Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 21 – Top-grade Gathering Qi Pill

Chapter 21 – Top-grade Gathering Qi Pill

Tianyan Sword Sect, Sword Palace Grand Hall.

Lin Jichen stood atop the hall, waiting with a trace of nervousness.

Soon, Leng Feiyan materialized within the hall and took her seat at the head.

Upon laying eyes on Lin Jichen, a flicker of surprise crossed Leng Feiyan's face.

"Are you on the verge of a breakthrough?"

Her clear voice, like water flowing over pebbles, was cool and tinged with a hint of frost.

Even though it wasn't his first time hearing it, Lin Jichen still felt a bit intimidated, the events of yesterday still vivid in his mind.

"Greetings, Master. Yes, I am."

As soon as Lin Jichen logged in, his cultivation had already reached 500/500.

However, since each minor stage required a specific elixir to break through, his cultivation was stuck at the bottleneck of the Initial stage of Qi Refining.

"Not bad, your aptitude is indeed the best I've seen," Leng Feiyan's expression finally softened a bit, perhaps because of the incident at the palace yesterday, she hadn't been too pleased with Lin Jichen upon arrival.

"You now need a Gathering Qi Pill to break through to the middle stage of Qi Refining. There are four grades of Gathering Qi Pills: the most common low-grade pills can be bought in towns, mid-grade pills are available in many small sects, high-grade pills are only found in large sects, and as for the top-grade pills, only the top sects possess them."

"I have here a top-grade Gathering Qi Pill."

After speaking, Leng Feiyan's palm revealed a luminescent green pill, brimming with rich spiritual energy.

Different grades of Gathering Qi Pills have varying effects after breaking through a minor stage; the higher the quality, the more attributes it adds.

A top-grade Gathering Qi Pill like this was something most players might not have even heard of.

Lin Jichen thought Leng Feiyan was going to give it to him directly and immediately beamed with gratitude.

"Thank you, Master!"

However, Leng Feiyan seemed to have a different idea.

"Although you possess exceptional talent, I worry about nurturing you into nothing more than a 'brocade pillow'—all show and no substance. A true powerhouse needs not only realm and cultivation but also the experience of countless battles."

"Otherwise, no matter how high your cultivation, you're just a vase—fragile and easily shattered, at risk of dying at the hands of others or being devoured by beasts. What you lack is combat experience."

Leng Feiyan paused for a moment, her face stern as she patiently instructed.

"Remember, my disciple, combat talent is no less important than talent for cultivation. A person with strong combat talent can even overcome opponents of higher cultivation. Conversely, without combat talent and experience, even those with high cultivation can easily be defeated by someone of lower cultivation."

Lin Jichen deeply resonated with her words; the game's operational ceiling was extremely high.

He had often defeated enemies of higher levels in the past.

Cultivation could be fed with elixirs and heavenly treasures, attributes could be stacked with equipment.

But combat talent had no shortcuts; aside from innate gifts, it required relentless tempering and experience accumulated through countless battles.

The famous experts on the Leaderboard of Immortals from his past life were all veterans of numerous battles.

Players who only paid to win, no matter how much they spent on equipment and divine elixirs, struggled to become experts.

Unless their equipment and realm were so far above others that skill couldn't make up for the gap, that was a different story altogether.

After listening to Leng Feiyan's teachings, Lin Jichen subconsciously shared his insights from his past life on the path of immortality.

"Master is right. I also believe that flowers grown in a greenhouse are unworthy of the immortal path. Only the trees that grow amidst thunder can attain eternal life!"

Leng Feiyan's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, and she pondered Lin Jichen's words, her appreciation deepening.

【Ding! Leng Feiyan's affection for you has increased by 5! Current affection level: 5 points (Familiarity at First Sight)】

Lin Jichen hadn't expected that simply sharing his past life's insights would earn the Sect Master's favor.

Although it was a small amount, it was an excellent start.

At least the unpleasantness of yesterday was finally behind them, and there was no need to worry about being given a hard time.

With this newfound affection, Leng Feiyan's tone was no longer as cold as before, but much gentler.

"You have such insight, which I did not expect. Where did you hear such wisdom?"

Leng Feiyan didn't believe that Lin Jichen had come to this realization on his own, given that he was just a Qi Refining novice. How could he have grasped such profound truths?

It was impossible for someone without experience to utter such maxims.

Lin Jichen didn't bother to claim the insights as his own; after all, they were from his past life's Enlightenment Realm and his understanding of the path of immortality.

Naturally, he would not disclose this.

"It was from a chance encounter with a senior in the Enlightenment Realm, who imparted this advice to me."

Leng Feiyan nodded slightly: "Such a fortuitous encounter is quite extraordinary. Recognizing the value of his words will benefit your Dao Heart in the future."

"In that case, go to the sect's mission hall in the outer temple and pick a difficult task suitable for the Qi Refining Realm. Complete it successfully, and the Gathering Spirit Pill is yours."

Faced with Leng Feiyan's small test, Lin Jichen didn't haggle and immediately accepted.

Leng Feiyan cautioned, "Although the tasks in the outer temple are simple compared to the inner temple's dangers, some still carry significant risks. Choose wisely and don't overreach."

"I understand, Master."

"Before you undertake the mission, I will impart to you our sect's core technique, the 'Tianyan Heart Sutra.' It is a fundamental technique that all disciples of the Tianyan Sword Sect must learn. The more proficient you are in the technique, the greater the benefits. I hope you will practice diligently."

With that, a booklet flew towards Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen caught it, and indeed, it was the renowned "Tianyan Heart Sutra."

The Tianyan Heart Sutra was available to all disciples of the Tianyan Sword Sect, though inner temple disciples could learn it directly.

Outer temple disciples had to serve the sect and accumulate contributions before they could exchange for it, a measure of their loyalty to the sect.

Although the Tianyan Heart Sutra was a basic technique accessible to all disciples, it was a top-tier technique for Sword Cultivators.

However, the effectiveness of the technique was matched to your realm; the higher your realm, the stronger the effect.

Conversely, at a lower realm, the Tianyan Heart Sutra would seem quite ordinary.

"Tianyan Heart Sutra (Qi Refining Realm): All combat attributes +5%.

Requirement: Only Tianyan Sword Sect disciples may learn. Any unauthorized learners are enemies of the Tianyan Sword Sect.

"Thank you, Master."

Lin Jichen bowed in acknowledgment and then left with a composed demeanor.

Exiting the inner temple, Lin Jichen returned to the outer temple of the Tianyan Sect.

The outer temple was no longer occupied by Lin Jichen alone; a few new Sword Sect players had joined.

Although the sect invitation task was somewhat hidden, attentive players would always discover it.

So, in the half-day since Lin Jichen had logged off, some players had found the trick and joined the sect.

No doubt, as time passed, more would come to know of it.

Lin Jichen thought of Su Wanling, wondering if she had made full use of the information he sold.

For an individual, fifty thousand might not be worth it, but Su Wanling represented an entire guild.

Guild players value getting a head start more than anything.

Fifty thousand, in exchange for the entire guild's players getting at least a half-day lead over other players, was an absolute bargain for Su Wanling.

Indeed, that was the case; players from Su Wanling's managed Moon Shadow Guild had already joined various major sects, gaining a lead over all other guilds.

While other guilds envied them, they also wondered how the Moon Shadow Guild had learned the secret to joining the sects.

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