Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

568 Chapter 566

In the end, Leon waited for the moment the angels would appear coming out of the sea, but they never came. However, they appeared when the third wave of zombies emerged from the ocean. Although their appearances seemed a lot different since they were now zombies... Leon recognized their wings and clothes.

"I guess the zombies that I faced and will face are the sentient beings that died during the assimilation..." Leon rubbed his chin. "No matter, this time, I made some preparations imagining that."

Leon was leveling up his ice and fire skeletons when the zombies appeared, but even though those could cause a lot of damage, directly and indirectly, he didn't summon others when they died. Instead, Leon summoned the Explosive Cores and Cold Cores. They were so powerful that they could explode, freeze and burn it all of the island and everything in it. It wasn't a friendly-user idea since his own tower was receiving damage from time to time, but Leon's strategy was causing a chain-reaction that wiped all the zombies that were appearing every minute.

"Mmm... it looks like I just needed to cold and two explosive cores to wipe all out the zombies," Leon concluded after watching observing the battlefield below the tower. "I can recover three hundred thousand mana points per minute thanks to Mana Magnetism, so that isn't a problem, and I won't have to worry about a change of plans since the power of my monsters doesn't decrease after hitting hundreds of zombies. I will end up destroying the whole island for good this time, but I can always rebuild it."

Although it was efficient to summon four monsters every minute, things got really dull after that. Since Leon allocated them in four different parts of the island, there was no room for the zombies to get even close to the tower. Regardless, based on his experience, this attack of zombies would last even longer than the previous one, so Leon had to use his time wisely and get stronger while he in case something unexpected happens.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Silent Step.

Cost: 05 mana and 05 stamina per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Leon wondered why as of late, he was testing so many things that looked quite useless for him. Learning Stealth and Silent Step were two of them... Regardless, despite having some similarities, the skills were different from each other. Stealth had similar effects as Mana Concealment. Leon could hide his physical presence with it. Meanwhile, Silent Steps canceled the sound Leon would cause by moving even while he was using skills like Stealth.

"Mmm... maybe if I use all of them at the same time..." Leon rubbed his chin.

Leon used Stealth, Mana Concealment, and Silent Step at the same time, but nothing happened. He had forgotten than Mana Concealment would make him unable to use mana, so he only used Stealth and Silent Step, but again... nothing happened. However, once Leon activated Invisibility...

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Absolute Concealment.

Cost: 100 mana and 100 stamina per second

You obtained 01 status points.

"Even though it has this name, I'm pretty sure Mana Eyes can counter this skill," Leon said. "Erasing the traces of my existence using mana can fool the senses of probably many types of individuals, but not from mages... Regardless, this will have its uses."

The good side of that skill was the fact that Leon could keep himself invisible while attacking. However, considering the cost of such a skill, it would take a long while before he manages to keep it active for more extended periods of time.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Infernal Surge.

Cost: 800 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Fiery Rage.

Cost: 800 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Agony.

Cost: 800 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Ice Typhoon.

Cost: 500 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Frost Strike.

Cost: 600 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

In the end, despite always experimenting with many things, Leon would always return to his magical training without noticing it. Thanks to Mana Eyes and Mana Manipulation, Leon was learning spells really fast, but he still felt like that wasn't nearly enough. Since he already got used to creating massive spells, it couldn't be helped that he felt that was something boring. Leon wanted and needed to be more creative.

"Let's see... creative ways to get stronger..." Leon rubbed his chin. "How about using mana to increase my status permanently? If the bitch who summoned dragons can use them to eat dragon hearts, then I'm sure something like that is possible."

Although Leon concluded that for no reason and without having any proofs, he searched for something similar in Ilyana's vault, as expected, he found nothing... there was no way he would find such a convenient tome ready to be purchased.

"There must be a way..." Leon frowned. "Ilyana managed to replicate the system in a small scare with this tattoo... if she managed to do that, then it is possible to replicate the system that grants us the chance to grow stronger as well. At least on a small scale."

Based on what Leon knew, even though humans couldn't level up, experience and knowledge could make them stronger. The experience of training and fighting would make humans train their skills and obtain status points... Meanwhile, their knowledge could make them learn even more skills after practicing it for a few moments.

"Those are the keys... the problem is how do I make use of them without letting my body absorb the experience and knowledge?" Leon asked. "How do I replicate that kind of thing?"

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