Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 19: Fight!

Chapter 19: Fight!

It took another hour or so before Lizzy and Maria finally met up with Milly, Amanda, and her brother, Zack.

Maria was flying around in the air happily, but she didn't dare stray out of the village's airspace. While she was looking around, Maria was able to spot the familiar faces of her two other friends from afar.

She quickly landed near Lizzy who was reading something on Unitale's forum window.

"Hey Liz, I saw Milly and the rest just now!"

"Oh? It's about time! Where are they?"

"They're still a distance away from the village, shall we go meet up with them?"

"Sure, let's go!" Lizzy closed the window she was reading and stood up.

"By the way, Mary...can you pick up someone and fly with them?"

"Huh? Well...I'm not sure, never tried it!"

"Let's try it now! We'll surprise them!"

"Hihihi~ okay!"

Maria got behind Lizzy and placed her arms around her friend. She then spread her wings and took off.

She started off wobbling and flying unsteadily in the air, but thankfully it was possible to do so the two didn't comically plummet into the ground. Maria soon got the hang of it and the two flew away from the village.

"Lizzy, look over there! That's them!"

"Yeah, I see them...but why're they running?"

"There are people chasing them!"

The two girls in the air saw their friends being pursued by a group of 10 players! They all had a red name above their heads just like Maria's.

In the light faction, having a red name was a little detrimental. You'd be chased by the NPC guards if you entered a town or city and be sent to jail if they ever caught you. In the dark faction, things were a little bit more lenient. As long as your PK count didn't exceed a certain amount, everything was still okay.

Only rare exceptions like Maria who had a rare class were exempt from this. It didn't matter how much Maria killed, the NPCs wouldn't do anything nor would they even dare to do anything.

She was the Envoy of the Dark God. If people were to mess with her, then they'd be offending the entire Dark God Temple. Of course, the girl in question didn't know this at all.

"We should go help them Liz!"

"You got that right! So these bastards were the reason why Milly and the rest took so long!"


Maria sped up and arrived in the air just above her friends.

"Mary, you can let me down now!"


"Don't worry, I've got wings too y'know! I may not be able to fly with them like you just yet, but I can still glide!"


"You smash down with [Calamity Cleave]! Try to affect as much of the players as you can with the stun!"


Maria let go of her friend and Lizzy immediately spread her draconic wings. Just like she said, Lizzy began gliding down to the ground in a large spiral. After making sure that her friend was indeed okay, Maria found the area where the players were grouped up the most and she plummeted down from the air with her axe glowing.

On the ground, Milly, Amanda, and Zack had already noticed the two people in the skies. They were a little too small to make out from that height, but when they saw them split into 2 with one of them gliding down slowly just above them and the other falling like a meteor on the players chasing them, they could finally make out who they were.

"It's Liz and Mary!" Milly exclaimed in surprise.

"W-wait! Isn't Mary going over to those PKs?!" Amanda yelled in shock and the only boy in the group quickly stopped and rushed back.

"We gotta help her Sis!"

With Zack already rushing back, the two girls immediately stopped and turned around as well. Even if they were going to die today, they wouldn't leave their friend behind!

"Heee~eey wait up guys!"

"Hurry it up Liz! Mary's in trouble!" Milly called out.

"Aahh, don't worry about her! Look!"





Screams and roars of confusion and panic sounded out from the players pursuing Milly and her party. Milly and the rest immediately noticed the confusing yet absurd scene playing out in front of them.

They saw a black winged Angel constantly rising up in the air and cleaving down with a large demonic axe on the players that were pursuing them.

It was incredulous how the girl was just single-mindedly smashing onto one person and ignoring everyone else around her. She even let the attacks land on her, but it was incredible to see the black feathers shooting out of her wings in a counter to the attacks that landed on her.

"Th-that's Mary?! What is she a porcupine?!"

"Ahahaha~ pretty strong right? Let's hurry though. Her HP won't last if she battles so recklessly like that! I didn't teach her how to dodge or evade any attacks yet!"

"Does she even need to do that?!"

Lizzy and the rest quickly jumped into the fray. With Maria rampaging around the battle field it became easy for them to pick off the red-name players one by one.

The initial confusion that Maria had caused had totally ruined the PK party's coordination. All they were doing now were trying to attack Maria and desperately trying to avoid the black feathers that shot out of her wings.

It didn't take long before the entire party of pursuing players was wiped out.

[256,728 exp gained]

Their levels all ranged between levels 10 to 18, but funnily enough, they couldn't even take down Maria who was still only a level 7 player.

"Milly, everyone, I'm glad you're all safe~"

She walked over while dragging her bloody, demonic axe behind her which left deep gouges on the ground. The rest saw this and could confirm that the weapon was most likely absurdly heavy, but this girl in front of them had been swinging that thing around like it was a twig!

"Haha~ we can finally see our cutie in-game! But you sure are absurd! Swinging that heavy thing around and PKing so many people like it was nothing!" Milly said as she grabbed onto her friend's arm. She then began curiously stroking Maria's black wings in the next instant.

"Wow! They're so soft!"

"Hihi~ that tickles!"

Milly was a small dwarven girl about 130 centimeters tall with auburn colored cropped hair. She wanted to play as a knight and a blacksmith so this suited her well.

"Mary, good job out there...let me heal yoeh, what? You're already full!" Amanda walked over with the intention to heal her friend, but for some reason the girl's HP and MP bar were already full. It was only until Lizzy told her about the passive skill that Maria's weapon had that Amanda finally understood.

"Hey, Zacky~ you're playing too!" Maria said happily as she looked at the only boy in their group.

"Ehehe~ big sis Amanda and big sis Milly forced me to play with them."

Amanda and Zack were both elves. Amanda was a tall elf with light green hair and she played as a druid, a hidden class of the priestess branch that was exclusive to the demi-human races of the light faction. Zack was a short elf around 160 centimeters with similar colored hair as her sister. He had a pair of daggers strapped to the back of his waist and a small crossbow strapped on his right arm. It was obvious that the class he was playing was the thief class.

"Heh! Who forced you? When you heard that your big sis Mary was going to be playing, you practically begged Mom and Dad to buy you the FD gear!" Amanda immediately exposed her little brother.

The boy had a small crush on Maria ever since he was still a child. Maria would sometimes come over to play when they were still younger and Zack was always attached to her waist whenever she came over.

"W-what're you saying sis?! You guys obviously forced me!"

"Hmph~ we both know whether or not that's true! Back me up here Milly!"

"Uwaaahhh...sho shoft...hrrmmmphhh..."

The dwarven girl was currently being wrapped up in one of Maria's wings at her request. She was just standing there enjoying the warm fluffiness of her friend's wings.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's stop playing around and do what we came here to do!"

"Oh, right!"

"Lemme add you 3 to the party!"

Lizzy sent a friend request to Milly, Amanda, and Zack before adding them to the party. The 3 also sent friend requests to Maria, to which she naturally accepted.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I have a quest to do in the neutral territory and I can share it with you guys!"

"A quest? Lemme see, lemme see!" Milly said excitedly.

Maria quickly opened up her [Quest] window and shared the quest she got from High Priestess Hella.

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