Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

349 Chapter 348

Although Leon wanted to create one heck of a weapon using the spirits of the six angels, he wouldn't bet everything for that. Leon was too close, and he wouldn't be able to dodge another one of those beams of light. So, before the enemy could recover, Leon used Sword of Light several times and hit Adellum's head... which he was trying to decrease the pain by pulling the flesh that was being consumed by the plasma... it was quite a horror scene, so Leon couldn't help but wonder if he hadn't gone a bit too far.

"You! You!" Adellum shouted while he was trying to suppress the pain. " I WILL KILL YOU!"

Before he could get the chance to try, Leon attacked, again and again, using the Sword of Light. His attacks would be more potent if he combines them with Fast-Conjuration, but Leon didn't want to give time for Adellum to recover. Leon also tried to freeze him in a massive layer of ice but failed. Adellum was trembling so violently that not even level 121 Ice Beam could freeze him. Leon also tried to lock in the sphere of steel, but it didn't work.

"Tsk… just die already," Leon said.

Suddenly, Adellum stopped ripping off the flesh of his face with his hands, and then tried to look around but saw nothing... his eyes and most of his face had been destroyed. Leon could see muscles and bones... Despite that, he managed to find where Leon was, probably using the direction his attacks were coming from, or a similar skill to Mana Dominion. Regardless, Adellum opened his mouth, and Leon felt shivers.

"Crap!" Leon used Transfer while at the same time tried to fly away from his position.

Congratulations! The skill Fear Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Pain Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Fear Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Pain Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


"Ugh..." Leon moaned in pain

Leon only escaped for a fraction of a second, despite that, he didn't escape unscathed... He had lost his right arm because his Mana Armor wasn't activated, but in the end, that worked for him, because if Mana Armor blocked that attack, he wouldn't have mana to use Transfer.

Adellum had a lot of mana. He shot three more of those energy beams before he finally stopped. He was exhausted, despite that, he tried to look for Leon, but he failed... since he couldn't concentrate on using his mana to do that. Adellum tried to use Heal, but only that wouldn't heal his wounds... instead, Heal didn't make him regenerate a single cell.

"The power of the combined elements is fearsome... I should end this quick."

It was hard to know, but since plasma seemed to be the result of several elements, the body of the user couldn't counter that kind of attack with any resistance. So, it was a skill that basically ignored all elemental resistances... possibly, that kind of attack had perhaps even more potential than light magic.

While Adellum was busy trying to find the person who caused him so many problems, Leon was creating a hundred meters long hammer made of earth. Transforming everything into steel would take too much mana, and Leon couldn't waste much more time. So, he smashed Adellum's head and sent him downward. When Adellum fell, another massive wave of dust spread around, and even from that high in the sky, he heard the sound of the impact.

On the center of 1.5 kilometer-long crater, Leon found Adellum's body... he was still alive, but unconscious. He didn't lose a single body part, unlike Malahk.

"What a terrific vitality..."

To avoid any unpleasant surprises, Leon used his spirit to upgrade the sword he obtained after defeating Malahk, and he also grabbed Adellum's hammer.

Holy Hammer

It grants you the skills: Prison of Light Lv 250. Strength + 250, Endurance + 250, Mentality + 250

Cost: 500 mana

Holy Sword (Light) (+1)

It grants you the skills: Sword of Light Lv 363. Strength + 275, Endurance + 275, Dexterity + 275

Cost: 500 mana.

"Phew... I'm tired of this..."

Leon used Mana-Eater until he had enough mana, and then he used Full-Recover. The number of enemies decreased from thirteen to ten... but he was already sick of that. Although he was getting stronger and obtaining powerful weapons, his objective wasn't that. He could reach home faster doing different things, instead of fighting to the death. However, the remaining enemies, despite their age, seemed the type who couldn't forget their grudges. So, ignoring them wasn't an option.

"If it worked once, it will work twice…"

Leon prepared several mithril spears and filled their hollow parts with plasma. That way, he would be able to surprise everyone who was still alive… probably. It took Leon a few hours to collect enough mana from the magic circle, but he eventually finished his work.

Since he wasn't in a hurry and he would profit more if both angels and harvesters kill themselves, Leon took his time to return to the battlefield. Much to Leon's surprise, before he could even see the battlefield, he was welcomed by several massive beams of light… for a hidden technique, the angels sure were using that quite frequently.

"I should have approached using an underground route…"

It was a bit too late for that, but at least the attacks came from the horizon, and thanks to their sizes, Leon noticed their approach before it was too late. However, Leon couldn't help but frown when he saw the four remaining angels flying at him, and the harvesters were nowhere to be seen.

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