Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

625 Chapter 623

"You…" The shadowy figure said, surprised once he recognized Leon. "You survived and didn't try to find me? Was that small planet the place you were born? How is it intact?"

Leon frowned for a moment… why the hell that bastard would want to talk with him? Considering that he suddenly also got teleported to an unknown place, he also seemed pretty calm. Regardless, that was a good chance for Leon to understand his enemy a little.

For some reason, the shadowy figure wasn't the mass of darkness like he had seen before. Leon could only see in front of himself a creature that had a massive cloak that covered its body. He was a bit taller than Leon, but he didn't look physically stronger… the shadowy figure was really a mage through and through.

In the blink of an eye, Leon created a replica of himself and made the replica attack using Arrows of Light. It was better to see what he could do using his elemental advantage before anything. Meanwhile, Leon's was recovering his mana using Mana Magnetism.

"I see… you not only managed to survive but also found all the spirits," The shadowy figure said while he was getting hit continuously by Arrows of Light. "You had more potential than I thought."

Leon clicked his tongue but soon recovered himself when he felt shivers. Something was changing around him, but Leon reacted fast enough to cast Anti-Mana Field. Although he didn't say anything, Leon could feel the surprise in the red eyes of that man.

Light magic was useless. Projectiles made of darkness probably wouldn't be any good. So, Leon made his replica attack using Plasma Lances. However, just like before, Leon didn't see any damage being dealt with.

"Just what the hell… no, think about it… something fishy is going on here. The bastard isn't moving or attacking for some reason… he is probably conserving his mana while he tries to understand this place."

Leon knew that the shadowy figure was using a protective layer of darkness, and considering that type of magic had the same properties of dark matter. He wouldn't cause any damage unless the bastard runs out of mana. Leon couldn't tell, but the shadowy figure was probably using Mana Magnetism as well.

"Well, it is like this, then…"

Combining his spells with the max output wasn't possible since Leon couldn't let himself run out of mana, but he still fired Magma Spears while his Fast Conjuration was active. Even though the protective barrier would destroy all the matter, Leon wasn't worried about that… he wanted to prepare something else.

Although the Magma Spears got destroyed, while they existed, the heat caused by them still made space vibrate around the shadowy figure. That was making his vision blur… Meanwhile, Leon concentrated on himself because he was about to do something crazy, and that might kill him.

Fortunately, all that concentration and focus paid off. Suddenly, a massive beam of light fell from the skies and hit the shadowy figure.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Judgement.

Cost: 5000 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Judgement has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Judgement has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Judgement has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

The massive beam of energy made the entire mindscape tremble. Still, Leon knew that something of that level wouldn't be enough to stop that bastard. He just wanted to confirm if the area of effect spells would make him lose more mana to protect himself… Leon confirmed that when the shadowy figure moved toward him.

Leon's speed was severely lacking, but he still managed to follow the shadowy figure with his eyes. It was kind of surprising that a mage would try to approach another mage without using any spell, but he soon used… Black Hole.

The dark sphere of destruction appeared before the shadowy figure, and the bastard wanted to make Leon be sucked by it. That game could be played by two, so Leon thought of using the same. He just needed a single moment to caught the enemy off guard, after all. But in the end, Leon gave up on the idea. He destroyed Sekundez's mindscape by using Spatial Manipulation, and the black holes essentially could suck anything. If something goes wrong, he might end up destroying that mindscape and making Ilyana use all her mana.

After activating Dark Aura, Leon used Teleport and moved to behind the shadowy figure and grabbed his neck. Well, he tried… Leon felt like his hand had just passed by the insides of a ghost since he didn't feel anything.

"Intangibility? Or was that just a normal reaction when dark matter touches dark matter?"

Leon wanted an answer from Shadow, but he couldn't hear one at the moment. In the end, Leon deactivated Dark Aura and activated Light Aura. However, before he could attack, the shadowy figure disappeared… Leon didn't have to see or use Mana Dominion to know that he was behind him. So, at the very moment he understood the shadowy figure used Teleport, he also escaped and hid behind his replica.

"Nice instincts… now you can thank for them," The shadowy figure said, and Leon felt like he was smiling. "Thanks to the time you spent that monster, your instincts improved by leaps and bounds."

Leon's heart was beating like crazy, but that was because he was itching to crush to bits the bastard who made him lose so much time inside a monster while hundreds of years passed on Earth. Meanwhile, the bastard was full of composure… In the end, it looked like elemental attacks wouldn't help Leon all that much. He had two options, but instead of using both at different times, Leon decided to use both simultaneously.

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