Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

392 Chapter 391

While Leon was crossing using his powers alone for the third time the Pacific Ocean, he couldn't help but feel many things. For him, everything started there... Still, that kind of thought disappeared when Leon saw a weird creature resting on his island... the island he spent four years alone.


Health: 15000/20000

Mana: 24000/24000

Stamina: 11000/11000

Strength: 750

​ Dexterity: 1300

Speed: 1500

Active Skills: Water Creation Lv 335, Water Manipulation Lv 325, Water Transformation Lv 320, Water Cannon Lv 360, Cyclone Lv 330, Swim Lv 400

Passive Skills: Wind Resistance Lv 340, Fire Resistance Lv 240, Water Absorption Lv 360, Fire Resistance Lv 280, Thunder Resistance Lv 240, Ice Resistance Lv 300

"What the hell... is the exact same thing I saw in that game..."

Scylla... the monster of Greek mythology. Another woman who was naked on her upper body, she also looked very sexy, and this time wasn't because of an illusion. However, she had three heads of dogs as her upper body, and her legs were tentacles of a massive octopus... it was quite the terrifying sight. Regardless, even though the damn beast was on Leon's property, he decided to ignore it since he didn't have time to waste with monsters.

"No signs of dragons... Are all the dragons under the bastard who summoned them to control Earth? Still... I can't help but feel shivers imagining how powerful they will be once they return..."

A few minutes later, Leon finally found Japan and couldn't help but frown while looking at it. He looked to one side to the other and only saw one hundred meters tall steel walls protecting the entire country. When Leon approached from above, he confirmed that the walls were thirty meters wide... he couldn't imagine megalodons, Scylla, or krakens even damaging that.

"It looks like Yuki is doing well... but if Japan is safe, why America isn't? She said that she would give a hand in case something happens to my family and friends..."

When Leon approached the walls, he felt his mana being drained... no, Anti-Mana Field was being used to keep Leon from being wounded by magic attacks. After moving a few meters backward, Leon's mana stopped decreasing.

"A barrier that causes magical damage to anyone who touches... it looks like the one Donan cast on Miebos. Steel walls and magic barriers... Yuki certainly is cautious. She didn't pass that image to me, though."

Leon could see some patrols walking above the walls, for a second, he thought of talking to them, but then Leon recalled that he was pretty much naked. For some hard to explain reason, the only parts of Leon's clothes that survived the hellish heat of the galactic snake had been the parts that covered his hip. That being said, even that part looked worse than the warriors of Miebos created using three-eyed rats hide. Leon also didn't have time to shave of cut his air, so he looked quite messy. The patrols on the walls would treat him like an enemy or a beggar. Both situations would be very troublesome.

"... Whatever, I will enter Yuki's palace and ask some questions directly to her. I don't have time to deal with her underlings."

Ten minutes later, Leon arrived in Tokyo, and he couldn't help but keep frowning while he moved through the country. The whole place looked to be pretty much fine, Leon found dungeons, but no monsters... there were several and large farms producing crops and even raising cattle. It was like the monsters never appeared in the first place... it was very different from the time Leon crossed the country and only found destruction in some cities.

"I'm happy for the people of this country, but... something is off."

The first time Leon visited Tokyo, it looked like the people decided to revive the old imperial days. But now Leon couldn't see any sign of that time... the streets were filled with light, and several buildings had massive TVs on their walls. Something was being said on those TVs, Leon could see some soldiers, but as expected, he couldn't understand Japanese. It looked like Tokyo had returned to the time before the monsters appeared... which was weird. A lot of time was supposed to have passed since then. The entire country was supposed to have developed much more.

"Well, maybe they didn't have the chance since they still have to worry about monsters, and they probably don't have the numbers to progress beyond that age of technology... or perhaps keep involving their technology would be dangerous."

The only building that skill made Leon recall feudal Japan was the imperial palace. However, the building was much larger and taller than the one in his memories. The current palace was fifty meters tall and five hundred meters long... it was kind of surprising since it was like several buildings had been put together to create that. Regardless, it looked well-made and majestic. It was obvious considering that it was the palace of the empress... or perhaps some descendant.

It was getting dark, so Leon hurried to the main hall where he talked with Makoto several times. Some guards started to shout when they saw him, but Leon ignored them because he couldn't understand their words. Before the guards could draw their swords and run toward Leon, he appeared in the middle of the main hall and saw a fist heading to his face. Before the punch could land, Leon used Transfer again and appeared behind the figure that almost hit him. That was quite surprising since Leon recalled that was a place where the leader of the nation talked with his advisors... it wasn't a place to punch someone.

Leon frowned even more because he saw several men and women lying on the floor, they were bleeding from their noses and if they had been punched there. Before Leon could understand what was going on, the figure that almost hit him turned around and attacked him again. Before the fist could land, Leon used Electric Rope and stopped the attacker... the figure fell on the floor and started to being electrocuted... it was Yuki.

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