Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

454 Chapter 452

After giving that warning, Leon disappeared. However, he only returned to fly in the sky again. While he was talking with Gisela, he noticed that she looked far tenser than before. She knew that Leon didn't have any ill intentions, so it was evident that something was off.

"It is impossible that someone might infiltrate Japan our Hector's camp, but there is a chance that someone might have infiltrated Gisela's city. They created that strange tradition for visitors to climb the tower... so someone might have arrived before I fought her and even convinced Gisela to start a war against Yuki and her country."

Congratulations! The skill Sharp Eyes has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Sharp Eyes has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Sharp Eyes has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


Leon didn't have much mana left since he had to fly, but he leveled up that skill a lot while he followed Gisela's army. His goal was to find someone who looked more powerful than her. However, even after several hours, Leon didn't find anyone who was as powerful as Tom, Lennart, or Gisela.

"Did I just imagine things? Maybe Gisela just suppressed her feelings for long and now decided to make them explode..."

Regardless, Leon was running out of time, so he decided to enter in position... One hour later, Leon arrived on the west gate of Japan's territory. As expected, soldiers were moving around and preparing themselves because they already knew about the approach of Gisela and her army. Much to Leon's surprise, Yuki and Ren were already there and quickly approached him.

"Your time is impeccable as always," Yuki frowned. "... May I ask what your goal is this time?"

"I'm going just to observe this battle and make things interesting," Leon said and then started to create a massive arena of earth. "You guys can do whatever you want. I won't stop you or Gisela."

Yuki and Ren looked at Leon with dubious eyes, they were starting to relax a little more around him, but now they couldn't help but be wary of him once again. Leon wondered if he was doing the right thing, it was hard to be sure, but at least he would do his best to avoid meaningless deaths.

It didn't take long before Gisela and her army to arrive on the west gate. They came ready to fight, and they were even shouting while they were flying to raise their spirits. However, they couldn't help but stop when they saw the massive arena Leon created. The arena was in front of the west gate, and the Japanese soldiers were inside their barrier and above the wall hoping for something to happen. The soldiers didn't land, but Gisela, Lennard, and Tom landed on the arena where Leon was.

"… What is this?" Lennar frowned.

"An arena, the perfect place for hot-blooded fools to relieve stress and get rid of their grudges," Leon answered. " To speed up things a little bit, let's make a team battle of ten versus ten. The weapons will be your fists only… neither sides can attack the region below the waist. Kicks aren't also allowed, and-."

"Bahahaha! You are a really funny kid!" Tom laughed loudly. "This is a fascinating idea… but tell me why we should follow your rules?"

"Why do you think the Japanese soldiers didn't do anything to stop me from creating this?" Leon asked.

"No idea… maybe it is because you are their ally," Tom frowned.

"If I were their ally, I would kill you guys, instead of trying to prevent both sides from suffering losses," Leon said. "Do you want to see the real reason?"

"See?" Tom frowned again and got confused when Leon pointed to the sky.

"… What the hell is that?" Lennart turned white when he saw the shadow of Leon's zombie snake.

"That is my pet," Leon answered. "Yuki and her soldiers didn't attack me because of that."

"Ha-ha, that is very funny," Lennart looked viciously at Leon. "There is no way that would…"

That trick was useful as ever after Leon made the zombie snake turn around the earth following the opposite direction.

"That is just an illusion..." Tom said.

"Really? I guess you guys discovered how I tricked Yuki and Ren for several months..." Leon sighed. "We can confirm that, who wants to go with me see that snake up close?"

"What is your goal?" Gisela interrupted Leon,

"My goal for the next few hours is to prevent the death of you and your soldiers," Leon answered. "The same thing applies to Yuki and her army. I'm pretty sure you guys will be able to get rid of your grudges after punching each other for a few hours because I'm pretty sure she didn't cause the death of any of your friends. Did she kill any of you when she chased you guys out of the planet?"

"...No," Gisela answered after a few seconds.

"I get it. You guys can't forgive them. In fact, you don't have to," Leon said. "However, I won't let any of you die here. I have my own personal reasons for that... Besides, you guys and everyone else will have to protect this world from the hands of the true enemies."

"Who are the true enemies?" Gisela frowned.

"I will answer that after I confirm that neither side has too many idiots," Leon said. "Now, who is going to fight first?"

Putting matters of life and death aside, Leon was really looking forward to the battle of Gisela versus Yuki. It would be epic, and everyone nearby agreed with him.

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