Villain Cultivator

Chapter 155: Hell Tribulation, Second Wave

155 Hell Tribulation, Second Wave

Suddenly, the Eye's killing intent intensified and focused on Cao Mao.


Jia Shan's voice echoed from afar. Cao Mao could see his mentor, his wives, and babies 300 meters away with the corner of his eyes. It seemed they were safe.

Even if Jia Shan warned Cao Mao. It was too late to react.

By a rough estimation, a total of 2,000 strands of lightning and wind element Qi gathered in the sky. The condensed energy transformed into a ball of energy as the eye was controlling it.

The sky eye widened, and the energy ball turned into a beam of light.

The beam descended!

"MIAOMIAO!!" The girls screamed and ran toward Cao Mao. Fortunately, Jia Wenhe used his power to pull everybody away from the ion cannon beam.

Cao Mao drew his right leg back and got into a sword stance. He grabbed KQ's handle and used one of his new skills, drawing a magic formation with 9 slashes.

Death Fortress Sword, Solution 9, Energy Cylinder!

A magic circle appeared before Cao Mao.


The beam descended and engulfed Cao Mao's body. The light was so bright that Jia Shan, Jia Wenhe, and other girls could no longer see his silhouette.


The Heavenly Eye kept the beam going as if it wanted to make sure that Cao Mao wouldn't survive. 12 minutes later, the energy beam ceased.

White smoke covered the field where Cao Mao had stood. However, the beam had disintegrated the ground, leaving a large hole, covering 500 square meters.

The Eye of Heaven sneered at Cao Mao. It curved up as if it was grinning, thinking that it had destroyed the threat.

Wei Yuan wailed, believing that Cao Mao had perished. On the other hand, the yin slaves rubbed their rings.

Jiang Lan, Kang Yan, and Ju Chen were shocked at first. But they grinned when they sensed the presence of Cao Mao through the connection of the rings.

Jia Shan and Jia Wenhe also sensed the presence within the giant hole. They heaved a sigh of relief.

The reaction of the elders and yin slaves caught the attention of the Heaven Eye. It glanced at them in confusion at first. A minute later, it widened its eye in disbelief.

Cao Mao was still alive inside the hole. His skin and hair were burned to crisp, but the yellowish gas around him kept healing his injuries. The Life Essence water rippled and produced wood element Qi nonstop, exchanging essence droplets into yellow miasma.

The Heaven Eye could also sense the taboo heaven fate fragment within Cao Mao's dantian.

The Eye was so shocked that it didn't notice a magic circle formation floating before Cao Mao, which stole a portion of the lightning beam energy and negated some of the beam power. Now, it gathered enough Qi to return the favor to the user.

"My turn."

Getting caught off guard, the energy punctured through the center of the eye. The beam shot up to space as if a giant pillar had been erected.


The Heaven Will was infuriated. Getting counterattacked was humiliating as it was supposed to destroy the unworthy cultivators, not getting tested itself.

The sky eye reformed. It gathered more energy as it wanted to launch another attack.

However, it didn't notice a hundred small pills, which were thrown from the hole. Now, they floated at the center of the eye.

They were CJ's charged grenade pills. Moreover, they contained a heretic spell.

The grenade pills absorbed the surrounding lightning element Qi. As the pill couldn't contain intense energy, they exploded.


A hundred explosion interrupted the Heaven Eye and the flow of the thunderstorm. The Eye's second lightning beam got canceled.

At the bottom of the abyss, Cao Mao was watching the eye while drinking a mouthful of hollowed spring water. His burned skin slowly healed and his long black hair regrew.

Cao Mao summoned another handful of grenade pills to his left hand while his other hand held KQ, who burped after a feast of over a thousand strands of lightning element Qi. She didn't share the energy with Cao Mao, though, as she used the energy to refine herself.

Now, Killer Queen's blade body emitted dark static.


KQ didn't eat enough. She wiggled in Cao Mao's hand, slipping out of his grasp. She flew toward the Heaven Eye, planning to devour more lightning element Qi.

Seeing the sentient sword, the Eye gathered the remaining energy. However, its power was visibly weakened. It couldn't summon another thunderstorm as the remnant of Heaven Will was fading after the previous interruption attack.


KQ began draining the thunderstorm energy and stole the Eye's lightning Qi.

The lightning Eye screeched. It mustered its last remaining element Qi to transform into a humongous hand, made of electricity.

The hand swatted KQ away. Then, it folded the fingers into a fist and sent a punch to the ground, where Cao Mao was hiding.

Meanwhile, Cao Mao grinned when he realized that the Will of Heaven wanted to fight in a close range. He opened his mouth and released a waterfowl howl.


Goose Tongue, Feeble Spirit

A shockwave was unleashed from Cao Mao's mouth. The wave engulfed the oncoming giant lightning fist.

A portion of lightning Qi dispersed, and the Will of Heaven crystal inside the fist cracked. Then, the giant hand became nothing but a clump of condensed thunder Qi with a weak spirit inside.

Yet, the lightning fist pushed its way into the hole, sealing Cao Mao's only escape path.

Cao Mao didn't care if he couldn't escape. After all, he could win!

Both his legs planted firm into the ground. Protruding from his left sole, small tree roots entrenched, solidifying his stance.

Without a sword, Cao Mao could only rely on himself. He created a wooden katana with his wood Qi and activated the same technique that he had used once. He slashed 9 times, drawing the same magical circle.

Death Fortress Sword, Solution 9, Energy Cylinder

Death Fortress Sword Style, the new skill that Cao Mao had obtained, wasn't only about sword patterns and philosophies. They had 27 unique sword spells, aka 27 solutions, which could be used to counter against 27 forms of attacks.

For now, Cao Mao could only utilize three basic solutions that could be useful in most general situations.

Solution 1, Return Sword

Solution 5, Projectile Pentagram

Solution 9, Energy Cylinder

As its names, solution 1 was for melee combat. Solution 5 was a defensive skill against projectile objects, and the 9th solution was a counterattack spell against an energy type attack.

In this case, Cao Mao could only rely on solution 9 while he covered himself with wooden bark armor, even though the wood element was weaker when it fought against the lightning element.


The fist landed on the magic shield. Half of its energy rained upon Cao Mao's wood armor suit and his pseudo-aura barrier.

The barrier shattered to pieces as normal Qi strands couldn't compete against elemental Qi. However, the wood armor suit absorbed a portion of the damages and transferred the electricity to the soil. Only 10% of lightning Qi managed to reach Cao Mao.


Hollowed spring water gushed out of Cao Mao's dummy ring like a fountain, pouring onto his body to heal the burn injuries and offset the damage.

The lightning fist tried to press Cao Mao and the magic circle to the ground and flatten them. However, its energy kept decreasing as the Energy Cylinder, the circular barrier, continued to absorb the lightning Qi.


Cao Mao unleashed his goose shout and fired the absorbed energy back at the fist.

The lightning fist lost half of its former power. A sharp scream was audible as the Heaven Will screeched in pain and anger.

Noticing a golden chance, Cao Mao reached out his hand and touched the surface of the lightning fist.

'Since it works against that Heaven Fate thingy, it should work here! Come on!'

Vampiric Touch, Life Steal

What Cao Mao targeted wasn't the lightning element Qi but the remnant of Heaven Will, which was the core of this lightning fist.

The unknown gravity pulled a small light bubble ball from the center of the lightning fist toward Cao Mao's hand. At the same time, more lightning Qi entered Cao Mao's body, burning his innards alive.


The Will of Heaven refused to yield. It discarded the lightning Qi, shattering the lightning power. The light bubble shuttled from the hole toward the dark cloud.

But then, White Album, who was holding KQ in her hand and had been waiting for the light ball, blocked the light bubble's escape route. The familiars intercepted the fleeing Will of Heaven.

'Gotcha, you little bitch!'

White Album swung KQ and cleaved the light ball in half.

After being cut into two, the light faded, showing a clean-cut crystal ball at a hand size. They fell onto earth. The dark cloud dispersed as the strand of Heaven Will was vanquished.


Wei Yuan and the yin slaves cheered when they saw how Cao Mao's familiar spirit cut the flying crystal ball in half. They thought that Cao Mao defeated the Will of Heaven.

"He did it!"

"That's our husband!"

The girls were proud. However, Jia Shan and Jia Wenhe only had a bitter smile on their faces. After all, they knew that it was the only beginning of true hardship.


In the sky, the dark storm cloud condensed again. This time, 14 lightning?eyes manifested.

The girls dropped their jaws. They stared at the sky in a horror.


"There are more!?"

Wei Yuan and the yin slaves were in despair. One of them was already deadly. If Cao Mao had to deal with 14 of them at once, he would have no chance.

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