Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

390 Chapter 389

Leon couldn't help but frown while he was falling. After using Transfer, Leon appeared in the middle of the atmosphere and now, he couldn't help but wonder if he had gone to the right place... Leon recognized the terrain to some extent, but he couldn't see any decent landmark.

Before Leon could land, he started to fly and confirmed that the zombie snake was still on the place he left. Although he couldn't see it perfectly, Leon could see a massive 'stain' on the sky. It extended from one horizon to the other, after all. Regardless, Leon landed on the gigantic forest and activated Anti-Mana Field. Now that he was finally back, he couldn't leave any bastard to summon or teleport him again.

"I guess I should be fine for the time being... if something happens, I can always grab the mithril spear and drain its mana. Mmm? What is this?"

After taking a few steps, Leon noticed that he was above a pavemented street. There was a thick layer of sand above it, but Leon noticed a curb under his feet. The forest was too dense to confirm that he was indeed at the place once it was Las Vegas, but it wouldn't be long to find any sign of civilization. Even if one thousand years have passed, he was bound to find the remaining buildings and houses.

"Let's see... I can't use any active skill, and my passive skills don't work either. However, it looks like my other status are working... it is like I'm not ordinary human again. I'm just a survivor with pathetic status."

Leon's health and stamina were low, but he would be able to run in case something happens. If the worst comes to worst, he can always cancel Anti-Mana Field for a second and use Transfer.

After Leon started to walk, it didn't take long before he could find a monster. Rather, the beast found him. Suddenly four blocks of earth appeared out nowhere and smashed Leon... Well, only sand hit Leon. The blocks of earth became dust soon after it got one meter away from Leon.

"Tsk... I got too much used to Mana Dominion..."

Leon looked around and didn't find the enemy. He only noticed what had attacked him after he saw a random tree, slightly trembling. Leon didn't think twice and used Plasma Arrow and destroyed the creature completely... it was a trent... a monster tree.

"Oops... I can't use... Mmm?"

Leon frowned when after noticing that he attacked instantly, but he frowned, even more, when Anti-Mana Field was reactivated soon after he cast Plasma Arrow. He cast an Earth Bullet and confirmed that the spell activated soon after Leon attacked... in the brief fraction of a second, the spell deactivated and activated without caring about Leon's will.

"I see... so it works like that. In the end, this is a spell... a mage's tool, a spell that put the mage at risk like that can't exist. Although the spell has its demerits, it has some advantages, too."

That being said, there was a chance that Leon could be summoned or teleported while he attacks. It was probable that Anti-Mana Field would stop both spells, but that only means that only could attack now and then, but he couldn't make use of Fast Conjuration.

While Leon was thinking about that, the entire area started to tremble. No, it wasn't the area... the trees were shaking, and Leon couldn't help but frown when he used Appraisal on them.

Ancient Trent (Earth)

Health: 45000/45000

Mana: 15000/150000

Stamina: 20000/20000

Strength: 2123 +

Dexterity: 1452 +

Speed: 656 +

Active Skills: Earthquake Lv 353, Earth Execution Lv 263, Earth Creation Lv 355, Water Creation Lv 322, Water Cannon Lv 275, Mud Rain Lv 222

Passive Skills: Earth Absorption Lv 313, Water Absorption Lv 309, Meditation Lv 399¸ Deep Slumber Lv 425, Poison Resistance Lv 250, Multiplication Lv 333, Mana Absorption Lv 311, Pain Resistance Lv 396

"Hey, hey... what the hell is going on? A forest of trents? And all of them are stronger than angels?"

Before Leon could think of an explanation, several blocks of earth started to appear around him again and again. Leon could counter Earthquake and save a lot of mana just by flying a little bit, but his mana was quickly decreasing because Anti-Mana Field was countering Earth Execution.

Congratulations! The skill Anti-Mana Field has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Anti-Mana Field has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Anti-Mana Field has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


"Too many enemies, and I am not here to fight..." Leon flew high and escaped from the monsters' reach, but their attacks didn't stop even after he was three hundred meters above them. "I have to look for any traces of Amanda's house, but... if there is a horde of monsters here, then I won't find anything."

Leon bit his lips... Las Vegas was no more. Although it was crazy, it looked like Earth became greener thanks to those trents. They were more robust than the ordinary angels, so it wouldn't be weird if that were on the fourth stage of assimilation. The angels were the strongest monsters on Celosie and Dasaliv, after all.

"I have to see how things are in New York... I should be able to collect some good pieces of information there."

Leon could only hope that Sarah and Tom were still there, but considering that at least two hundred years have passed on Earth since he disappeared, it was very unlikely that they were still the leaders... Regardless, Leon didn't have any other option, and he used Transfer toward New York while his lips were leaving a trail of blood behind.

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