Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

425 Chapter 424

Since Leon couldn't use another spell while using Transfer, he wouldn't be able to rely on mithril to solve that problem. To move that monster to another world, Leon also would need a lot of mana, he didn't have enough on his own to do that, but he knew a way to make the spell succeed. It was by creating a massive container of metal and fill it with mana liquid.

"Spells only fail when there is something wrong with it and when the user doesn't have enough mana, so that should work."

Transporting that huge turtle to Ilyana's world wouldn't be possible since she was filling the world as a whole with her elementals. However, he could create the mana liquid there and then move it using the purple crystal. It could transport everything that was touching him, after all.

"That sounds a lot of work, do you want a hand?" Ilyana asked after hearing Leon's plan.

"No, thanks, I can do this myself," Leon answered. "I just need some space around that dungeon in order to cultivate the blue angel leaves."

"Okay, I will leave my elementals out of that region until you succeed in obtaining Celsius' cooperation," Ilyana said. "Still, even though that is different from the one I met, they sure are similar. It is probably because the real spirit must be like that too."

Leon heard something interesting but decided to ignore it since he had a lot of work ahead of him. While Leon was cultivating the blue angel leaves that Ilyana gave him, he also started to create another telescope made of mithril. The chances of both worlds being close were almost zero, so Leon would need another telescope in order to find another world that was close to Celsius' worlds. It would be difficult, but considering how much his Magic Craftmanship and Magic Blacksmith leveled up after creating the spear that killed the galactic snake, it should be possible.

Congratulations! The skill Farming has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Farming has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Farming has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


Leon started with one thousand blue angel leaves, after one month, he finished his telescope and also found the planet that he would transport the giant turtle. However, when he saw, the number of leaves he had was more than fifteen million. To harvest all those leaves, he couldn't even sleep or stop to eat... so, he decided to stop replanting them. Farming leveled up a hundred times, so Leon didn't feel like he worked more than he would receive.

Congratulations! The skill Alchemy has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Alchemy has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Alchemy has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


Two months later and after leveling up alchemy ninety times, Leon opened his eyes widely when he saw Ilyana walking outside her castle. That had been the first time he had seen walking outside the castle, as expected, she was pale like a ghost.

"Who is going to visit you?" Leon asked.

"Why are you always asking that?" Ilyana frowned. "Now and then I walk around this world for a chance of pace, I want to reach my goals, but I'm not a machine... Anyway, I have come to say that you already have enough mana to go to the other world and return."

Surprisingly, Ilyana really left after saying that... she only came to talk to Leon to say that. It was kind of weird, but perhaps many things would become weird once Leon gets as old as her.

While carrying the massive container of mana liquid that was fifty meters tall and twenty wide, Leon returned to that world. Although Leon worried that the cold weather would freeze the mana liquid, that didn't happen, the steel hose that was connected to Leon's body was slowly burning his skin since it was getting pretty cold.

Since Leon was already sick of that cold, Leon touched the giant turtle and used Transfer once he could clearly see the planet in question. Much to Leon's surprise, that had carnivorous plants. A species of monster that he never faced before... but that only meant the big turtle would be able to eat both plants and animals.

Congratulations! The skill Transfer has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Transfer has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

,m Congratulations! The skill Transfer has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.



Health: 7000/7000

Mana: 7000/7000

Stamina: 7000/7000

Strength: 1125

Dexterity: 1356

Speed: 563

Active Skills: Earth Creation Lv 230, Sleep Power Lv 220, Sharp Leaf Lv 200, Stone Bullet Lv 250, Water Creation Lv 230, Water Bullet Lv 250, Refreshing Rain Lv 300

Passive Skills: Wind Resistance Lv 200, Earth Absorption Lv 200, Ice Resistance Lv 300, Water Absorption Lv 200

Putting its weird name aside, it didn't look it was a monster of a planet that was on the third stage of assimilation. However, considering that Leon could kill monsters that were on the fifth stage, given time, he doubted that he could stay there for long.

After a while, Celsius left the cave and looked annoyed at Leon. He just shrugged because he didn't want to have a round mark on his body. Regardless, the climate of that world made Leon recall of Brazil, it was pretty nice, but Celsius seemed uncomfortable.

"Shall we return?" Leon asked.

"No... just wait a few minutes," Celsius said and then observed the massive turtle eating the carnivorous plants and trees at the same time.

Leon didn't want to ask about it, but it was clear that Celsius' temple and the massive turtle were connected in some way. It was impossible that the people of that world created her temple in just a random place, and then eventually, a turtle just grew under such a place.

Regardless, Celsius smiled after seeing the giant turtle full of energy now that had a lot of food... but Leon was quite scared of imagining what would happen if that turtle keeps eating monsters and trees at that impressive rate.

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