Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

599 Chapter 597

Although Leon barely had enough mana to deal with the dragons, he still found some room to play with Mindscape Transportation. It was a pity, but he couldn't summon anything from outside to inside that dimension. If he could, Leon's problems would be solved quite easily. He would just have to transport all his weapons to that dimension, after all.

However, once Leon creates something inside that dimension, he could freely transport that same thing to outside and to inside that dimension. So, it looked like Leon would be able to take something he creates in Sekundez's dimension to reality.

"That is quite impressive... if someone has Sekundez's power and the power to use Mindscape Transportation, doesn't that mean that very same someone can create a perfect environment to train or create powerful weapons?" Leon rubbed his chin.

Although that was indeed the case, Leon soon understood that kind of thing couldn't be so convenient. Most likely, the main weakness of that kind of strategy would be the fact that one wouldn't be able to see what is happening outside that dimension and even if someone's control time, that dimension would be unprotected from attacks.

After doing some tests, Leon confirmed that hypothesis. Instead of going to another imaginary dimension, Leon only retreated his consciousness to that place. His body was still on the island, but his mind was on that mythical dimension.

"I see now... when I use this kind of spell, my real body will be defenseless," Leon nodded to himself. "Even though this skill is convenient, like any other spell, it has several drawbacks."

The easy way to create an environment that would be deadly for the dragons would be to make copies of his mithril spear, but since Leon didn't have nearly enough mana for that, he had to be creative. His first idea had been to summon some of his monsters and grant them the power to use Mana Magnetism and teach them how to produce mithril. But since the time in that dimension only passed while some enemy was there, that wasn't an option.

Although Leon could make time pass ten times faster in that dimension, creating a place was filled with magma, ice, or water wouldn't be enough to kill them either. Leon also thought of creating a replica and making that replica kill the dragons, but since Leon wouldn't be able to keep the spell active for a long time, the replica wouldn't be able to recover energy fast enough.

"No... that might actually work," Leon rubbed his chin. "As long as the replica is as strong as me, the replica will be able to kill the dragons in less than a second. Considering the cost of both skills combined, I will spend twenty-five thousand mana points per second since no matter what, I can only cancel the spells after a second... Anyway, I will be able to cut the cost of mana by half, and I can use the remaining mana to create mithril and give it to my replica."

Some mana will end up being lost along the way, but considering that Leon would be able to assimilate his replica experience and knowledge, it wasn't a bad idea. Without wasting time, Leon put that idea into practice... even though there were some cases where his replica took longer than expected, Leon still managed to cut the mana cost to kill dragons by half. Not only that, once the dragon died and Leon canceled the spell, the corpse would leave the dimension, and Leon could give it to his corrupt mana trees.

"This is a bit of a roundabout way, but for the time being, it is what I can do," Leon nodded to himself.

Another downside of Mindscape Transportation was the fact that Leon had to touch whatever he wanted to transfer to his imaginary dimension. So, thanks to that, he ended up freezing, electrocuting and burning his hands quite a few times. In any case, that was a price he decided to pay in order to have some room to learn new skills.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Fire Dragon Wings.

Cost: 10000 mana and 10000 stamina

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Ice Dragon Wings.

​ Cost: 10000 mana and 10000 stamina

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Water Dragon Wings.

Cost: 10000 mana and 10000 stamina

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Wind Dragon Wings.

Cost: 10000 mana and 10000 stamina

You obtained 01 status points.

"Wow... those skills are insane," Leon said, his eyes were wide open while looking at the massive wings on his back.

Dragons had several skills, but the most powerful offensive skills Leon found were those. Usually, when dragons wanted to deal with troublesome enemies, they used that middle-ranged attack... by creating wings that were as large as their bodies, dragons could slowly kill enemies with an elemental rain or smashed them with a single clap of both wings. Even though Leon wasn't that physically strong, when he replicated those skills, he made the entire dimension tremble. Well, considering the size of that dimension, it wasn't that impressive, but Leon at least could stun any dragon with it for a few precious moments.

"Maybe at the max level, I will be able to smash dragons like mosquitoes using those wings... but it will take quite a while for me to reach that level," Leon scratched the back of his head.

Given the cost of those skills, that was only obvious, but since its use could decimate dozens of enemies, perhaps that wouldn't take so long. Regardless, Leon still had to learn several skills of the dragons, so he didn't have time to waste.

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