Urban Most Awesome Dad

Chapter 148 - 148 Adversity Reveals True Feelings_1

Chapter 148 Adversity Reveals True Feelings_1

Brother, I’ll talk, I’ll talk. It was a guy named Cai Xiangdong who called me. He said you seduced his woman and told me to come trouble you, then he’d swoop in to play the hero and save her,” Brother Long couldn’t bear the immense pressure from Xu Fan and began confessing to him.

“Cai Xiangdong?” Xu Fan beckoned Xu Yixue over.

Seeing that the instigator, Brother Long, was already kneeling in front of Xu Fan, Xu Yixue knew there was no longer any danger, so she walked over to Xu Fan’s side with Tongtong and Ye Xiaoning.

“Do you know Cai Xiangdong?” Xu Fan gently asked Xu Yixue.

“Cai Xiangdong? Oh, he’s the guy at the company today who got scared by a sentence from you and clung to the wall, a student who studied abroad; his capabilities are quite good,” Xu Yixue told Xu Fan. She still did not know that Cai Xiangdong, the man who harbored impure intentions towards her, was the mastermind behind everything and, thus, spoke frankly to Xu Fan.

“Capabilities come second; next time you hire someone, put their character first,” Xu Fan remarked calmly to Xu Yixue.

“Xu Fan, what do you mean? Who I hire is an internal matter of my company,” Xu Yixue said to Xu Fan, somewhat adorably clueless.

“Oh? Is having Night Castle come after you also an ‘internal matter’ of your company?” Xu Fan gently prodded.

“What? These people were sent by Cai Xiangdong?” Xu Yixue said with disbelief.

Although Cai Xiangdong seemed to have shown some appreciation for her, Xu Yixue had never imagined that this man, who on the surface was gentle and even seemed like a perfect gentleman, could stoop so low behind the scenes.

Seeing Xu Yixue’s skeptical look, Xu Fan coldly glanced at Brother Long, who was kneeling on the ground, and demanded, “You say it was Cai Xiangdong who found you, where’s the proof?”

“The proof is here.” Brother Long hurriedly pulled out his phone from his pocket, which showed the call log with Cai Xiangdong. There were three calls, all from Cai Xiangdong: from Brother Long drinking at Night Castle to the recent report of Xu Fan’s whereabouts in Tiger Garden.

Xu Yixue glanced at the phone call log that Brother Long had presented, then took out her own phone to look at Cai Xiangdong’s number in her contacts.

At first glance, Xu Yixue’s face turned drastically.

Indeed, it was the same number.

“If you don’t believe it, my subordinates also have a record of WeChat transfers and bank card transactions from him. All you need to do is check at the bank if they’re his, and you can confirm the truth,” Brother Long said, since he had already confessed everything, he now presented all the evidence he could muster to prove his own innocence.

As long as he used Cai Xiangdong as a shield, Brother Long believed this mysterious martial artist would surely turn the spearhead towards Cai Xiangdong, the mastermind behind the scenes, and thus spare him and his group of scapegoats who only acted for money.

“No need, I believe you. I had no idea he was that kind of person,” sighed Xu Yixue. A resolute expression quickly appeared on her face as she said to Ye Xiaoning, “Xiao Ning, call HR right away and strip Cai Xiangdong of all his positions. Have him pack his things and get out of Xinghai Entertainment today.”

“Yixue sister, this beast in human clothing actually came to Night Castle to target us. Just firing him feels too lenient. If you ask me, he must pay the price. We, Yixue sister, are not that easy to bully,” Ye Xiaoning said indignantly.“`

“Xiao Ning, don’t act on impulse. He knows many secrets of our company. If he plays nice after resigning, we still have cards up our sleeve to deal with him. But if he exposes our corporate secrets, then we can use legal means to punish him. For the benefit of the company, we must endure this temporarily,” Xu Yixue said to Ye Xiaoning in a deep voice.

“Alright, I’ll have the HR director prepare a non-compete agreement, and I’ll remind him before he leaves that if he tries any more tricks, we’ll use legal means to throw him in jail,” Ye Xiaoning nodded, took out her phone, and began contacting the company’s executives.

Brother Long, kneeling on the ground, saw the situation and felt his luck might be turning, so he respectfully said to Xu Fan, “Boss, this is all I know. It was truly an accident, and my men have already received their due punishment. I dare to ask you to spare their lives. I, Black Dragon, guarantee that after this incident, we will never offend these two beautiful ladies and the lovely little girl again in Night Castle.”

“You can try to offend us, but weigh how many lives you have first,” Xu Fan said coldly to Brother Long, his eyes shining with a decisively dangerous light.

“Dare not!” Brother Long, upon one glance from Xu Fan’s gaze, instantly felt as if stabbed by needles and lowered his head.

Xu Fan’s words were imbued with too much bloodlust. Even with twenty years of living dangerously, Brother Long was still shaken by the murderous aura in Xu Fan’s speech.

How could this youngster, who looked to be in his early twenties, emanate such a heavy murderous intent? Could it be that he started killing the moment he was born?

“Xu Fan, let’s just let this go, shall we? There are so many people inside now; we don’t want to cause any bad influence,” Xu Yixue whispered into Xu Fan’s ear.

Honestly, Xu Fan’s assertive demeanor had truly shocked her. Although Xu Fan was usually a bit of a stubborn straight man insensitive to emotions, the overbearing presence he just displayed could subdue any woman in the world.

His formidable skills that could send a dozen strong men flying in an instant, his commanding gaze that could make a boss who dominated Zhonghai kneel and beg for mercy—how many men in the world could achieve that?

True gold is tested by fire; true feelings are seen in times of adversity.

If it weren’t for Xu Fan, Xu Yixue would still be unaware that Cai Xiangdong, who always seemed genteel in the company, was actually a crafty and insidious person, who even colluded with Night Castle to harm her.

Yet Xu Fan, the straightforward man who often clashed with her, could crush all these conspiracies and schemes at the critical moment, using his fists to awe the infamous Brother Long of Night Castle in Zhonghai City, making him obediently kneel and beg for mercy.

Xu Yixue felt she had to seriously reflect. The Xu Fan of now was indeed not the same profligate scion he used to be, nor the waste drowning in a drunken stupor in a rented apartment.

The Xu Fan of today seemed like an unfathomable master from another world, always shocking Xu Yixue at the critical moments with something different.

However, his love for his daughter Tongtong was unwavering.

Having such a strong father to accompany Tongtong as she grew up might not be such a bad thing after all, Xu Yixue thought dreamily.

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