Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 93 Unexpected Request (2)

Chapter 93 – Unexpected Request (2)

“But you shouldn’t take the risk to be in danger yourself.” Riftan told Max.

“Oh, my God! Where the hell is this place full of danger? Because you’re afraid your wife might be stabbed to death with a quill pen?” Ruth told Riftan, his cold sarcasm was clearly apparent.

“You often cause explosions and fires! Why are you doing this here when you have the tower in the first place? What if this room will be caught in fire too!” Riftan snapped back.

“What we’re making now is a defensive magic tool. There’s no chance of an explosion or a fire! I could swear it on my ancestors. Even if there’s a problem, at best, the library will be safe.” Ruth steadily replied.

Riftan twisted his lips at distrust at Ruth’s words.

The fact that there was no more reason Riftan could give to oppose the wizard seemed to have fueled his irritation.

Looking around them, Max carefully pulled the hem of Riftan’s clothes away from the front of the desk.

She knew well when to recognize two hunting dogs fighting, she had to keep them apart first.

“Don’t be a-angry... Ruth... says it’s safe.” Max told Riftan aiming to ease out his irritation.

“I’m not angry,” Riftan whispered back to her and finally gave her a sigh as if admitting that he had lost. “I’m just worried.”

“Okay. If you really want to help, help him. But not too much. And Ruth, never think of getting her into a dangerous experiment or you will answer to me.” Riftan gave Ruth a meaningful warning as he glared at the wizard.

“What the hell do you think of me?” Ruth answered back in disbelief.

“Anyway, that’s enough for today. I’ll take her with me, so work hard on your own.” Riftan announced and led her toward the door. Ruth rose urgently from his seat as if surprised by Riftan’s abrupt actions.

Suddenly, Max felt a tug on her arm and noticed that Riftan had pulled her arm towards him. It was strange that she didn’t feel scared when such a big man was dragging her away in a state of anger.

She used to be so scared when he frowned at her. Now she wonders how her perception of him has changed. She felt anxious of course by seeing the surge of displeasure painted on his face, but she also felt at ease knowing that he won’t harm her.

“W-where are you going, and without your armor?” Max asked Riftan as they were retreating away from the library.

“I’m taking a day off. I should have some time to refresh myself.” Riftan answered back, stopping on his tracks.

Max opened her eyes wide at the unexpected remark from her husband. She sensed that Ruth seemed surprised, too. It was very rare for Riftan Calypse to declare that he would rest.

“W-what are you going to do about the disposal of the intruders?” Max asked again.

“I’ve already sent a messenger of Libadon. I’ll release the prisoners as soon as the compensation arrives. Until then, don’t let them die in a dungeon.”

“What if Libadon says they won’t send any compensation?” Ruth suddenly asked.

“That’s when I will cut their throat....” Riftan answered. He uttered those hideous words casually as he looked at Max’s face.

Then, he waved his hand at Ruth silently if prodding him to speak some more but Ruth did not say a word.

“At that time I’ll go and fix it.” Riftan declared.

“All right. You’ve had a hard time for a while, so take your time today or so.” Ruth finally said.

Riftan snapped back. “Thank you very much.”

Riftan then led Max to the entrance. Meanwhile, Max gave Ruth a nod over her shoulders and followed Riftan out of the library where bright sunlight was already blazing through the windows in the hallway.

Riftan glanced out of the newly changed windows and then looked back at Max with his eyes shining.

“You’ll have to fully dress to go out. It’s sunny, but the wind is quite cold.” He told her.

“W-where are we go-going?” Max asked.

Riftan began to beam with excitement.”You’ve got your own horse now. You’ll ride on it before it gets colder. I’ll show you a good place to ride.”

Max opened her mouth and stared at him blankly. She was surprised and pleased that he was trying to spend time with her outside their bedroom.

“A-are you not t-tired? Would you’d r-rather take a r-rest in the ro-room..” Max began to protest but was cut off.

“I’m not an old man, Maxi. I’m not that frail to be always needing some bed rest. If I had to spend some time in the bedroom....” Riftan did not continue what he was going to say.

Max held her breath in seeing the heat that was glimmering in Riftan’s black pupils. At a glance she sensed what the intense gaze he had given her meant. His face glowed as if it had been caught in fire in a flash.

He smiled lightly as he hugged her, his head bowed down towards her fluidly.

“It’s very tempting, but I’m going out into the fields today. I’d like to take you and stroll through my land.” He told her instead.

They stopped by their room to change into some riding apparel, and Max then followed Riftan into the stable.

With the help of the stableman, Riftan took out the beautiful white steed that had become her own since yesterday. Max’s horse was followed by Riftan’s own giant warhorse. On her way to Anatol, she at once recognized that the horse was carried by Riftan.

Riftan stroked the horse’s neck with an affectionate touch.

“You’ve been on this one, haven’t you? It’s Talon. It’s perfect except for its nasty temper.” He told Max.

Max inquisitively asked, “Do you like that horse?”

“I like it. My dream was to have my own horse ever since I was ten. And this is the best horse I’ve ever had.”

When Riftan rubbed his face against Talon’s nose, a sudden sharp jealousy shot up inside of Max.

Max was embarrassed by herself and turned away. According to the teachings of the Church, nothing was as ugly as a jealous woman. But now she was envious of a mere animal, not of any other woman.

“Did you give this horse a name?” Riftan asked her, as he came closer towards her back.

Trying to get her feelings together. She hurriedly straightened her face and shook her head.

“N-not yet.” She answered.

“Well, you have to make one. You have to call its name often for it to be able to follow you nicely,” Riftan informed her.

“W-what name w-would you like?”

“It’s your horse, so you have to name it.”

After much thought, Max spat out a word that came to her mind.


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