Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 131: Countdown (7), Aleron's Declaration

Chapter 131: Countdown (7), Aleron's Declaration

Yueha clashed against Amelia as both began testing the waters with small clashes first.

Meanwhile, Mei fought against Kaza and Enorin targetted Rofus.

The enemy had Primeval-rank weapons and armor, but Yue, Mei, and Eno had even better armor and weapons!

Aleron sitting on the public square also attracted everyone's attention, and soon, the holy pope arrived with a bunch of holy knights.

While others were fighting above, he also had some work to do as his eyes glinted, judging every single soul in the city.

"Why are you doing this? They are the holy warriors who have protected us and are essential in the coming war," the Holy Pope said as he arrived before Aleron.

Seeing the fat black skull mark on the holy pope's head, Aleron snapped and almost killed him, but he held back. 'I can't attack these pieces of trash myself.'

He sent his consciousness inside Eldertide Archipelago to bring out someone. 'Someone scary.'

Meanwhile, the Pope continued to pop out shit from his mouth, "Heretic! You already killed many people in Nailzim City. Are you going to do the same here?"

"Because of you, the demons will invade us and enslave us!"

The majority of the public here was obviously favoring the holy pope as they joined in.

Holy Pope also needed the public to prosecute Aleron because if not, he would also die eventually and he feared that.

'From what we have discovered so far, he cares about good people. He also looks like a kid, so we need to mentally overwhelm him. In any case, we have to do something to stop his rampage or I am dead.'

He looked up and saw the clashes happening in the sky, 'The formation will be ready to activate in one minute as well. They just need to hold on for one minute.'

"Do you think are God?! Our goddess is Elysia, who has constantly saved us from great perils! If you really think you are good, then why don't you go and kill demons?!"

"That's right. You can't just kill people!" Someone from the crowd shouted. 'Damn, if he can really see the sins, then won't I be caught for the girl I raped?'

"You are a demon! How can you kill so many people?! I will fight you to death if you want to bring such despair to our city!" A woman shouted, with an obvious desperate glint in her eyes.

The summoned heroes also spoke up, but only those who had sinned a lot. They were average people in their previous worlds, but drunk in power, many of them fulfilled their dark desires, not even sparing innocents.

People started speaking up, but unironically, those people were the ones who knew that they would get punished just like they saw in the video of Nailzim City.

Suddenly, everyone saw a giant fish four meters tall and two meters long appearing above Aleron, looking as if it was straight out of a horror fantasy with its scary body littered with multiple eyes and a fishing hook bulb emerged from its back and stretching two meters ahead of its head.


It loudly screeched, forcing everyone to shut up as they covered their ears.

"Yap, yap, yap," Aleron annoyingly said as he particularly eyed the ones who were speaking as they had red and black marks over their heads. "You pieces of trash need to die."

"Insanguish, target the ones with red and black marks, and show them the worst of horrors without holding back."

Insaguish the Angler Fish's tens of eyes glinted, using its specialty of illusion and darkness powers on the targetted people as they immediately started screaming while rolling on the floor.

Aleron snapped his finger and muted them by covering them in a barrier, rendering their screams silent.

In an instant, fear enveloped everyone and nobody dared to speak, not even the Pope.

"Good, now listen to me," Aleron uttered as he looked at the pope, whom he specifically excluded.

"The person you call holy pope is an utter piece of trash who exploits holy maidens after rendering them unconscious during prayers. Why else do you think the prayers last for 2 hours and nobody else but him is allowed with the maidens?"

Aleron had already started reading the holy pope's memories, so he knew everything.

"W-what are you saying!? How dare you accuse me of such sins?!"

"Shut up," Aleron glared at him and covered him in a barrier, muting him.

He looked around and saw that no kids were present around. This city's part was bustling with powerhouses due to the market and training zones, and the residency area was in the other part.

"D-Do you have proof?" a woman hesitantly asked. "My daughter, she is one of the holy maidens...I.."

She didn't want to believe it!

"I have proof as well," Aleron sighed before he looked at the woman. "I can read memories of people if I want and I did just that on this garbage. Everyone I have killed and punished deserves it."

Aleron waved his hand and showed a screen displaying the prayer hall with tens of maidens sitting in rows and the holy pope standing in front of them.

At first, it was about the prayers, but the holy maidens started to get dizzy and soon lost their consciousnesses.

Gasps of shock rang out from the public as they saw that.

Afterward, the holy pope walked towards the holy maidens while skipping steps and with a nasty grin on his face, causing people to tremble as they saw it.

Someone even vomited before cursing out loud, "This bastard! I used to worship him!"

Aleron paused when the holy pope approached a girl who was in her late teens, his fist tightly


"I don't need to show more," Aleron waved his hand as the screen vanished.

He stood up and floated up to overlook the people and let all people, both near and far, look at him.

"I don't need your consent. I don't need your validation. I don't need to hear your opinions," Aleron's eyes overlooked thousands of people while his voice spread throughout the whole city as millions of people heard him.

An avatar also sprang up from him, stretching a hundred meters tall so that everyone in the city could see him.

"I have adopted this world and I am the ruler of it. There's no need for any goddess or god because there is me."

"And my rule is simple," Aleron's eyes brilliantly sparkled, "Be good and spread goodness. I know it's hard when conflicts happen, but reach an understanding and solution instead of giving into darkness and crossing lines."

Aleron narrowed his eyes, "The moment you give in to the darkness and spread suffering to innocents...is the moment you will end at my hands."

"So I am telling you again. I don't care about your consent, I don't need your validation, and I'm not interested in your opinions regarding my judgment."

"If you have done nothing bad and crossed no lines, you don't have to fear me. But if you do fear me..." Aleron's eyes glinted coldly as he marked all the people in the city as the map

painted red with marks. "Then know that your end is nigh."

In the next moment, Aleron spewed out Xorgs and commanded them to capture all people he had marked red and black.

[Gachapi: Master, I have created enough serums to create 20,000 Xorgs more.]

'Good. We are going to spread them through the continent first and make sure I don't have to

worry while I fight the Demon Lord. Now that I can cover the entire Ardentia planet with my Monitor Dome, I can send Xorgs anywhere I wish.'

As the Xorgs began working to cull the bad weed, he looked up at the battle occurring above as it was finally entering the serious phase.

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