Chapter 239 239. COMPROMISE

Surprise filled the insides of Noah's mind, and to his even more pleasant surprise, he felt no pain from that emotion.

Noah struggled to keep his figure on the island and had to result to going on all fours to maintain his balance. He didn't feel ready to test the depths of his seemingly bottomless soul realm.

With his soul core somewhere under his belly, Noah had to struggle to sit but eventually did.

Soon, the sight of a shining yellow figure sitting cross-legged on an island that looked too small for it unfolded. If only someone or something apart from the system could witness that scene.

Noah retained his facial features, but his color remained deep-yellow. The sense of incredible power continued to rage within him, and he understood why his Speed-essence was so potent on his mind whenever he utilized it.

With his soul-core right in the middle of his crossed legs, Noah could easily access it. The storm tried to rebuild itself, but with Noah's figure crunching down on a significant portion of the island, they had to settle for the small space in front of him.

Ignoring the raging storm smashing into his knees, Noah focused his gaze on the still stationary core. Its halves were still being linked with the multicolored strands; that Noah confirmed were raw power, even if they were neither Mana nor Speed-Essence.

Noah's general sitting height stood at about 700ft, making him a proper giant. But that detail wasn't his focus.

Stretching two fingers toward both halves of his corer, Noah felt confident in the temporary power he wielded.

A wave of violent power rushed into Noah's fingers upon contact, but due to the energy that now powered his ethereal structure, the waves of power found it almost impossible to meet each other.


Multicolored mists radiating enough power to wipe out tier 3 cultivators, poured out of Noah's fingers to turn into tendrils of power, stretching towards themselves to continue their battle.

Unfortunately, Noah wouldn't allow non-living masses of energy to outsmart him.

All five of his fingers touched the halves of his soul core, effectively sucking all their power into his figure. It seemed being a part of Noah, caused the power in his soul-core to be attracted to his figure. With him now being able to withstand their might, the raw mass of energy had no choice but to bend to his will.

Taking a deep breath, or what felt like it, Noah shut his eyes to converse with the different ideals causing an imbalance.

Images flooded into his consciousness but didn't manage to hurt him in the slightest. In less than a minute Noah experienced the two sides of his soul core.

The system had been right. Different ideals and memories existed in the two halves, one was as the embodiment of the darkness that was his depression, anger, helplessness, regret, emptiness, blood lust, distrust, insecurity, and emotional pain.

He had experienced them long enough for his soul core to get tainted by those emotions, coupled with the pain he suffered at the hands of the royals, and the death of the blurry person. Noah had to utilize all the mental power currently available to him to not succumb to his darkness.

Heck if not for his timely ejection from those deep insights, his figure had already started to lose its yellow luster, a dark shade beginning to taint its light.

The other half featured his good sides, his curiosity, drive for power, adventurous nature, friendliness, and growing emotional attachment.

Both sides were equally matched which was why they needed his approval to overwhelm the other. But Noah knew he wouldn't do such.

Both parts made him who he was, and taking only one could prove dangerous in the future, The only reason that problem arose was that the darker side of his existence gained a larger amount of experience enough to unsettle the balance that his good nature brought.

Noah felt to gaze at the depths of himself in ways he never thought possible. A deeper understanding of who he was, flowed into his mind, and he couldn't help but remain at a loss of what to do.

'Should I let the brighter part of me regain control,' Noah pondered but found the idea bad. He felt the same way about giving the darker side of his mind control since he didn't want to end up like the masked man; unable to carry on with his life due to his emptiness. And he also didn't want to remain a gullible expert just as he found his earlier life on Cregar. Dumb

Noah understood how unstable he would become if either part of his mind took control, so he tried to settle for a coexistence, just as the system had said

Needless to say, both sides raged at the idea. Unfortunately, all their power was comfortably withstood by Noah.

"When you're done, tell me," Noah declared apathetically. With the lack of almost all his emotions, he was able to think straight without considering what both sides were feeling.

This of course raised the idea of vanquishing his emotions. The idea even began to sound good at some point, but Noah cringed at the thought of being a cold machine-like entity, fully focused on his goal, and would be ready to do anything to achieve it.

"Saying it that way makes it look like a better option," Noah muttered. "But I still disapprove of the idea," he concluded glancing at his now trembling core or cores, seeing as it was split in two.

"You've reached a compromise?" Noah asked his sides. And he couldn't help but feel that their quick decision was based on the fact that he considered purging both sides.

A few seconds of listening to their ideas was all Noah needed to like them. The two sides had agreed on coexisting, but could also be given the chance to take full control. This would of course be at Noah's will.

In essence, he would almost literally be able to flip a switch and change from friendly to outright murder machine in seconds. This would take some time to get used to, but he liked the idea every second he thought about it.

"I'll basically have two split personality who are still me, but simply different moods," Noah pondered. "It'll have its own disadvantages since my opponents will almost be totally capable of seeing through me. But there's no helping it, both sides are currently equally matched, this is the best I can do without losing the advantages both mindsets bring."

Noah soon agreed to the idea, and the entirety of his soul realm trembled at that point. To Noah's calm surprise, his split soul-core began to feed on the Speed Essence inside his structure. And in less than three seconds he had returned to his normal size.

Both halves of his soul core buzzed madly, as the multicolored strands connecting them saw an enlargement. Soon the strands gained enough power to begin pulling on both halves of his core. And immediately their surfaces touched; a blinding explosion of multicolored lights occurred spreading across the entire island. This event however, successfully shattered Noah's ethereal figure, sending him into a deep state of unconsciousness.

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