Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 966 Prologue of Arc 12

Chapter 966 Prologue of Arc 12

Rustles of fallen leaves accompany every step.

The surroundings appear barren and isolated, cut off from the rest of the world. While it may give the impression of being a suspicious and potentially perilous location, for the man journeying through this desolate place, it is the safest refuge, a sanctuary from the dangers of the world.

In due time, he reached his destination after an uncertain period of walking, coming to a halt before the colossal tree, where Death was currently enshrouded within the trunk.

"Hey there, long time no see, yeah?" He waved at Death, who remained motionless.

"Seeing you in this position means that the situation is now dire. You even used up some of your abilities to prevent something from happening, huh? I guess it would be totally worth it if you ever did that for real."

"Still, I can't believe that even now, the war has yet to conclude, huh? Despite the fact that the war no longer poses a significant threat to anyone, after the other world has been drawn into our problem, it seems we are no longer capable of slowing it down. I tried my best and even received some help from the son of our enemy to ensure that his father's plans wouldn't succeed. Yet, it seems our efforts are somewhat futile now."

"Anyway, since I have nowhere else to go anymore, I believe it's time to serve you once again. Perhaps we can, at the very least, keep each other company in this lonely world for quite some time. My time is limited now, and I am old. I can only be somewhat helpful compared to when I served you before. But, could you spare me some slack? I've become rusty after spending all day facing computers. If it weren't for the experiences ingrained in my body, I wouldn't even have a clue about what to do next."

However, the person he's addressing remains silent, her eyes still closed. No one can tell if she's listening, not even the man himself.

As he gazed at the sky, he sensed the changes occurring in the air. This isn't just an ordinary change; a turbulent shift is on the horizon, and it's not a solitary transformation. Numerous things are poised to change, and there's no apparent way to prevent it.

"It seems like we're also running out of time, don't you think?"

Death lay still, her eyes closed, and her white hair swaying in the wind. Despite the cacophony of noises emanating from the other party, she remained undisturbed in her slumber.

"I don't know how long it will take for the situation to return to normal, but I hope that once we reach a conclusion, everything will revert to the way it was."

He sat beneath the tree, setting down the bag he had carried since entering this space. As he unzipped it, he retrieved several tools, including a pickaxe, an axe, and a saw.

"But even though we only have a limited time left in our hands, that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Until then, it's time to start something and occupy myself. After all, we'll be here for quite a while. But I hope you don't mind me being a bit noisy, alright?"

Putting on his black hoodie, he began gathering the necessary materials for the final phase, understanding that his role is crucial for its success. In the meantime, he needs to create something to welcome those he's waiting for, no matter how long it takes, even though he's hoping they'll arrive before the deadline.




Hot weather, accompanied by scorching winds, enveloped the group as they traversed the desolate, barren lands of the Sandurk Continent. Almost nothing grew in this unforgiving terrain, and the very earth beneath their feet seemed to radiate heat.

Beneath the relentless sun, the landscape was marked by more than just the sweltering climate. The sands concealed the haunting remnants of long-deceased creatures, their skeletal remains interred beneath the shifting dunes.

This unrelenting heatwave had persisted ever since their party had passed through the Sandurk Continent. A full month had elapsed since the sealing of the Elven Kingdom, and the remaining elves had become integral members of their group on their quest to locate the fabled Tree of Life. Among their newfound companions were Izmir, Avos, Mila, and the two young children named Shaon and Renee, as christened by Mila. Thankfully, the mansion's spacious interior provided ample room for everyone. Even Renatta, the newest addition to their group, had taken charge of managing the workers, significantly reducing the daily chores within the mansion.

Now, we are focused on locating the estimated location where the Tree of Life might emerge. According to the estimates left before the Tree of Life emits its signals to those seeking it, there are only two months remaining. So, we are trying to gather more information in Sandurk because the Resurgia region doesn't possess significant knowledge about this matter. However, we do have access back to the Continent in case the tree appears there.

As for our current situation, we have recently crossed the borders and find ourselves traversing the deserts of Sandurk. Following a previous incident where I had a confrontation with Hagane, we have become some of the most wanted individuals, hunted by other players. As soon as we left the borders of the fallen Elven Kingdom, players began to track us down.

It appears that I have a high bounty on my head and I am tasked to be captured, dead or alive. The others in our group also have bounties, but I am somewhat relieved that only us former players have bounties, sparing my companions and those who joined us from this ordeal.

Our goal for this journey is to reunite with Queen Tanya. Ever since the time we ventured into the Alternate World, leaving our virtual bodies behind to escape from Nobuhiko, we've had no contact with her. I'm uncertain if she attempted to locate us before, but this time, Almira suggested that we make an effort to reach out to Queen Tanya. She might have valuable information about the matter at hand. Even with the assistance of the elves, we're still uncertain about the precise location where the Tree of Life will appear.

However, we underestimated the scorching conditions of the desert. The situation was quite challenging, particularly because our walking mansion isn't very swift when traversing sand. While it can manage, it encounters difficulties navigating certain sections of the desert, which has resulted in a somewhat prolonged journey.

In response to the intense heat, Izmir took it upon herself to craft a few ice sculptures in an attempt to cool the surroundings. Working in tandem with Avos, they erected a small barrier that could generate sufficient cold to counteract the heat. Nevertheless, it didn't have a significant impact beyond a slight reduction in temperature; the climate remained uncomfortably hot.

"I never realized Sandurk would be this hot...I think I am taking for granted that I lived in a moderately warm area of the world. To think there is a place like this to exist..." Renatta lies down on the sofa while fanning herself.

"Agreed...I was so used to having an AC back then and just lazing around doing nothing, I didn't expect to suffer this kind of heat this time around...Maybe it is a punishment for staying lazy while enjoying the cold AC wind?" Alena drinks a bit of water before pouring the water to her face and head which immediately gets dry after getting wet.

All the elves are looking exhausted from the heat while for us, things are fine and we have gotten used to the heat so after feeling the heat for a few hours, we are good to work and do something again. They might recover once we reach the city but until then, they would remain in this position for a few while.

As everyone was relaxing, Father came in and with a big smile on his face, he pointed outside.

"We got a Sand Dragon outside guys! Time to hunt it down!"

When we heard it, every one of us besides the elves came running out. It is one of the bosses that appear in the game but since it only appears randomly, they are not consistently found in the desert. Seeing one walking around would be a good deal for us as this guy not only has a very valuable material to get when defeated, but the meat it has is also quite good as well.

As we rushed in to hunt down the Sand Dragon, before we could reach it, someone suddenly stole our kill and lopped off the monster's head in one single swipe.

I didn't exactly see who it was but the moment that person killed the Sand Dragon, the person rushes straight to us, brandishing a scythe at us.

"Manato! Watch out!" Riko shouted who was just behind my back.

I ready my weapon and meet this person's weapon head-on.

"It's been a few years, boy. How come you didn't even initiate any contact with me?"

I was a bit shocked as I realized who it was.

"Queen Tanya?"

The person before me grinned before she pulled over the hoodie that covers her face. 

"In the flesh!"

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