

"Your turn, Moxi."

Ma Moxi's face darkened. He got stuck between a rock and a hard place.

If he were to make the same oath, he would be forever bound to Cao Mao. The other choice would make himself look bad in front of his elders as he would appear as an insincere person.

Moreover, Ma Moxi didn't like Cao Mao's oath. There were many loopholes in his statement as the pronouns were vague and fishy.

Since Cao Mao was using tricking everybody. Ma Moxi also tailored his words, "With my dao oath, I swear that I will work for Mao Miaomiao if he can give me [MY DESIRED ITEMS]."

Ma Moxi proceeded to write his oath on a blank scroll.

However, Cao Mao grabbed Ma Moxi's wrist. He shook his head, "You can't cheat me like that. Let me rephrase your oath a bit."


Cao Mao forcefully moved Ma Moxi's fingertip around on the scroll. He also circulated his life essence to boost his physical strength.

Ma Moxi couldn't break free from Cao Mao's grip. His hand was forced to write as the followings;

[I swear with my dao heart that I, Ma Moxi, shall be working as Mao Miaomiao's servant if Mao Miaomiao can give me the required materials to make the simplified Yin Yang Divine Vein pill.]

As someone from the modern world, Cao Mao was aware that contracts had to be specific and tight. Vague sentences could lead to many interpretations, which gave loopholes to the contract.

The dao oath was no different than modern business contracts. Cao Mao left Ma Moxi no room to escape.

Ma Moxi managed to break free after Cao Mao had loosened his grip. But the latter spoke first.

"Now, drop your blood essence on it, and I'll give you the ingredients in the list."

Ma Moxi gritted his teeth in frustration. Yet, he read the scroll as he was asked to.

The contract oath was disadvantageous to Ma Moxi. He squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows.

Then, he raised his head to glare into Cao Mao's eyes, "I won't make the vow. Forget it."

Cao Mao snorted, "So, you're the one trying to trick me. As soon as you have those expensive herbs, you will run away and sell them in the auction, I assume."

"Screw you, Mao Miaomiao! I can see right through your ploy! I won't become your slave or whatever it is! This is my life. You can't force me to bow to you!"

"Your kayfabe slips, Moxi."

"Like I care! Now, if you aren't willing to cooperate and help me heal my grandfather, you can get the fuck out of my resident! We don't need you here."

"But I'm your cousin's husband."

"It was a one-night stand! Now, get lost and forget about Xingjuan!"

"What about her feeling? What about her future? You know, she just lost her vital yin. She needs a new cultivation technique to continue her cultivation life."

"She doesn't need one."

"Then, how is she going to live?"

"I'll take care of her myself!"

"What about her love life?"

"Arggh! You're annoying! If she needs it, I'll be her husband!"



Ma Ping smacked his table and stood up. He pointed his finger at Ma Moxi's face, "I've had enough of your stupidity! Apologize to your brother-in-law. And if you're that capable as you're boasting, prove it by making that dao oath!"

Ma Moxi also had enough of this farce. He yelled at his grandfather, "I don't need to make that stupid vow to heal you! Just shut the fuck up and let me do the job!"

Cao Mao shrugged and shook his head, "Look, junior. You've messed up many things in your life. You have a warm family, but you are choosing not to be honest with them. What is it that you're afraid of? Why can't you be honest with your family?"

Because of anger and frustration, Ma Moxi didn't notice the hidden context in Cao Mao's words.

From the other's perspective, Cao Mao was lecturing Ma Moxi about honesty and family bond. But from Ma Moxi's perspective, he thought that Cao Mao was mocking him.

"Whatever I do is none of your business."

Cao Mao scoffed, "So, you're treating your kin as an outsider?"

"You're not my kin! Now, for whatever purpose you have here, I don't give a fuck. Get the hell out of this place and don't come back!"


Ma Ping lost it. He stomped toward his grandson and slapped the latter's face.


The impact was so loud that pedestrians outside of the Ma Clan's residence could hear it.

Ma Moxi widened his eyes in shock. But those eyes glared back at the elder as if the latter had done something wrong.

"What was this for, grandfather?"

"Moxi…" Ma Ping took a deep breath. He shed a tear of regret and anger, "I've done everything to pamper you, nurture you, and help you grow up. I only hope that you can become a respectable adult that won't bring shame to the family. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes when you're young since it will be your valuable experience."

With a low and hoarse voice, Ma Ping gave Ma Moxi one last chance, "If you still want to carry our ancestor's surname, I want you to apologize to your brother-in-law. You don't have to make that pledge. Just learn to accept your mistake and bow down your head."

Ma Ping threatened to disown Ma Moxi!

Although Ma Moxi was angry with Cao Mao, he was sane enough not to test his grandfather's anger. He took several deep breaths and paused.

For a minute, he stood still, but he had a nosebleed. Something in his mind drastically changed.

Ma Moxi turned to Cao Mao. He wiped the blood and bowed 90 degrees, "I was immature. Please forget what I said."

Cao Mao raised his eyebrows, surprised, "You're good at controlling your temper, I see."

"My profession requires me to be flexible. Also, I have a few questions for you before I make that vow. But please give me a moment. I need to do something about my body."

Earlier, Ma Moxi's mind was influenced by muscle memory and the old habit of this body's previous owner. Because of the disown threat of Ma Ping, Ma Moxi's mind evolved. He killed the previous owner's habit, instinct, and desire.

Ma Moxi finally dominated his new body.

Now, Ma Moxi killed his emotion. All lingering feelings of old Ma Moxi died. His mindset and attitude reverted back to the personality of his previous life, an emotionless hitman.

At the same time, something inside him changed. His meridian channels expanded and his clogged passages opened by themselves.

While Ma Moxi was standing still, his cultivation base increased!

Everybody sensed the changes in Ma Moxi's dantian. He suddenly upgraded his strength from level 6 of the meridian establishment realm to level 10 in an instant!

Ma Ping, Ma Shoucheng, Pang Lingming, and Cao Mao's jaws dropped.



Cao Mao's system also sent alarming messages.


\u003cWarning, the Foundation level of Ma Moxi has increased from 3 to 4!\u003e

\u003cWarning, the Plot Armor level of Ma Moxi has increased from 3 to 4!\u003e

\u003cWarning, the Luck level of Ma Moxi has increased from 2 to 3!\u003e


While Cao Mao was speechless, Ma Moxi exhaled as if nothing had happened. Then, he turned toward his family, "I'm sorry for being immature. I shall make an oath for my brother-in-law, and I shall tell you about my abilities. But before that, I want to make sure something."

Looking at Cao Mao's face, who had yet to recover from the warning messages, Ma Moxi spoke with a clear voice, "About my services, for killing Liu Bian and serving as your permanent subject, I'll set my price tag as 1,000 essence cores. If you can pay me upfront, my life is yours. Alternately, I can make the pledge. Then, if you can give me at least three sets of ingredients I asked, I don't have a problem working for you till death."

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