Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

501 Chapter 499

Crik lost all the strength in his body and fell unconscious. Leon threw him on the ground when he confirmed that his mana was empty. He wasn't dead and most likely soon would recover a stupid amount of mana, but Leon didn't care. He wanted to rest for a while.

"What a troublesome fellow... he fell unconscious as if his batteries died," Leon sighed.

"That was a good fight, Leon," Efreet said. "When I recover my powers, our showdown will be much more impressive."

Leon wanted to fight now and then because never-ending training was boring. It was obvious that four years of practice on that island was nowhere near enough to solve his problems, but Leon felt like he had already trained too much for a lifetime.

"What are you going to do with him?" Celsius asked.

"It will depend on his answer," Leon said. "I will ask him if he and his friends will leave and find another place to settle down... Damn Ilyana, making me do this shit job. The next time some job similar to this appear, remember me about this one."

Leon recovered his mithril and started to watch the spaceship using Sharp Eyes. There was no telling what Crik's underlings would do after confirming about his defeat, after all. Regardless, that job had been much more troublesome than Leon had expected, so he felt like his debt toward Ilyana decreased a lot. One or two more small favors should be enough to clear his tab, but first, he had to make sure he wouldn't ask for her help anymore. Leon was working for his own future, for the future of his friends and Earth, but he felt disgusted with himself by forcing the mithril people to look for another planet. Anyone who has mana can live longer, but without a world to call home, it wouldn't be weird if some of them felt like prisoners inside the spaceship.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Celsius' Fragment has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Efreet's Fragment has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Sylph's Fragment has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Gnome's Fragment has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Undine's Fragment has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Summon Volt's Fragment has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Even though Leon was exhausted, he materialized his spirits in order to give him some room to think about some things. They couldn't hear his inner thoughts when they were outside his head, after all. Suddenly, Crik opened his eyes. He woke up a lot sooner than Leon had predicted. He was a tough son of a gun, but Leon already knew that.

"... Why didn't you kill me?" Crik asked.

"I still can kill you, but first, if you are planning to die, you have to tell that in front of your people," Leon answered. "Once you do that, then they won't bother me anymore. I���m sorry to say this, but you guys can't have this world. It already belongs to someone else... and I know that is crazy, so you don't have to say it to me."

"... Do you work for one of the destroyers of planets?" Crik got up and asked.

"I work with someone who says that hunts them," Leon answered. "If that is true or not, I don't know."

"You are suspicious as always," Ilyana said via Telepathy. "Then can have this planet, you can say that to them, but they can't use the purple crystals, if they do, I will wipe them out myself."

"... The hell are you talking about?"

"I said that they can have the planet as long as they obey my conditions. They don't have to use the purple crystals since I will send some of my monsters," Ilyana explained.

"Why would you do that after giving me those orders?"

"I want you to give them a clear warning about what might happen if they don't follow my rules," Ilyana answered. "They know that I'm stronger than you. So they will obey it, they won't lose anything by doing so."

"You made me kill one hundred of them just to give a warning?"

"You wouldn't fight seriously if you knew my goal, so it couldn't be helped," Ilyana said. "Besides, they would lose many more lives if they had invaded my world even by accident."

Leon bit his lips and started to bleed. He had never been a patient person from the very beginning, but that was beyond he could endure. Still, Leon decided to shut up. Ilyana was the one who could make Leon save a lot of time by giving him the locations of the remaining three spirits, after all.

Congratulations! The skill Rage has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Rage has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Rage has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


"... Change of plans, she said that you can have the planet, but if any of you use the purple crystals, she will eradicate your species." Leon said, having a hard time controlling his anger.

"What?" Crik asked, visibly surprised.

"Don't ask me... I don't understand her either," Leon said. "Teleport me back."

The next moment, Leon appeared back on Ilyana's castle. Suddenly, it became much more difficult to control his anger.

"I'm sorry for hiding a few things from you," Ilyana said. "But you needed to be reminded that you are still weak. Could you have defeated Crik without using the mithril of his underlings? The answer is no. If he had attacked soon after their vehicles fell, you would have died. You know that you are still, but it is clear that you need to be reminded of that quite frequently."

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